Decisions Reached | Action Items: Tracking Tool
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Note: page being updated
Item # | Source of Request | Date of Request | Action Item Request | Action Owner | Anticipated Completion Date |
140 | #95 |
| ICANN org to prepare draft Final Implementation Status Report for NomComRIWG review during the next meeting, #96. | NomCom Support Staff |
139 | #95 |
| Legal will slightly adjust language in the Proposed Statement on "Unaffiliated Directors": 1) IRS definitions in footnote, 2) Move around paragraphs, modify language on independence, 3) Take away brackets around "3". In addition, Sam/Legal will draft proposed transition article. | NomComRIWG/NomCom Support Staff |
138 | #95 |
| The NomComRIWG completed the draft NomCom Standing Committee Charter and will submit it as it currently stands to the OEC as part of its Implementation Report. | NomComRIWG/NomCom Support Staff |
131 | #93 |
| Recommendation 27
| NomComRIWG/NomCom Support Staff | (TBC) |
114 | #88 |
| NomComRIWG to continue discussion on period between completing implementation work and forming the Standing Committee; one idea proposed was to set up an interim Standing Committee to begin work in January; another idea was to reconvene after the Bylaws change to support the Standing Committee set up | NomComRIWG/ NomCom Support Staff | In Progress |
113 | #88 |
| ICANN org NomCom support staff to inform the NomCom Associate Chair of the additional responsibility outlined in the current NomCom Standing Committee charter | NomCom Support Staff | In Progress |
Item # | Source of Request | Date of Request | Action Item Request | Action Owner | Anticipated Completion Date | Completed Response | Completion Date |
137 | #94 |
| Next meeting
| NomComRIWG/NomCom Support Staff |
(Note: 21 April meeting rescheduled for 5 May). | |
136 | #94 |
| Recommendation 27
| NomComRIWG/NomCom Support Staff |
| |
135 | #94 |
| NomCom Standing Committee Charter
| NomComRIWG/NomCom Support Staff |
| |
134 | #93 |
| NomCom Standing Committee Charter
| NomComRIWG/NomCom Support Staff | Post ICANN73, by |
133 | #93 |
| Work plan and meeting cadence
| Post ICANN73, by |
| |
132 | #93 |
| ICANN73 Prep Week Webinar No NomComRIWG meeting to be scheduled on 24 February; community-led Prep Week webinar only. Staff/Evin will take notes of the webinar for later debrief of the NomComRIWG. | Notes completed Will inform NomComRIWG by | and | and | |
130 | #93 |
| ICANN73 Prep Week Webinar
| NomCom Support Staff | NA |
129 | #92 |
| NomCom Standing Committee Charter Comments to be resolved in the Charter, and preamble added with support of the NomComRIWG. Staff to send to NomComRIWG for approval that the Charter may proceed to Legal for review, and then OEC. | NomCom Support Staff | NA |
128 | #92 |
| Work plan and meeting cadence NomComRIWG meeting to be scheduled next week (week of 14 Feb), to discuss Rec. 27 with Legal & ICANN73 Prep Week webinar. March meeting to be changed from 17 March to 24 March. | NomCom Support Staff | NA |
127 | #92 |
| ICANN73 Prep Week Webinar Q&A Slides to be added in between agenda items. Work plan slide to be added under agenda item 6. Additional slide on Rec. 10 to be added. | NomCom Support Staff | NA |
126 | #91 |
| NomComRIWG will reconvene in January to take stock of remaining work items and develop a work plan | NomCom Support Staff |
| ||
125 | #91 |
| ICANN org will review additional proposed redline changes from the NomComRIWG to the final draft Standing Committee charter | NomCom Support Staff |
| ||
124 | #91 |
| ICANN org to finalize the December Implementation Status Report based upon proposed edits from the NomComRIWG and prepare for submission to the OEC on behalf of the RIWG | NomCom Support Staff | NA |
123 | #91 |
| NomComRIWG to consider proposed considerations from ICANN Legal including whether there could be potential guidance to accompany the definition | NomComRIWG/NomCom Support Staff |
| |
122 | #91 |
| ICANN Legal will make proposed changes and considerations for the NomComRIWG on Rec. 27 | NomCom Support Staff |
| |
121 | #90 |
| NomComRIWG is kindly requested to review and provide any comments on the full draft Implementation Status report by 16th December. | NomComRIWG | NA | NA |
