Maryam Bakoshi
Dear NPOC members, please find my position statement below. I am asking for your vote as Chair for NPOC
•Name: Joan Kerr
•Affiliation: Foundation for Building Sustainable Communities (FBSC)
•Position applied for: Chair
•Why you are running for the position?: I believe that NPOC is at a significant point in its history, with much attention and time given to develop its foundation as an organization. That work is almost completed and I would ask for your vote to continue with the work.
As the current Chair, I am proud to lead the Executive on a consultative basis, ensuring that the decisions were reflective of everyone's input and garnering agreement through consensus. This approach has lead to an NPOC team, that has collaborated and strategize to accomplish the numerous tasks that initiated, including: a rebranding initiative to create a new logo that involved the membership, clearly defining the meaning and issues of operational concerns, create marketing materials, including a Beginner's Guide to NPOC, a collaborative project with the Onboarding Program, updating the Charter, developing on a new website. All this while Executive members work on the conference calls, working groups, policy development process and attending ICANN meetings
NPOC has also collaborated with NCUC on a number of events, and will continue to work together to strengthen the NCSG and joint develop policy comments.
At present, NPOC's weakest link is policy development. This will be my primary focus for the coming year.
And there is more to be done. As Chair, going forward, I will accomplish the following:
increase the policy comments;
encouraging membership participation in the policy development process; and
educate civil society about ICANN and NPOC
I will continue to develop and work with the Executive Committee, NPOC members, and ICANN Staff to participate in the policy development process and ICANN ecosystem.
•Do you have any conflict(s) of interest?: No
•How many hours per week you are able to dedicate to the position: 3 hours
•Are you involved in any working Groups or PDP efforts, if so please state:
The Executive Committee and I agreed that it was important to focus on getting the administrative work of the Constituency completed, since there were many unfinished tasks from previous years.
Dear Colleagues,
I accept the nomination of Marie Laure with humility. Knowing the history of NPOC and where I feel it should be is the driving force behind me accepting this nomination especially as my organization is one of the founding members of NPOC.
I wish to categorically state, I do not intend to contest or seek any other position in NPOC again after this election cycle. If I lose I will still serve NPOC within ICANN working groups am involved within the policy development processes, and also support any mentor-ship scheme that is needed in NPOC to mentor new membership organizations into its fold.
Since Marie Laure who knows me well and has talked about me in her nomination, I will focus on my 7 points agenda I will do if elected as your chair.
1. Create an NPOC institutional memory tank working with initial members of NPOC on how to empower NPOC membership organizations based on its founding principles as an ICANN constituency within the Non Commercial Stake Holders Group(NCSG).
2. Create a reinvigorated monthly call of members, with the incentive that based on attendance of monthly calls and involvement in NPOC policy discuss within ICANN, members of NPOC will have two travel slots to attend ICANN meetings. This will be allocated with one coming from the Chair slot of three allocated during a calendar year and one coming from slots allocated to NPOC to attend any regional / Global event like IGF etc. I belief our members have to have the possibilities to attend such events and in turn developing their capacities in supporting the work they do back home in understanding why the DNS is relevant to NGOs an why we need to be involved as an ICANN constituency.
3. I will institute a program Know your GAC members, its very important NPOC members who do great community work should know their governmental representative at the ICANN GAC. It helps to create synergy in policy development framework back home especially within National IGF discuss, as in the end its a key factor in developing a true multi stakeholder process starting bottom top. As whatever we do at NPOC within the policy discuss should filter down to our national level and that requires our members to know who their GAC representatives are and how to better engage them.
4. Programs like the on-boarding I will strength by creating better cross collaboration with our sister constituency NCUC.
5. Recreate joint sessions and panels in National Regional and Global IGF with NCUC under the umbrella of NCSG, these existed previously in the early days of NPOC and we should recreate it as it brings better understanding of the workings of both constituencies.
6. Within our new Web portal,if elected Chair, I will create a dedicated section in our web portal for NPOC members to state organizational profile and key officers within their organizations. This allows possibilities of knowledge sharing / networking among members of NPOC. This will allow us to make use of our in house resources we can't do that, if we hardly know each other within our membership organizations. This is something I will initiate by engaging each representative of an organization in NPOC directly so we know our membership base better.
7, Lastly I will work with seasoned NCUC members to create quarterly webinars where NPOC new members and old can understand the policy development processes and also how to contribute to public comments.
In short these are the key 7 pointers I hope kick starting my tenure with and institutionalizing in NPOC if elected Chair.
Wishing you all the best in your various endeavors in the various communities we serve globally through our work.
Kind Regards
Name: Raoul Plommer
Affiliation: Open Knowledge Finland
Position applied for: Vice Chair
Why am I running for the position: Above all, I want to finish what we started before I got elected as the Vice Chair for the first time in 2017. That includes the charter review andincreased policy activity from our members.
