Workstream #3 - DNS SSR
Mandate: The group will be responsible for reviewing ICANNs role in the broader security of the DNS and unique identifiers system, including its role in mitigating threats to the DNS and other unique identities it coordinates.
Work plan: The work plan for this workstream is incorporated into the SSR2 Review Team work plan. View the SSR2 Review Team work plan to see the key areas for research and discussion and related milestones to be achieved during the review process.
Workstream Documents - available here.
The information below is archived:
- Alain Patrick Aina
- Denise Michel
- Jabhera Matogoro
- Ram Krishna Pariyar
- Mohamad Amin Hasbini
- Eric Osterweil
- Boban Krsic
- Žarko Kecić
Mandate: The group will be responsible for reviewing ICANNs role in the broader security of the DNS and unique identifiers system, including its role in mitigating threats to the DNS and other unique identities it coordinates.
Email Archives: HERE
Conference calls:Workstream Documents
Date | Document (Versions in Red are latest) | File |
Working document | SSR2 Work Plan (including Work Stream Work Plan) | Wiki page |
Working document | Security and Stability of the DNS Topics | Google doc (RT access only) Word doc (last posted 29 Oct 2018) |
14 August 2017 | Questions for Kim Davies | doc |
This section is under maintenance.
Date | Decision |
| Team decided to suspend future calls until discussion with Kim Davies is scheduled. |
| Subgroup reached decision that Geoff is rapporteur |