Elections 2017

Elections 2017

Election Timetable




April 10

To be eligible to receive a ballot to vote, please send an email to maryam.bakoshi@icann.org, confirming



Email Address:

April 24, 2017; 23:59 UTC


April 25

Nominations process opens

    • You can self-nominate or nominate someone starting on April 26th, 2017, through to May 26th, 2017.
    • Candidates must respond to the NPOC discuss mailing list with the following:
    • Name:
    • Affiliation:
    • Position applied for:
    • Why you are running for the position?:
    • Do you have any conflict(s) of interest?:
    • How many Hours a week you are able to dedicate to the position:
    • Are you involved in any working Groups or PDP efforts, if so please state:

May 26, 2017; 23:59 UTC

April 26

NPOC Excom accepts nominations

May 29, 2017

May 30

Voting begins

June 29, 2017

June 30

Election results announced



PositionNominationsNominatorSecondedAcceptedCandidate Statement
ChairJoan KerrRaoul PlommerYesYes
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Dear members,

I am standing for the position of Chair for NPOC and ask for your support for the election. Please find my Candidate responses below.

Name: Joan Kerr

Affiliation: Foundation for Building Sustainable Communities

Position applied for: Chair

Why you are running for the position?:

I am running for Chair for the NPOC because I would like to work and develop our Constituency as a crucial voice for the member organizations who want to participate in the ICANN policy development process. Although I am relevantly new to ICANN ecosystem, over the last two years, I have contributed in many ways in the background, organizing outreach events, attending meetings, building trust and completing the tasks given to me.

I have over 30 years in experience in facilitation, collaboration and leading teams to achieve strategic goals. In fact, in 2004, I lead an international team to research how women were functioning in the field of Information Technology. The project won the United Nation Civil Society Award for content & creativity, and in 2010 received the Partnership Award from the Region of Durham, Ontario.

I took time to consider the duties and responsibilities this position entails and is willing to devote the time to join meetings and work with the incoming executive to accomplish our goals.

Do you have any conflict(s) of interest?: No.

How many hours a week you are able to dedicate to the position:

I am able to dedicate about 5 hours per week

Are you involved in any Working Groups or PDP efforts, if so please state:

In addition to participating on the NPOC Executive Committee, I also represent NPOC on the NCSG Executive Committee and work in the background to oversee many of the administrative duties that need to be done.

Vice ChairRaoul PlommerJoan KerrYesYes
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Name: Raoul Plommer
Affiliation: NPOC, NCUC, Electronic Frontier Finland, Open Knowledge Finland
Position applied for: Vice Chair
Why you are running for the position?:

I've been to four ICANN meetings since Marrakech and I feel that I can definitely make the biggest impact with my work in the NPOC ExCom. 

- I'm familiar with most digital rights issues and human rights on the internet, while I've been working for Effi and the Pirate Party. At the moment in Finland, I'm working on Effi's and the Pirate Party's statement on the new surveillance law which was just presented to the public two weeks ago.

- I'm now on my second term in the board of Open Knowledge Finland, which is part of Open Knowledge International, a network of people dedicated to open government and corporate data all around the world. Right now, I'm working on mydata.org[mydata.org]  which is currently one of our main projects and I gave a lightning talk presentation on it with another OKFI-activist at the RightsCon last month. We might now even get the UN Commissioner on Privacy to grace us with his presence, at our annual conference!

- I have about nine years of experience in arranging outreach and social events for the Pirate Party and a little bit less for Effi. I arranged one for the NCUC in Helsinki also.

Do you have any conflict(s) of interest?: No.
How many Hours a week you are able to dedicate to the position: 5-15

Are you involved in any working Groups or PDP efforts, if so please state:

RDS - I've just started learning about its key issues, but after being around for a little over a year, I'm sure it's most relevant to my interests. I also think, it might just be the most relevant PDP for NPOC, too. Stephanie Perrin has also promised to give me a little guidance along the way and I'm going to catch up on it before the Johannesburg meeting in the end of June.


SecretariatOlevie KouamiOlevie KuoamiYesYes
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  • Affiliation: NCSG,NPOC, NCUC & AFRALO

  • Position applied for: SECRETAIRE

  • Why you are running for the position?:

    Although I am inclined rather to have a limited mandate as head of any governance executive of any kind, the NPOC case finally seems more sensitive to me. The NPOC as the last constituency born of ICANN needs a lot of attention to make its place in the ICANN ecosystem and that of the NCSG in particular. After three years of experience at the NPOC Executive level, I learned a lot and I think that it’s time to share what I have learned throughout these years and, above all, to contribute to affirming the very existence of the NPOC within the NCSG. I decide to re-apply for the position of Secretary of the Bureau in order to provide the necessary additional content to bring this position into line with the proper functioning of the NPOC Executive Committee. I decide to run again to realize the concept of diversity within the ICANN in general and the NPOC in particular. The experience gained as co-vice-Chair of the non-PDP Policy & Implementaionworking group has allowed me to understand enough the policy development process within the GNSO and I still need to further strengthen this capacity in order to better serve the ICANN, the NPOC and my geographic region of origin (Africa).

  • Do you have any conflict(s) of interest?: NO.

  • How many Hours a week you are able to dedicate to the position: 5 to 15 hours

  • Are you involved in any working Groups or PDP efforts, if so please state: Many WGs, please see my SOI.

Policy Committee ChairPoncelet IlelejiRaoul PlommerYesYes 
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Post: Membership chair
Affiliation: NPOC
Why?: to enhance membership base and to engage more nonprofits contribute to ICANN processes 
Conflict of interest: NONE
Hours per week: 5 five
Others: nil
Communications Committee ChairJuan Manuel RojasRaoul PlommerYesYes 