120 | #90 |
| ICANN org will share a full version of the Implementation Status report by the 10th of December | NomCom Support Staff |
119 | #90 |
| NomComRIWG will provide comments on the Exec Summary by the 9th of December | NomComRIWG |
118 | #89 |
| ICANN org NomComRIWG support staff will consult with ICANN Legal on proposed changes to the charter with the aim of creating a final, clean agreed upon version by early December. | NomCom Support Staff |
| ||
117 | #89 |
| NomComRIWG reviewed and discussed the final draft Standing Committee charter. ICANN org will distribute an online version of the redline final draft charter for the NomComRIWG members to review and comment on by 23 November 1900 UTC | NomComRIWG/ NomCom Support Staff |
| ||
116 | #88 |
| The NomComRIWG confirmed approach to December Status Reporting, ICANN org will complete a first draft for the NomComRIWG to review | NomCom Support Staff |
| ||
115 | #88 |
| Note that the next NomComRIWG meeting is on Wednesday, 17 November | NomCom Support Staff | NA | NA |
112 | #88 |
| ICANN org to clarify the expected timing of proposed Bylaws changes | NomCom Support Staff | In Progress |
| |
111 | #87 |
| ICANN org will update language in the Standing Committee charter to refer to the Associate Chair, and to clarify that Associate Chairs serving in their liaison capacity on the Standing Committee are not precluded from different roles in the future | NomCom Support Staff | In Progress | ||
110 | #87 |
| ICANN org will update language in Section V of the Standing Committee charter to reflect that the role of the Standing Committee is to make suggestions in line with WS2 recommendations to the extent possible, in the process of fulfilling vacancies. | NomCom Support Staff | In Progress | ||
109 | #86 |
| Discussion on Recommendation 23 (candidate pool data) is tabled for the next RIWG meeting on 23 September. | NomCom Support Staff |
| ||
107 | #85 |
| Draft SC charter decision-making process (facilitated by ICANN Org) | NomCom Support Staff |
| ||
106 | #85 |
| Summarize SC actions/roles from implementation steps to cross-reference with the final draft SC charter (facilitated by NomComRIWG & ICANN Org) | RIWG & NomCom Support Staff |
| ||
105 | #85 |
| Draft RIWG candidate pool metrics (facilitated by ICANN Org) | NomCom Support Staff |
| ||
104 | #85 |
| Agreed evaluation metrics document (facilitated NomComRIWG & ICANN Org) | NomCom Support Staff |
| ||
108 | #85 |
| ICANN org to work with Policy Support staff to determine a time for this meeting. (facilitated by ICANN Org) | NomCom Support Staff | NA | NA |
103 | #84 |
| Draft - guide for metrics. | NomCom Support Staff |
| ||
102 | #84 |
| Recruitment firm project/process. | NomCom Support Staff |
| ||
101 | #82 |
| Semi-annual update | ICANN Org/ NomComRIWG | NA | NA |
100 | #85 |
| Agree to invite GNSO SG/C reps to Sept 9th RIWG meeting. ICANN org to revive Rec 10 proposal slides to orient GNSO for meeting on the 9th of Sept. (facilitated by ICANN Org) | ICANN Org |
100 | #82 |
| Org to continue working on charter revisions, present these on the 29th - delayed until end of October 2021. | ICANN Org | In Progress | ||
99 | #82 |
| Blog clean version sent, published next Wed | ICANN Org/ Yvette |
98 | #82 |
| Tom also suggested outreach to folks in IPC and BC | NomComRIWG |
97 | #82 |
| Edit email to disengaged participants to include practical suggestions; aim to conclude work by end of year | ICANN Org/ NomComRIWG |
96 | #81 |
| The 22 July meeting will be moved to 29 July | Yvette Guigneaux |
95 | #81 |
| The NomComRIWG’s Status and Progress report will be delayed one month to provide a more comprehensive update on current implementation work | NomComRIWG & ICANN Org |
94 | #81 |
| ICANN org will incorporate feedback on the blog and share the updated version with Tom and Cheryl | ICANN Org |
93 | #81 |
| Agreed to take several extra weeks to complete the progress update to the OEC, in order to include the various substantive areas of work currently underway. | NomComRIWG |
92 | #81 |
| ICANN org will incorporate feedback on the Rec. 10 summary of community consultation and feedback and share that with the list to finalize the document before it is sent to the OEC | ICANN Org |
91 | #81 |
