2019-08-08 New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP

2019-08-08 New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP

The call for the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Working Group will take place on Thursday, 08 August 2019 at 20:00 UTC for 90 minutes.

 13:00 PDT, 16:00 EDT, 22:00 Paris CEST, (Friday) 01:00 Karachi PKT, (Friday) 05:00 Tokyo JST, (Friday)06:00 Melbourne AEST 

For other places see: https://tinyurl.com/y38a5gsj


  1. Welcome and Updates to Statements of Interest
  2. Review of summary document:
  3. Application Queuing (continued), beginning on page 2 – See:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nf8qGP9Y7OYuT0ZvxIgM1fZtNa4Kj8DyhzpmPhEcNGM/edit#
  4. Application Change Requests (page 5) -- See:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nf8qGP9Y7OYuT0ZvxIgM1fZtNa4Kj8DyhzpmPhEcNGM/edit#
  5. AOB

For item 2a we will also reference this document, which provides the timing of delegation of IDNs from the 2012 round:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nQw13qN4qdr27ZaNbD47Vp70OzM6ESFDVEaNAvbY5uU/edit#gid=0



Audio Recording

Zoom Recording

Chat Transcript 

GNSO transcripts are located on the GNSO Calendar



Apologies:  Heath Dixon, Robin Gross, Annebeth Lange, Flip Petillion

Notes/ Action Items


Proposal: Make priority numbers transferable between applications in an applicant portfolio:

ACTION ITEM: See whether there is enough support to keep this as a recommendation.  Christa Taylor and Paul McGrady will work on language.

Proposal: Priority processing for certain strings:

ACTION ITEM: Explore further the proposal to have community applications be prioritized.  Jamie Baxter to propose language in a separate thread.

Proposal: Prioritization of applications in the next round over those in subsequent rounds/windows:

ACTION ITEM: Susan Payne to send the proposal to the list to see if there is support.

Proposal: Change to the applied-for string to a closely related string to avoid contention. Re-evaluation would be required. There would be possible additional costs to applicant:

ACTION ITEM: Jeff to write up a proposal.


  1. Welcome and Updates to Statements of Interest: No updates provided.

2. Review of summary document:

a. Application Queuing (continued), beginning on page 2 – See: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nf8qGP9Y7OYuT0ZvxIgM1fZtNa4Kj8DyhzpmPhEcNGM/edit#

Make priority numbers transferable between applications in an applicant portfolio:

-- ICANN Org concern about secondary market for priority numbers

-- So you can't do this if your string is in contention.

-- That sounds sensible and there is broad support for this (only Registrars and 1 individual stated they were against it).

-- See if we can find that there is enough support for this proposal.  Not enough support in the comments to support or not support.

-- Priority numbers transferred with same owner should be fine.  Should not be creating a secondary market in priority numbers.

ACTION ITEM: See whether there is enough support to keep this as a recommendation.  Christa Taylor and Paul McGrady will work on language.

Application Queuing if there is a first-come first-serve process:

-- No consensus on having a first-come, first-served, process.

Priority processing for certain strings:

-- Default would be to keep the default as in 2012.

-- Add a priority to application support applications.

-- Order from the 2012 round: Drawing 1: IDN applications for which a ticket had been purchased
● Drawing 2: Non-IDN applications for which a ticket had been purchased
● Drawing 3: IDN applications for which a ticket had NOT been purchased
● Drawing 4: Non-IDN applications for which a ticket had NOT been purchased

-- Concern that portfolio applications undermine the basic commitment to enhancing competition and choice.

-- Evaluate community applications first since it is generally a longer cycle because of CPE.  There is a larger issue about the expectation that a community application has to endure a longer application evaluation period.

-- Support that IDNs go first.

-- Do not support - As we saw from the last round, so-called community applications are quite controversial.  I think AGB 2012 already gave them enough special rights.

-- There was also discussion on having Applicant Support Applicants going first.

-- IDNs could be treated as communities (people speaking the same language).

-- It seems to me that if CPE occurs early and that application fails CPE, it may clear the way for other applicants for that string and they will get to market sooner.  It makes sense for everyone and the marketplace in general to get to CPE as early as possible.

-- What about an Applicant Support applicant who needs time to raise funds if they are not eligible for AS funds?

-- Only heard 2 individuals supporting the new special treatment for community applications.  Is that enough to keep itu alive?  Seems like we could put that one to rest.

-- ALAC also expressed a preference for giving community applications priority.

ACTION ITEM: Explore further the proposal to have community applications be prioritized.  Jamie Baxter to propose language in a separate thread.

Prioritization of applications in the next round over those in subsequent rounds/windows:

-- COMMENT:  2012 applications are out of scope for this policy process - not in the PDP Charter.  The other issue is that applications made in 2012 may or may not meet the policies adopted for the next round.  In addition, a determination as to what is "confusingly similar' is a matter for the String Confusion Objection, not a matter for preventing an application from being made.  We can't put a "chilling effect" on new applicants.  COMMENT

-- This isn’t a suggestion to change the past round.