Conflicts of Interest: None.
Able to work per week: 5h.
Involvement in WG’s and PDPs: Barely involved with the RDS group. Working on opening ICANN’s data and increasing transparency
• Name: Remmy Nweke
• Affiliation: DigitalSENSE Africa Media
• Position applied for: Chair, Policy Committee
• Why you are running for the position?:
Having served in the policy committee in the recent past, my decision to run for the chairman, Policy Committee of NPOC is to take the Policy engagement of NPOC to the next level, leveraging on our diverse and collective strength to increase engagement in alliance with other members of NPOC and larger NCSG family.
I am also an active individual member of ICANN’s Generic Name Supporting Organisations (GNSO) like Non-Commercial Users Stakeholder Group (NCSG), Non-Commercial Users Constituency (NCUC) and Not-for-Profit Operational Concerns Constituency (NPOC) respectively and has been in forefront of all-inclusive diversity advocacy and is one of those who devoted time and energy in the NPOC charter review working group among others.
In addition, I am a consistent member of At-Large Advisory Committee of ICANN under AFRALO - African Regional At-Large Organisation; member of the ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement; Fellow, Cyber Security Policy on Human Rights Defenders; Chairman, Communication & Advocacy Committee (CAC), IPv6 Council Nigeria.
Lately, I served as an elected Executive board member, Nigeria Internet Registration Association (NIRA), the managers of .NG country code Top Level Domain and extended my services to several committees including Communications and Publicity, Accreditation, Finance and Establishment, as well as an elected Vice President of the African Civil Society on the Information Society (ACSIS), pioneer branch Secretary, Cyber Security Expert Association of Nigeria (CSEAN) and former publicity secretary, Nigeria Internet Group (NIG) cum chairman, International Relations of NIG; pioneer Secretary, ICT Media Initiative; BARK Foundation – a knowledge-based advocacy group; Internet Governance Caucus (IGC), to name a few.
Also in Nigeria, DigitalSENSE Africa efforts at building multistakeholderism gave rise to nurturing of what is today known as Nigeria Internet Governance Forum (NIGF) of which I am equally serving as a member of the NIGF Local Multistakeholder Advisory Group (LMAG), just as I served as a member of the Civil Society Selection Group for the recently concluded WSIS+10 Stakeholder Selection Committee for the United Nations President of the General Assembly, among others.
Personally interested in policy development and particularly as it concerns the Internet ecosystem, hence, I tend to add-value to my policy-making drive moving forward, especially having recently been elected Vice President, African Civil Society on the Information Society (ACSIS) and have relevant expertise as a Contemporary Diplomacy post-graduate from the University of Malta and various certifications on Internet related governance, invariably to translate this opportunity towards improving NPOC policy engagement in association with other members for the benefit of entire ICANN community.
I am a member of NCUC | NPOC | NCSG, (DigitalSENSE Africa Media) as well as the Africa Regional At-Large Organizations (AFRALO); and optimistic of immensely contributing to future input into NPOC Policy Development Process.
• Do you have any conflict(s) of interest?: NO.
• How many Hours a week you are able to dedicate to the position: Will endeavor at least Five (5) hours
• Are you involved in any working Groups or PDP efforts, if so please state: NPOC Charter Review Working Group, Policy Committee and ALAC Outreach Engagement
Thank you for your consideration, support and God bless.
I nominated for the policy committee position because I was asked to run by a few people, and because I believe I have significant experience at ICANN policy work. I have seen NPOCs interest in policy work gradually increase, and I would like to see it become a strongly contributing part of NCSG and the GNSO.
I have extensive experience in ICANN policy work. I have been an NCSG GNSO councillor for 4 years, 2 of them as a Vice-Chair. I have been part of the leadership team as one of the vice-chairs of the RDS working group. I served as part of the GNSO-GAC group, working to smooth the GACs role in GNSO working groups. And I’ve held other ICANN leadership roles, and been involved in many other workings group, such as the PPSAI.
My plan for policy committee is to introduce more active tracking of policy work that needs doing through use of Trello and other online tools, and work towards both getting a clearer idea of NPOCs specific policy positions when it has them, and closer collaboration with all of NCSG when Piru positions converge.
Name: Caleb Ogundele
Affiliation: African Academic Network on Internet Policy (AANOIP)
Position applied for: Communications Committee Chair
Why you are running for the position?:
NPOC's work within the ICANN community holds an important role and in other to fulfill such roles it needs to have a very strong communication mechanism within which other stakeholders within the community relate to the work and interest of Not-for-Profit, Civil Society, and Academics within the constituency.