| ICANN org will connect with ICANN Policy staff for ideas on how to enhance participation and share those with the RIWG on the 8 July call | ICANN Org | NA | NA |
90 | #81 |
| Tom will send out an email to a segment of the RIWG members with low participation over the last 12 months, as indicated on the factsheet. | Tom Barrett & NomComRIWG |
89 | #81 |
| Tom will send out an email to a segment of the RIWG members with low participation over the last 12 months, as indicated on the factsheet. | Tom Barrett & NomComRIWG |
88 | #80 |
| Highlights of Standing Committee Charter Discussion (action items) Scope and Reach:
Discussion on Main Categories of Legal Feedback:
| NomComRIWG | In Progress | ||
87 | #80 |
| Participation: agreement that participation, outreach, and engagement is important. Working Group and ICANN staff will continue work on enhancing participation. | NomComRIWG & ICANN Org | NA | NA | Addressed in items #90 & #91 above |
86 | #80 |
| Participation: agreement that participation, outreach, and engagement is important. Working Group and ICANN staff will continue work on enhancing participation. ICANN org to come back with additional suggestions of tactics that worked for other working groups at ICANN. | NomComRIWG & ICANN Org | NA | NA | Addressed in items #90 & #91 above |
85 | #79 |
| ICANN org will update the Action Item on Rec. 1 from Plenary Call #78 to read:
| ICANN Org (Teresa & Jia to facilitated) | NA | NA |
84 | #79 |
| Rec. 10 (Rebalancing) is tabled until the next Plenary Call | NomComRIWG | NA | NA |
83 | #79 |
| RIWG will make adjustments to the Charter based upon feedback from ICANN Legal then share with ICANN Legal. | NomComRIWG | Duplicate action item - in progress - see item 78 | ||
83 | #79 |
| Confirm that every SO/AC has their own website/wiki? Are all of these hosted by ICANN? | Yvette Guigneaux |
82 | #78 |
| Job Description: RIWG to request SO/ACs regularly publish their final job descriptions for their respective NomCom delegates for transparency. The RIWG agreed that with this action, the implementation of Rec. 1 is complete. | NomComRIWG | NA | NA |
81 | #78 |
| Rec 10: ICANN org will send the RIWG a clean version of the summary document that reflects feedback from the call. The working group may wish to review before finalizing and sharing with the OEC in response to the questions raised during the 29 April call.
| ICANN Org |
78 | #77 |
| Rec 27: Considering the discussion and the takeaways, ICANN Legal will review the proposed definition and engage with the NomComRIWG to discuss a way forward. | ICANN Org | In Progress | ||
77 | #77 |
| Rec 24: ICANN org to provide to the RIWG consolidated feedback from the OEC and org on the Draft Standing Committee Charter for RIWG consideration. | ICANN Org | In Progress | ||
80 | #77 |
| ICANN org to propose a meeting cadence, to take place once every two weeks, aiming to avoid conflicts on Thursdays @19:00 UTC with other community calls (i.e. GNSO Council, etc.) | ICANN Org |
79 | #77 |
| NomComRIWG and ICANN CEO will finish their discussion on transparency of ICANN org support of the NomCom; also address Recommendation 11 on line of responsibility and Recommendation 12 on Budgeting for the NomCom. | ICANN Org | NA |
76 | #77 |
| Rec 10: ICANN org to assist with gathering NomComRIWG documentation on: a) options/principles considered for rebalancing; b) community consultation and input on the RIWG proposal for addressing Rec. 10. | ICANN Org | NA | NA |
75 | #75 |
| RIWG will draft Operating Standards for the Standing Committee to complement the draft charter. | NomComRIWG | Proposing to be done by Standing Committee | ||
74 | #75 |
| RIWG will consider adding language to the Standing Committee draft charter to convey "guard rails" for the work of the Standing Committee, and to add language regarding its accountability and transparency. | NomComRIWG |
| ||
73 | #75 |
| ICANN org will work with the Chair to develop a 1-pager to highlight its work and future plans for the OEC. | ICANN Org |
71 | #74 |
| NomCom Support Staff to try updating the process map with hyperlinks to the relevant sections of the NomCom Operating procedures | NomCom Support Staff/ J&T | In progress | ||
72 | #74 |
