2021-09-01 Registration Data Policy Implementation IRT Meeting
2021-09-01 Registration Data Policy Implementation IRT Meeting
The meeting of the Registration Data Policy Implementation IRT is scheduled for Wednesday, 01 September 2021 at 17:00 UTC for 90 minutes.
- Welcome and Check in
- ICANN72 news: session being scheduled for Wednesday, 27 October 16-17 UTC
- Continue discussion on EPDP Phase 2 Priority 2 Recommendations
- IRT Task 163 - Review EPDP Phase 2 Priority 2 Rec 19 draft Policy Language on Privacy Proxy Service (20210823)
- Section 10.3.4: Accept addition of "Accredited"
- Implementation Note F. Add "Affiliated is defined in the RAA Section 1.3 and further explained in Section 1.7" (IRT Task 167)
- IRT Task 163 - Review EPDP Phase 2 Priority 2 Rec 19 draft Policy Language on Privacy Proxy Service (20210823)
- IRT Task 164 - Review EPDP Phase 2 Priority 2 Rec 20 draft Policy Language on Registrant City Field (20210814)
- Section Delete "Registrant City" from MUST redact requirement
- Section Add Registry Operator and Registrar MAY redact Registrant City data element value in the RDDS output
- IRT Task 165 - Review EPDP Phase 2 Priority 2 Rec 21 draft Policy Language on Retention (20210814)
- Review Non-exhaustive list of examples not covered by the TDRP
- IRT Comments on OneDoc Section 13
- OneDoc
- IRT Task 166 - New text added to OneDoc Background for EPDP Phase 2 Priority 2 Recommendations (20210823)
- Use of “other” in implementation notes A
- IRT Task 155 - Deletion of implementation notes B.c discuss (20210706)
- Text from section 7.6 moved to implementation notes C.c
- IRT Task 162 - Review OneDoc section 11.5 and 11.6 regarding disclosure requests (20210723) - Resume discussion on 11.6
- Drafting Errors - IRT Task 143 (20210407)
- #3 - Adding rationale to clarify that if registrar doesn’t generate and expiration date, they understand that the registry’s expiration date may be used
- #5 - Adding original language on data element in 5.
- IRT Task 150 - #8 - Tech Email MUST IF (20210503)
- IRT comment section 8.3