Meeting #86 - Joint Discussion - NomCom Review Implementation Working Group (NomComRIWG) and GNSO Stakeholder Group & Constituency Chairs (first 30 min. only)- Thursday, 9 September 2021 @ 19:00 UTC

Meeting #86 - Joint Discussion - NomCom Review Implementation Working Group (NomComRIWG) and GNSO Stakeholder Group & Constituency Chairs (first 30 min. only)- Thursday, 9 September 2021 @ 19:00 UTC

Dial-In Details:

NEW ZOOM ROOM LINK - https://icann.zoom.us/j/99354408773?pwd=NTRMeEdEVndTUGZpR3EvNWtoV1BPQT09

NEW Meeting ID:  993 5440 8773

NEW Password:  Gaihuzq6$z

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Find your local number: https://icann.zoom.us/u/aAqFO344P 

Meeting Date/Time: Thursday, 9 September 2021 @ 1900 UTC [time converter] 

Agenda for the GNSO SG/Cs Discussion - (1900-1930 UTC)

  • Welcome & Presentation of RIWG rebalancing proposal 
  • Discussion, Q&A on rebalancing proposal 
  • Next steps/adjourn

Agenda for the NomComRIWG Plenary Call - (1930-2000 UTC)

  • Debrief from discussions (both CEO and GNSO meetings)
  • Review and decide on the proposal for 'implementation complete' on Recs. 11 and 12 
  • Review and discuss draft approach to Rec. 23 (candidate pool data)  - to be discussed next call
  • AOB
  • Adjourn

Action Items: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/CgnLBg

SOI blank form: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/EQjLBg

Standard Rules of Behavior: https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/expected-standards-2016-06-28-en


NomComRIWG:  Arinola Akinyemi, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Dave Kissoondoyal,  Michael Graham, Remmy Nweke, Tom Barrett, Tracy F. Hackshaw, Vanda Scartezini 

GNSO SG/Cs:  Ashley Heineman, Bruna Martins dos Santos, Mason Cole, Raoul Plommer (also part of NomComRIWG), Raphael Beauregard-Lacroix, Sam Demetriou 

ICANN Board Liaison: Patricio Poblete

ICANN Org: Carlos Reyes, Chantelle Doerksen, Jia-Juh Kimoto, Kristy Buckley, Larisa Gurnick, Mary Wong, Maryam Bakoshi, Nathalie Peregrine, Teresa Elias, Yvette Guigneaux


Zoom Audio Replay:  HERE

Zoom Video Replay:  HERE  (58:21)

  • Recordings Password: 05V&i9RTrX

Meeting Transcript:  EN

Chat Transcript: EN


  • Joint Discussion - GNSO GS/Cs (Overview Rec. 10 Proposal) Slides: PDF
  • NomComRIWG Plenary Call Slides: PDF

Plenary Call Report 

Decisions Reached:

  • Recommendation 11 (staff reporting) is considered complete, noting that NomCom support staff report to the Office of the CEO (per the meeting with ICANN’s CEO).
  • Recommendation 12 (budget and staffing resources) is considered complete, noting the role outlined in the Standing Committee charter to represent NomCom interests and resource needs in the annual planning and budgeting cycle, in addition to the NomCom, which can also weigh in on planning and budgeting.

Action Items:

  • Discussion on Recommendation 23 (candidate pool data) is tabled for the next RIWG meeting on 23 September.

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