| NomCom Support Staff to distribute updated job description reflecting current Bylaws to the appointing bodies | NomCom Support Staff |
70 | #72 |
| Draft Mapping - ICANN org to prepare a draft mapping of NomCom2 Review recommendations to relevant NomCom Operating Procedures for NomCom RIWG consideration. | ICANN org/ J&T | In progress | ||
69 | #71 |
| ICANN70 Prepweek: Tom to review the slide deck for the Prep Week Webinar and reduce the number of slides; Tom to identify slides to be relocated into an Appendix section. | Tom Barrett |
| |
68 | #70 |
| Provide input to NomComRIWG on feasibility of meetings in March 2021 considering the workload linked to ICANN70. | ICANN org |
| |
67 | #70 |
| Rec. 23: Add a slide in the ICANN70 Prep Week Session presentation on input needed from the community: desired additional metrics. | ICANN org |
65 | #69 |
| Rec. 13: Share latest version of the NomCom Lucid chart with NomCom support staff for review and to add any milestones that they believe are missing | NomCom Support | on hold | ||
66 | #69 |
| Annual Reports: NomCom Support Staff to confirm whether publishing annual reports is a standard practice, and when was the last one to be submitted. | NomCom Support | NomCom Annual Report is published at the discretion of the NomCom Chair, and is not mandated by the Bylaws. However, it could be included in the Operating Procedures as best practices. |
| |
64 | #68 |
| ICANN org to confirm if they are aware of any questions generated in the recent past by the NomCom to the Board regarding feedback on re-applying nomcom appointees (rec 16) | ICANN org - NomCom Support | TBD | ||
63 | #68 |
| WG is asking for a Blank copy of the Board's self-assessment template, as described here: []. | ICANN org - NomCom Support | TBD | ||
62 | #67 |
| Rec. 23: Consult with the wider ICANN community what additional metrics they might want to collect. (questionnaire, poll on wiki) | NomComRIWG | Being coordinated with item #103 | ||
61 | #67 |
| Rec. 21: Schedule a discussion with HR to find out if they could suggest some assessment tools | ICANN org | TBD | ||
60 | #63 |
| Standing Committee Charter: Accept all suggested edits on the Standing Committee Charter | NomComRIWG |
| updated version shared with ICANN legal | |
59 | #63 |
| Progress and Implementation Status Report #2: Tom/Support Staff to update report, incorporating the OEC note | Tom Barrett/ NomComRIWG ICANN Staff |
| ||
58 | #63 |
| Recs. 11, 12: Send questions as an email request to office of the CEO and Finance Department, and ask for a meeting in January, potentially during one of the NomComRIWG meetings | NomComRIWG/ ICANN Staff |
| Sent internally to both recipients. | |
57 | #62 |
| Rec. 11, 12: ICANN org to circulate the google doc once more. | ICANN Staff |
| ||
56 | #62 |
| NomCom Standing Committee Charter:
| Tom Barrett/ NomComRIWG/ ICANN Staff |
| email & charter updated on plenary call #63 | |
55 | #61 |
| NomComRIWG to review of all the recommendations to see if we have to adjust any dates or metrics for the year-end report. | NomComRIWG |
| Updated on Plenary call #64 | |
54 | #61 |
| ICANN org to add metrics from the detailed implementation plan to the Progress and Implementation status report | ICANN Staff |
| added prior to plenary call #61 | |
53 | #61 |
| Rec. 10: NomComRIWG to review narrative and make sure it explains why doing a holistic review prior to this bylaw update is not the right approach | NomComRIWG |
| Reviewed on Plenary call #64 | |
52 | #61 |
| Recs. 11, 12: NomComRIWG to prepare questions for two future calls – one with Göran, one with Finance Department. | NomComRIWG/ ICANN Staff |
| questions finalized on plenary call #63 | |
51 | #61 |
| Bylaws update: Section 8.3: NomComRIWG to include transition article (section 27 of the Bylaws) as part of the redline they give to the OEC. | NomComRIWG/ ICANN Staff |
| Input from Legal incorporated into progress report, not yet shared with OEC. | |
50 | #61 |
| Plan an outreach effort to the community for January 2021, including recommendation 27. | NomComRIWG/ ICANN Staff |
| NomComRIWG will be hosting an outreach session during the ICANN70 prep week. | |
49 | #60 |
| Rec. 15: ICANN org/NomCom Support Staff to specifically reach out to ALAC, ccNSO, to help on building a job description. | ICANN org/ NomCom Support Staff |
