2021-06-14 Registration Data Policy Implementation IRT Meeting-ICANN71
2021-06-14 Registration Data Policy Implementation IRT Meeting-ICANN71
The meeting of the Registration Data Policy Implementation IRT is scheduled for Monday, 14 June 2021 at 14:30 UTC for 60 minutes.
- Team check in
- Project Overview
- IRT Membership
- Status Map
- RedDocs
- UDRP Rules
- Section 4.b: "shall" vs. "must"
- UDRP Rules
- OneDoc
- Finishing conversation regarding notes at the bottom of section 9
- Section 9.4.13 - Registry Registrant ID
- Changes to paragraph at bottom of section 10.1: “shown” > “returned”
- Changes to section 10.3
- Review of language in section 11
- Proposed language for acknowledge and response time frames
- IRT Task 153 - Review Disclosure Recommendation and Requirement logic on IRT workbook
- Definition of business days
- IRT comment in section 12.1.3
- Section 12.1.3
- IRT Comment
- Minor language change from “registrant” to “registered name holder”
- Addition of “Registration Data” to section 13
- Use of “other” in implementation notes A
- Text from section 7.6 moved to implementation notes C.c
- Drafting Errors - IRT Task 143
- #3 - Adding footnote to clarify that if registrar doesn’t generate and expiration date, they understand that the registry’s expiration date may be used
- #5 - Adding original language on data element in 5.
- IRT Task 150 - #8 - Tech Email MUST IF
- Roger comment section 8.3
- Public Q&A