2021-06-02 Registration Data Policy Implementation IRT Meeting
2021-06-02 Registration Data Policy Implementation IRT Meeting
The meeting of the Registration Data Policy Implementation IRT is scheduled for Wednesday, 02 June 2021 at 17:00 UTC for 90 minutes.
- Checkin
- Welcome and happy birthday!
- IRT Membership charts now available on the IRT workbook
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1r8yMMEFIFS-KHGMsnLdVbdn0O_GWhf7vNLlNIZYP47U/edit#gid=911379418
- ICANN71 IRT session schedule
- RedDocs
- Review Redline - Transfer Dispute Resolution Policy (TDRP)
- Section 3 Dispute Procedures 3.1.4.xii.b
- Review Redline - Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) Rules
- Section 2 Communications a.i
- Review of box with clean language
- Section 2 Communications a.ii.A
- Deletion of "administrative"
- Proposal to delete “billing contact”
- Section 2 Communications a.iii.b
- Reference change from 5(b)(iii) to 5(c)(iii): “(see Paragraphs 3(b)(iii) and 5(c
- Reference change from 5(b)(iii) to 5(c)(iii): “(see Paragraphs 3(b)(iii) and 5(c
- Section 3 The Complaint b.v
- Removal of “Registered Name Holder”
- Section 19 Fees
- Update reference to replace “5” with “6": "See Paragraph 6
- Update reference to replace “5” with “6": "See Paragraph 6
- Section 2 Communications a.i
- IRT Task 144 - Review Redline - Uniform Rapid Suspension System Rules - finish review from 20210519 meeting
- 2 Communications a.i
- 3 The Complaint b.iii
- Revisiting this section after assigned IRT review
- IRT Task 145 - Review Redline - URS High Level Technical Requirements - new changes 20210501
- IRT Task 146 - Review Redline - Uniform Rapid Suspension System Procedure - new changes 20210501
- IRT Task 147 - Review Redline - Transfer Dispute Resolution Policy - new changes 20210502
- IRT Task 151 - Revised ICANN Procedure For Handling WHOIS Conflicts with Privacy Law
- OneDoc
- Section 1. Describe instead of Define
- Section 3.5. Add "registration data"
- Section 3.9. "Lawful" added per IRT suggestion
- Section 7.6 deletion and additional language of example move to implementation notes
- Implementation Notes B - update link for DNSSEC
- Implementation notes E.b - word changes improved reading
- Section 9. Notes at bottom by Alex
- Section 9.4.13 Registry Registrant ID - drafting error?
- Section 10.1 IRT Task 152 - "For data elements where no data ..." suggested new language
- Section 10.3 several word changes
- Section 11. Disclosure Requests - IRT Task 153
- Section 12.1.1 - close IRT comment
- Section 12.1.3 change from “registrant” to “registered name holder”
- Section 13 - change from data to registration data
- Drafting Errors - IRT Task 143
- #3 - Adding footnote to clarify that if registrar doesn’t generate and expiration date, they understand that the registry’s expiration date may be used
- #5 - Adding original language on data element in 5.
- IRT Task 150 - #8 - Tech Email MUST IF
- Roger comment section 8.3
Apology: Sarah Wyld