| NomCom support staff reached out to receiving bodies. | |
48 | #60 |
| Rec. 15: Jay Sudowski to take the lead on seeing whether GNSO could provide an outline | Jay Sudowski (Team Member) |
| NomCom support staff reached out to GNSO | |
47 | #60 |
| Rec. 12: find out from ICANN finance department what process they follow to alert community chairs that it’s time to start the new budget cycle. | ICANN org - NomCom Support | NA | Rec. 12 is considered complete, noting the role outlined in the Standing Committee charter to represent NomCom interests and resource needs in the annual planning and budgeting cycle, in addition to the NomCom, which can also weigh in on planning and budgeting. |
46 | #60 |
| Rec. 11: NomCom Support Staff reach out and find out who are the appropriate parties that the NomCom should contact or address your communication to, to schedule a meeting. Potentially identify whether they would be happy to participate in one of the upcoming plenary calls. | NomCom Support Staff |
| NomCom support staff confirmed Goran Marby, CEO of or representatives would be answering NomComRIWG questions | |
45 | #59 |
| ICANN org to submit draft of the second progress and implementation progress report by December 1 , incorporating today’s updates on completion dates | ICANN Staff |
| Draft of the second progress and implementation report shared on plenary call #62. | |
44 | #59 |
| Update all dates to 2021 throughout the document | Jean-Baptiste |
| Draft of the second progress and implementation report shared on plenary call #62. | |
43 | #59 |
| Rec. 21 – 26 – update dates to 2021 | Jean-Baptiste |
| Updates were made on NomComRIWG Progress and Implementation Status Report #2 draft | |
42 | #59 |
| Rec. 20 – update dates to 2021 | Jean-Baptiste |
| Updates were made on NomComRIWG Progress and Implementation Status Report #2 draft | |
41 | #59 |
| Rec. 19 – create link for timeline for group to access offline | ICANN Staff |
| Updates were made on NomComRIWG Progress and Implementation Status Report #2 draft | |
40 | #59 |
| Rec. 18: Share information on the timeline we were working on with the group to think offline about how to present the candidate communications schedule. | Jean-Baptiste |
| Overdue. No input received |
39 | #59 |
| Rec. 18 – publish detailed timeline – change dates to 2021 | ICANN Staff |
| Updates were made on NomComRIWG Progress and Implementation Status Report #2 draft | |
38 | #59 |
| Rec. 16 – publish timeline and input for receiving bodies | ICANN Staff | Updates were made on NomComRIWG Progress and Implementation Status Report #2 draft |
| |
37 | #59 |
| Rec. 6 – update due dates to Q1 – 2021 | Jean-Baptiste |
| Updates were made on NomComRIWG Progress and Implementation Status Report #2 draft | |
36 | #59 |
| ICANN org to submit draft of the second progress and implementation progress report by December 1 , incorporating today’s updates on completion dates | ICANN Staff |
| Draft of the second progress and implementation report shared on plenary call #62. | |
35 | #59 |
| Rec. 12 – change dates to 2021
| Jean-Baptiste |
| Updates were made on NomComRIWG Progress and Implementation Status Report #2 draft | |
34 | #59 |
| Look at the 3 recommendations (2, 3, and 4) – ICANN Org - provide a suggested list of courses for onboarding, pertinent to the recommendations 2, 3, 4 | ICANN Staff |
| NomCom support staff looking into including these trainings into the current NomCom budget.. | |
33 | #57 |
| Invite Legal to provide input on bylaws update and charter for our next meeting | NomComRIWG |
| Shared with ICANN Legal, together with Bylaws suggested amendments. | |
32 | #57 |
| Circulate charter with Legal | NomComRIWG |
| Shared with ICANN Legal, together with Bylaws suggested amendments. | |
31 | #57 |
| Send out letter to GNSO SGs/Cs chairs. | NomComRIWG |
| ||
30 | #55 |
| Review and provide input on the draft replies to the IPC, BC, ISPCP, RySG: GDOC [] | NomComRIWG |
| Draft suggested reply: email. | |
29 | #55 |
| Review all the roles and responsibilities listed for the standing committee: GSHEET [] | NomComRIWG |
| First review completed on plenary call #56 | |
28 | #52 |
