Elections 2018

Elections 2018

Please use this link to confirm if you are checked in to receive a ballot: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/K6nWBQ

Check-in | Candidate Statements


Chair: Joan Kerr

Vice Chair: Raoul Plommer

Secretariat: Oreoluwa Lesi

Membership Committee Chair: Juan Manuel Rojas

Policy Committee Chair: David Cake

Communications Committee Chair: Caleb Ogundele

Procedures for the NPOC Elections can be found in the Charter, Section 8.0. Please see timeline below.

Step 1: Eligibility to vote
Please take a moment to update your information. Only those members who update their organization’s information is eligible to receive a ballot to vote. Please send an email to maryam.bakoshi@icann.org, confirming
• Name of Designated Member;
• Organization; and
• Email address

Step 2: Nominations process opens
You can self-nominate or nominate someone starting on April 30th, 2018 through to May 26th, 2018. Candidates must respond to the NPOC discuss mailing list with the following:
•Position applied for:
•Why you are running for the position?:
•Do you have any conflict(s) of interest?:
•How many hours per week you are able to dedicate to the position:
•Are you involved in any working Groups or PDP efforts, if so please state:

Step 3: Statement of Interest (SOI)
All nominees are expected to submit a brief statement explaining why they believe they are a suitable candidate and also must complete or update their Statement of Interest.

Election Timetable




April 16

To be eligible to receive a ballot to vote, please send an email to maryam.bakoshi@icann.org, confirming



Email Address:

April 30, 2018; 23:59 UTC


May 01

Nominations process opens

    • You can self-nominate or nominate someone starting on April 26th, 2017, through to May 26th, 2017.
    • Candidates must respond to the NPOC discuss mailing list with the following:
    • Name:
    • Affiliation:
    • Position applied for:
    • Why you are running for the position?:
    • Do you have any conflict(s) of interest?:
    • How many Hours a week you are able to dedicate to the position:
    • Are you involved in any working Groups or PDP efforts, if so please state:

May 30, 2018; 23:59 UTC

June 01

NPOC Excom accepts nominations

June 03, 2018; 23:59 UTC

June 04

Voting begins

July 04, 2018; 23:59 UTC

July 05

Election results announced

If you have any questions about this posting or the elections, please contact the NPOC Executive Committee at npoc@npoc.org.

All current ExCom positions are open including:

• Chair currently held by, Joan Kerr
• Vice Chair currently held by, Raoul Plommer
• Secretariat currently held by, Olévie Kouami
• Policy Chair currently held by, Poncelet Ileleji
• Membership Chair currently held by, Gangadhar Panay
• Communication Chair currently held by, Juan Manuel Rojas

Duties and responsibilities of the ExCom are listed here.

You may also view the roles & responsibilities of our other committees here.


PositionNominationsNominatorSecondedAcceptedCandidate Statement

Joan Kerr

Poncelet Ileleji

Juan Manuel Rojas

Marie-laure Lemineur 


Feliz Iziomoh



Vice ChairRaoul PlommerJuan Manuel Rojas

Joan Kerr

Caleb Ogundele

SecretariatOreoluwa LesiJoan KerrMartín SilvaYes
Policy Committee Chair

Remmy Nweke

David Cake

Remmy Nweke

Martin Silva

Poncelet Ileleji



Membership Committee ChairJuan Manuel RojasRaoul PlommerJoan KerrYes
Communications Committee ChairCaleb OgundeleMartin SilvaPoncelet IlelejiYes