Maryam Bakoshi
Aleksey Khapchenko
FY18-27-NPOC– Leadership Development & Support especially from Developing Countries (enhancing noncommercial leaders participation in ICANN and promotion of the M/S approach) – Local Leaders
NPOC request for a pilot program to develop local leaders from developing countries.
(Yes)(8,100)(Janice Douma Lange)
Similar leadership support activities have been productively piloted by members of the Commercial Stakeholder Group (CSG). This request is approved on an FY18 pilot basis only. Travel for one new participant from a developing country in the region of ICANN60, ICANN61 and ICANN62 is approved to attend the relevant ICANN Public Meeting. The request component seeking travel support to attend third party Internet governance-related meetings is not approved and can be addressed via the CROP program now part of ICANN's core budget. Approval of this request is contingent upon the supported traveller demonstrating participation in already established programs (i.e., Newcomers day session and Fellowship meetings) and on the submission of a written report to be submitted within 30 days of travel which addresses each itemized metric as per request. Report to be submitted to sbr-outcomes@icann.organd is a condition of future resource allocations. Unused travel slots cannot be rolled over to future ICANN meetings or fiscal years. Travel components include: economy airfare + hotel + per diem
Request: FY17-30-NPOC-NPOC Ambassador Program
FY17-30-NPOC-NPOC Ambassador Program
Request to fund new outreach pilot program
(No– CROPP & Publications/Media Support)(0)
This is an interesting concept that has the potential for coordination with other ICANN outreach and engagement activities. No specific new resources are being made available for this initiative in FY17 because substantive resource support will available through the existing CROPP and Media & Publications support program (see FY17-60 and FY17-61 below). Coordination and implementation by/with GSE and Communications Teams as appropriate.