-- We still have applications from 2012 pending out there and we need to know how they will be dealt with

-- From the Valideus comment: “Although it does not expressly say so, this recomemndation should also apply to any applications from the 2012 round which remain pending - it should not be possible in a later application phase to submit an identical or confusingly similar application which takes precedence over one submitted in an earlier application phase.“

-- COMMENT @ Paul et al - Knowing how to deal with those 2012 applications does not mean there should be a ban on new applications for that same string.  You could say there would be no contention set but you can't say no one can apply for that string.  It violates the Principle of Applicant Freedom of Expression.  That's a long term policy issue for all Subsequent Rounds.  COMMENT

-- Valideus: If there still something from round one unresolved, aren’t we doing a disservice to new applicants who might apply for something that might never be available.

-- COMMENT: Round 2 applicants can decide whether or not they want to take the risk of applying for the same string or not.  COMMENT
COMMENT:  If policies change, the first application could fail.  COMMENT

-- It should be at their own (hopefully informed) risk; you pay yer money and you take your chances.

--  It is possible to have a list (or a place to go to) to check if an application is still pending (at least we can recommend that)

-- Application status is available here from the 2012 round applications: https://gtldresult.icann.org/applicationstatus/viewstatus

-- At the time the application window is opened, there should be a list readily available that identifies strings that are in some kind of 'pending' status.

-- ACTION ITEM: Susan Payne to send the proposal to the list to see if there is support.

ICANN Org: WG should clarify what is meant by “must have priority over applications submitted in any subsequent rounds/application windows.” For example must all applications in a current round complete contracting prior to any application in a subsequent round being able to sign a Registry Agreement? Note that priority number is also used in other program phases to prioritize applications (i.e., contracting and RST).

-- Didn’t get support for this concern.

b. Application Change Requests (page 5) -- See: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nf8qGP9Y7OYuT0ZvxIgM1fZtNa4Kj8DyhzpmPhEcNGM/edit#

Policy Goals: The framework for considering and responding to change requests should be clear, consistent, fair and predictable.

High-Level Agreement:

-- Part of this is referring to the criteria that ICANN used into 2012 (in the Initial Report).

-- The change request process and criteria are here: https://newgtlds.icann.org/en/applicants/global-support/change-requests

-- Explanation: Is a reasonable explanation provided?
2. Evidence that original submission was in error: Are there indicia to support an
assertion that the change merely corrects an error?
3. Other third parties affected: Does the change affect other third parties
4. Precedents: Is the change similar to others that have already been approved?
Could the change lead others to request similar changes that could affect third
parties or result in undesirable effects on the program?
5. Fairness to applicants: Would allowing the change be construed as fair to the
general community? Would disallowing the change be construed as unfair?
6. Materiality: Would the change affect the evaluation score or require reevaluation of some or all of the application? Would the change affect string
contention or community priority?
7. Timing: Does the timing interfere with the evaluation process in some way?

-- When drafting in relation to pending applications still outstanding from 2012, could you be sure to cover the issue of possible non-compliance of those applications with new policy adopted subsequent to 2012?  (I previously suggested, as Christopher Wilkinson pointed out on 

On this point: If it is allowed that an applicant may change the applied-for string because the original string is in a contention set, the new string should not create a new contention set or enter into another existing contention set. 

-- Not sure why this should be in the high-level agreement.

-- It is here because it is conditional.

Outstanding Items - New Ideas/Concerns/Divergence

Suggested change to allow: Change to the applied-for string to a closely related string to avoid contention. Re-evaluation would be required. There would be possible additional costs to applicant:

-- Opposed: Risk of gaming, difficult situation for public and applicant.


-- How would this not be fair?  The issue if it is generic/dictionary terms.

-- Modify the proposal that if you are a brand owner and had a trademark and wanted to change your string with a descriptor.

-- Raises a lot of questions about processes.  There are much more complex examples.

-- ICANN Org concerns: Very careful about change requests to the applied for string in the 2012 round. If an application is allowed to change the applied for string then all the applications would need to be re-evaluated.  Could create additional contention sets.  Very subjective to decide what “closely related” means.

-- changing to something similar will open door to the applications made with intentions of future changes … it is bad from the public being confused during the comments phase

-- COMMENT:  The issue re modification in the .brand realm is that the .brand applicant may not have trademark rights in the modified string. This would have to be put out for public comment. There could be other trademark holders who might object to the modified string as confusingly similar.  COMMENT

-- I agree with the general idea that Kathy has put forward.  I disagree with the idea that it should be limited to brands that are “non-generic terms.”

-- Trademarks are inherently non-generic in their context, so the requirement is a non-sequitor

-- These revised string should still be subject to all the usual objection processes (not sure anyone said otherwise...).

-- If we narrow down the proposal the complications go away.

-- Don't support the proposal and share the concerns raised by Jamie and Trang. I don't believe this is as simple as you make it out to be.

--  There may be some relevant comments to this discussion that were submitted under the topic of auctions of last resort -- there's some overlap in the two subjects and comments on them.

Change to the applied-for string to a closely related string to avoid contention. Re-evaluation would be required. There would be possible additional costs to applicant:

ACTION ITEM: Jeff to write up a proposal.