2021-05-19 Registration Data Policy Implementation IRT Meeting

2021-05-19 Registration Data Policy Implementation IRT Meeting

The meeting of the Registration Data Policy Implementation IRT is scheduled for Wednesday, 19 May 2021 at 17:00 UTC for 90 minutes.


  1. Team member checkin and updates.   
  2. ICANN71 session is scheduled for Monday, 14 June 2021 14:30-15:30 UTC
  3. RedDoc

    1. Notes: 

      1. IRT comment in Notes #3
      2. IRT comments in section 4.k
    2. Notes: 

      1. IRT comment in section 3
  4. OneDoc 
    1. Review of language in section 11
      1. Disclosure Requests
      2. Proposed language for acknowledge and response time frames
      3. IRT workbook “DisclosureReq” tab added
        1. Definition of business days
    2. IRT comment in Section 12.1.1
    3. Section 12.1.3
      1. IRT Comment
      2. Minor language change from “registrant” to “registered name holder”
    4. IRT comment in Section 7.6.2
    5. Changes to section 10.3
    6. Addition of “Registration Data” to section 13
    7. Changes to Implementation Notes B
    8. Changes to implementation notes E.b
    9. Minor language change in introduction
    10. Comment in section 9.4.13 - Registry Registrant ID
    11. Notes at bottom of section 9: Alex comment on Req 8.2
  5. Drafting Errors
    1. Assigned Task


      1. #3 - Adding footnote to clarify that if registrar doesn’t generate and expiration date, they understand that the registry’s expiration date may be used 
      2. #5 - Adding original language on data element in 5.
      3. IRT comment section 8.3
    2. Assigned Task

  6. AOB


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