| Rec. 24: Proceed with sanity check of Operating Procedures to see whether they have a section that includes all Standing Committee activities | NomComRIWG |
| Complete |
27 | #51 |
| Rec. 27: ICANN org to check with Legal whether updating the operating procedures would also mean updating the ICANN Bylaws considering “the Nominating Committee shall adopt such operating procedures as it deems necessary, which shall be published on the website” | ICANN org |
| Proposed rewrite submitted on plenary call #51 | |
26 | #51 |
| Rec. 27: Wordsmith "Should strongly consider" in “ During each NomCom appointment cycle, the NomCom should strongly consider nominating at least one director to the ICANN Board who has no or very limited prior involvement with ICANN and who would have no or very limited chances of being appointed to the Board through any of the SO/AC-appointed seats. The goal of this stipulation is that the NomCom’s goal appoints at least one director each year who brings an outside perspective to ICANN and who provides loyalty to ICANN as a whole with limited or no prior loyalty to one or more of ICANN’s SO/ACs.” | Zahid |
| Proposed rewrite submitted on plenary call #51 | |
26 | #47 |
| Question from Raoul: “In the NomCom review assessment report that was published in 2018, it says that "traditionally the GAC has not appointed a person to the NomCom. A GAC working group is currently evaluating if, and how, the GAC can participate in the NomCom." | ICANN org |
| ||
25 | #46 |
| Rec. 13: Build a brand new strawman focussing on deadlines of certain things that have to happen and not worry about the process that people need to follow to get to that deadline. | Tom/ICANN org |
| New process maps shared on plenary call #60 | |
24 | #34 |
| Rec.7 & 9: Make sure ICANN Legal also agrees to the language that is inserted into all these operational procedures. | NomComRIWG |
| final ICANN Legal review provided. | |
23 | #34 |
| Rec.1: Wait before sending out job description to SOs/ACs | NomComRIWG/ ICANN Org |
| RIWG to request SO/ACs regularly post their final job descriptions for their respective NomCom delegates on their respective SO/AC websites, for transparency. The RIWG agreed that with this action, the implementation of Rec. 1 is complete. |
22 | #34 |
| Share language to rec. 27 and ask for input from Legal. | ICANN org |
| Sent to ICANN Legal Department on March 23, 2020. | |
21 | #33 |
| Reach out to ICANN Org - Legal Department to provide feedback on rec.7 Bylaws Update Principles. | ICANN org | Principles sent to ICANN Legal. |
| |
20 | #33 |
| Reach out to ICANN Org - HR Department to provide feedback on rec.1 job description. | ICANN org | Response provided on call #35, only diversity section was updated. |
| |
19 | #24 |
| Reach out to Finance on what happens if the budget request is accepted but NomComRIWG planning does not allow to spend the budget in the respective year. | ICANN org | Question submitted to FInance. |
| |
18 | #24 |
| Share session description for ICANN67 session request. | ICANN org | Shared on call #25 |
| |
17 | #24 |
| Prepare EMS request for single community meeting at ICANN67 | ICANN org | Drafted and submitted. |
| |
16 | #24 |
| Draft a budget request for trainings, and draft a budget request for travel support for the standing committee (3-4 people) | ICANN org | January 2020 | Submitted |
15 | #24 |
| NomComRIWG to follow-up with their constituency on questions submitted as part of the implementation outreach. | NomComRIWG | Complete |
| |
14 | #9 | 11 July 2019 | Change all calls going forward to 90 minutes | YG | 11 July 2019 | Invites updated & sent for 90 minute time slots following an email sent by Jean-Baptiste to inform the NomComRIWG list of the change |
13 | #8 | 13 June 2019 | Re-work recommendations / task lists - flagged items on recommendations #6 - 17 (see recommendations doc for details) | RT | TBD | Re-worked recommendations / task lists - flagged items on recommendations #6 - 17 (see recommendations doc for details) |
12 | #7 | 6 June 2019 | Take a look at other comments - see if they can be moved to task list | RT | 13 June 2019 | RT reviewed other comments - moved various ones to task list |
11 | #7 | 6 June 2019 | Refine scope to include job descriptions | RT | TBD | RT refined scope to include job descriptions |
10 | #6 |
