Implementation Planning Phase

Implementation Planning Phase

Completed FAIIP

The FAIIP (PDF) was completed with full consensus by the NomCom2 Review Implementation Planning Team on 14 December 2018.

In Brief

Following completion of the Review Phase, where opportunities for improvement are identified and recommendations made by the independent examiner in its final report, the Implementation Planning Phase begins. An overview of the organizational reviews process is documented in the Organizational Reviews Process Handbook (English, العربيةEspañolFrançaisPусский中文).

It is in the Implementation Planning Phase that the independent examiner's recommendations are considered by the Implementation Planning Team (IPT), culminating in the completion of the Feasibility Assessment and Initial Implementation Plan (FAIIP), which is then delivered to the Organizational Effectiveness Committee (OEC) of the ICANN Board.

Work of the Implementation Planning Team

The NomCom Review Implementation Planning Team (IPT) is responsible for assessing the feasibility of the independent examiner's recommendations, and for developing an initial implementation plan. ICANN org  provides the team with a template for the plan and supports the drafting effort as requested by the team.

In all, twenty-seven (27) recommendations were made by the independent examiner in its final report. It was agreed by the NomCom Review Implementation Planning Team that all recommendations made in the report be included for implementation consideration.

For each recommendation, components include additional definition/scope as needed, definition of desired outcome, a realistic timeline for implementation, an analysis of recommendations in the final report for usability and prioritization, provisional budget implications, anticipated resources needed, and a way to measure the current state against progress toward the desired outcome. The NomCom Review Implementation Planning Team is also expected to indicate in the document any objections or proposed modifications to recommendations, along with supporting rationale.

The FAIIP, once completed by the NomCom Review Implementation Planning Team, will be submitted to the OEC for consideration.

The independent examiner (optionally) and the IPT respectively present the final report and the feasibility assessment and initial implementation plan to the OEC. The OEC deliberates these and other relevant supporting documents, including the staff report of public comments.

Timeline and Deliverables

The completed feasibility assessment and initial implementation plan is expected to be submitted to the OEC within approximately six (6) months following publication of the independent examiner's final report, depending on availability and demands of the members of the IPT. The FAIIP (PDF) was completed with full consensus on 14 December 2018.

Members, Participants, and Observers

Volunteers were invited in June and July 2018 to participate in the effort via NomCom RWP-member and NomCom RWP-leadership outreach, and at a public session at ICANN62.

Observer status continued to be available to interested individuals throughout this phase via the mailing list archive.

Members and participants are expected to attend conference calls, to actively participate in online discussions, and to contribute to the FAIIP documentation effort. Observers can follow the team's work on the mailing list but can neither send to the mailing list nor participate actively in the calls. 

Individuals can change their status by emailing a request to the MSSI Secretariat at mssi-secretariat@icann.org, with "NomCom Review IPT status change" in the subject line, and detailing in the body of the email the status change desired. This includes non-members who have a desire to join.