It is therefore very pertinent to connect with these other stakeholders and varied interests within the ICANN community to understand the work that NPOC does with the view of serving as a more vocal voice of reasoning and logic during engagements with other communities within and beyond ICANN
Having undergone the recent NCUC course on policy writing and drafting public comments, I have participated in a couple of draft documents used to engage within the NCUC and also was a contributing pen holder for the ICANN fellowship draft statement read at the public meeting with the ICANN Org Board during the Puerto Rico meeting.
Recently, during an internet governance meeting in my region, I have done an outreach to engage Not-for-Profit, Civil Society domain owners who previously never had a clear understanding of what they stand to benefit in participating in ICANN and by extension NPOC.
I strongly believe that if elected, my work within the leadership of the NPOC will reflect actionable outcomes and all members interest I will be representing will experience a bottom-up approach consensus to DNS Policy engagement with a focus in realizing the ICANN's multistakeholder PDP mission.
I do hope to bring in diversity and proactive approach to the role I'm putting myself forward for service.
I am also active within regional affiliation of such as AFRINIC, ISOC-NG Chapter and AFRALO and currently in a couple of working groups within ICANN.
My participation in different fora within the internet space has seen my contributions on internet governance policy issues ranging from data privacy, Copyright and Intellectual Property and copyright, Cyber Security, sustainable access, digital rights, media literacy, and development & capacity and other internet related issues which I believe is consistent with some of the concerns the NPOC has within the DNS industry.
In my professional experience from being a Project Manager, System Administrator, Network Administrator, MultiMedia Content Producer and Webmaster, I believe it puts me in a value-added position to what the Not-for-Profit Operational Concerns Constituency (NPOC) stands for in bringing my industry experience to bear from a technical perspective to serve in the role of communication's chair.
You can learn more about my professional career here [] and ICANN Wiki []
Do you have any conflict(s) of interest?:
How many Hours a week you are able to dedicate to the position: 6+ hours
Are you involved in any working Groups or PDP efforts, if so please state:
At-Large Capacity Building Working Group, AFRALO Hot Topics Working Group, At-Large IDN Policy Working Group, At-Large Social Media Working Group
Thank you for your consideration, support and God bless.
Caleb Ogundele
Name: Juan Manuel Rojas P
•Affiliation: AGEIA DENSI Colombia
•Position applied for: Membership Chair
•Why you are running for the position?: I am running as a Membership Chair because I believe that we need to involve our members in the policy work that we are thinking to do. NPOC it has been worried just for reach new members, and of course, that is part of the task, but also it is important to all our members being more active and informed about what is ExCom doing and how they can be part of it.
I also believe that NPOC is growing up. This will make that NPOC be heard by their positions and their statements in public comments, but that is not all, because I think that we will need to make the effort to have information about what are our members doing around the world to inform, both inside NPOC members and outside, and the possibility of be the bridge to connect between each other.
•Do you have any conflict(s) of interest?: No
•How many hours per week you are able to dedicate to the position: 8 hours
•Are you involved in any working Groups or PDP efforts, if so please state:
I am involved in Subsequent Procedures WT5, about geographical names, and I was also involved in RDS PDP. I also have been very active in public comments opened by NCSG and, currently, I am part of the volunteers about single-character public comment.
•Name: Oreoluwa Lesi
•Affiliation: Women's Technology Empowerment Centre - W.TEC
•Position applied for: Secretariat
•Why you are running for the position?: The work that ICANN does is deeply important. However there are many in the nonprofit and civil society communities who do not fully understand what ICANN does and its relevance to their work. This means that they do not have the opportunity to get involved in shaping the policies, which affects them. As someone whose work is focused on getting more girls and women aware of the potential of technology for career, entrepreneurship and leadership opportunities, I interact with a lot of digitally under-represented groups and am constantly exploring strategies to bridge this divide.
A proactive and responsive ExCom provides leadership for NPOC members to contribute to DNS policy, both by creating awareness of ways to do this and by mapping paths to recruit new members.
I would like to help build on the excellent work of the current ExCom so far, by helping to coordinate the administrative responsibilities and make sure that necessary information about NPOC, meetings, finances are available in a timely manner and in a variety of media.
In my professional and other capacities, I have both led and worked as part of teams and have developed the organisational, time management and collaborative skills that will be valuable working in the Secretariat role.
In my brief time as an active member of NPOC, I have participated in several initiatives, like the Community Onboarding and charter review. You can learn more about me and my work here: [] and [].
•Do you have any conflict(s) of interest?: No
•How many hours per week you are able to dedicate to the position: 5.5 hours
•Are you involved in any working Groups or PDP efforts, if so please state:
I was a mentee on the Community Onboarding programme and helped to refine the processes to integrate new members to NPOC. Being a newer member, contributing to this process was very important to me.
I also contributed to the revision of the NPOC charter. At the 2018 Intersessional, I worked with the rest of the working group to review the new version of the charter for flow and ease of use.
More recently, as part of the NCSG Policy course Advisory Group, I contributed scenarios for the development of a NCSG Policy course.