| Inquire about the contracting/procurement of recruitment consultants. | RT/ Implementation Team | TBD | To be resolved during Implementation | NA |
9 | #6 |
| HR for review of professional services hired to design recruiting materials | RT/ Implementation Team | TBD | To be resolved during Implementation | NA |
8 | #6 | 23 May 2019 | Dependencies - include the statement ‘timely feedback’ | RT | TBD | Statement included |
7 | #4 | 9 May 2019 | Identify which ICANN department Subject Matter Experts (SME’s) can identify cost on implementation and then produce a follow-up report | RT/ICANN Staff | TBD | SMEs have been identified and questions have been sent out |
6 | #3 | 2 May 2019 | NomCom Recommendations Overview - post to the wiki | Lars Hoffmann/Yvette Guigneaux | 8 May 2019 | Posted to Meeting #4 wiki page to be accessible for the call. |
5 | #3 | 2 May 2019 | What should the question be in helping us in the planning phrase as pertains to Recommendations? | RT | 8 May 2019 | RT discussion ensued creating the question above - Item #7 re: identifying SME's and following up with a report. |
4 | #3 | 2 May 2019 | What Recommendations need community input? | RT | 8 May 2019 | Community input obtained during the 2 May 2019 call and noted - latest version to be posted to the background/wiki meeting pages. |
3 | #2 | 24 April 2019 | Announce Doodle Poll results for weekly calls | Lars Hoffmann | 26 April 2019 | Doodle poll results announced via email to the list: weekly calls to alternate timeslots of Thursdays 1300 UTC and 1900 UTC |
2 | #2 | 24 April 2019 | Announce Chair Election results | Lars Hoffmann | 26 April 2019 | Voting results announced via email to the list: Tom Barrett (Chair), Cheryl Langdon-Orr and Zahid Jamil-IG (Vice-Chairs) |
1 | #2 | 24 April 2019 | Complete strawman outreach document | Lars Hoffmann | 26 April 2019 | Strawman/Outreach document filled in with proposals regarding NomComRIWG outreach to the community on the process of implementation - emailed to list |
Item # | Source | Date | Decisions reached |
11 | #87 |
| RIWG will next meet on 4 November, putting a pause on October meetings due to ICANN72 |
10 | #87 |
| The NomComRIWG considered its extensive efforts toward Rec. 10, noting that their proposed solution provided a streamlined approach as compared to a more fundamental restructuring of the NomCom. Recognizing that the GNSO continues to express strong opposition to the NomComRIWG proposal, rather considering a more fundamental assessment of the NomCom as more appropriate, the NomComRIWG plans to withdraw its proposed Bylaws changes on Rec.10 rebalancing. This will help progress the package of proposed Bylaws changes and other important implementation work. |
9 | #87 |
| Rec. 23 is complete, noting the future role for the Standing Committee |
8 | #86 |
| Recommendation 12 (budget and staffing resources) is considered complete, noting the role outlined in the Standing Committee charter to represent NomCom interests and resource needs in the annual planning and budgeting cycle, in addition to the NomCom, which can also weigh in on planning and budgeting. |
7 | #86 |
| Recommendation 11 (staff reporting) is considered complete, noting that NomCom support staff report to the Office of the CEO (per the meeting with ICANN’s CEO). |
6 | #84 |
| Approved to send the Executive Summary (as Progress Report #3) to the OEC. (completed) |
5 | #75 |
| RIWG agreed to develop a 1-page document to highlight its past and current work, as well as plans going forward, in preparation for the discussion with the OEC on 22 April 2021. |
4 | #74 |
| Rec. 1: Job Description. Working group agreed with NomCom Support Staff suggested approach:
3 | #74 |
| (In process) Rec. 13: Process map. Suggestion to recommend that the Standing Committee writes down in a separate document (than operating procedures) the business processes |
2 | #74 |
| (In process) Rec. 13: Process map. Only the developed baseline process map will be used for this recommendations, multiple process maps are no longer needed. Baseline process map will be updated later on in the implementation process, to reflect the outcome of some recommendations. |
1 | #74 |
| Future webinars: Keep using temperature questions (aka zoom room poll). |