2019-06-03 New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP

2019-06-03 New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP

The call for the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Working Group will take place on Monday, 03 June 2019 at 20:00 UTC for 90 minutes.

13:00 PDT, 16:00 EDT, 22:00 Paris CEST, (Tuesday) 01:00 Karachi PKT, (Tuesday) 05:00 Tokyo JST, (Tuesday) 06:00 Melbourne AEST 

For other places see: https://tinyurl.com/y4u87z6x


  1. Welcome/Review of the Agenda/Updates to Statements of Interest (SOIs)
  2. Review of Summary Documents
    1. 2.2.6 Accreditation Programs (e.g., RSP Pre-Approval) - (see - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1R4zXTH3hIgfbqoxyqsSp19Bl6J96NNeV7oCgxsXKD-w/edit?usp=sharing)
    2. (time-permitting) - 2.3.2 Global Public Interest – (see - https://docs.google.com/document/d/15rwviHM6AYtqDqyB6_5Yij2dTL6iuou8z7A32yzc7sE/edit?usp=sharing)
  3. AOB

Note, in relation to agenda item 2, WG leadership and staff have tried to prepare summary documents for each topic that seeks to help you review some of the background material, consider a high-level summary of what we believe the WG is seeking to accomplish for the topic, a high-level summary of public comment received, and finally, a catch all at the end of each section (e.g., follow-up, parking lot, next steps).

As requested, staff is also including a download of the two working documents. Please note that these represent a snapshot and will of course become out of sync as the working documents are updated.


Foundational Issues_Summary Document


Audio only

Zoom recording

Zoom chat

GNSO transcripts are located on the GNSO Calendar



Apologies: Heath Dixon, Vanda Scartezini, Maxim Alzoba, Flip Petillion, Katrin Ohlmer

Notes/ Action Items

Action Items:

ACTION ITEM 1: 2.2.6 Accreditation Programs (e.g. RSP Pre-Approval): Ask a clarifying question to the GAC re: GAC: New Idea - RSP Program should consider security threats and use tools such as ICANN’s DAAR to identify any potential security risks for an application.  Question from Jeff:  How exactly would DAAR be used for this purpose? DAAR looks at current activity within a particular string, not at the likelihood of security threats in future applications.


Updates to Statements of Interest (SOIs): No updates provided.

Review of Summary Documents: 2.2.6 Accreditation Programs (e.g., RSP Pre-Approval) - (see - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1R4zXTH3hIgfbqoxyqsSp19Bl6J96NNeV7oCgxsXKD-w/edit?usp=sharing)

Outstanding Items:

General Considerations for Program Implementation:

-- GAC Comment - How would DAAR be used be used for this purpose?  Not an RSP pre-approval issue -- ACTION ITEM: Ask for clarification.

-- RrSG: New Idea - Program should take into consideration interoperability with ICANN-accredited registrars and there should be additional standardization of certain operational requirements.  Note from Jeff:  In discussion with Registrars at GDD Summit, they indicated that this comment was meant for all RSPs and not just those in the Pre-Approval Program. So to the extent that in general we adopt this requirement, it would be adopted for all RSPs.

-- NCSG: New Idea - The program should be clear and transparent. Supports public cataloging of receipts against RSPs, and investigation and response taken to the complaints, as well as a process for rejecting approved RSPs. Comment from Jeff:  Generally there are no compliance actions against an RSP, but rather against Registry Operators. How would this information be used?


-- The third-parties don’t have a contract with ICANN so don’t see how you could have a publicly available list.  Not sure there is any value.

-- Issues: 1) public cataloging of complaints; 2) Once you are on a pre-approved list how is a company removed and how is that communicated?  Focus on the second question.

-- Don’t think the pre-approval process would be public -- you are either on the list or not.

-- If we are going to talk about a mechanism to get a company off the pre-approved list, we should think about what is the point and what are the impacts.

-- Could indicate whether part of the question is not implementable.

-- The pre-approval is you are pre-approved or you are not. If you provide back end services for a registry operator and the RO breaches SLAs there will be consequences for the RSP, but those consequences are determined by the RO.

-- These are private contracts.  Mechanisms for un-preapproval don't really have a place.

-- The intent of the pre-approval is to overcome the repetitive nature of the technical evaluation experienced in the 2012 round.

-- There isn’t a concept of an “unapproved” RSP.  When we talk about RSPs and if they become “unapproved” that is a business proposition.  This isn’t a certification process, but you are qualified to do business in the accreditation program.

-- Maybe instead call them “pre-evaluated” RSPs.

-- QUESTION: Does RSP pre-approval apply regardless of the services to be provided in connection with a particular application or is the ability to meet the needs related to proposed new services part of the evaluation even if the RSP is Pre-approved?  QUESTION

-- What might be at issue here is what's the term of the pre-approval? It holds until the completion of the application and evaluation process. From then on the registry operator is responsible for meeting the technical requirements.

-- How is the applicant protected if there is a problem?

-- If there are new registry services proposed then there would need to be a new evaluation.

-- In terms of the applicant, one of the solutions could be if the applicant picked a RSP that had been taken off the list then the applicant could have time to pick another pre-approved RSP.  

-- On the EBERO and what it takes to get someone off the list, we haven’t agreed on that yet.  Not sure what process that would be.

-- The pre-approval holds until the completion of the application/evaluation process.  After that the RO is responsible for meeting the technical requirements.  Not sure how you would remove pre-approval.

-- Whether an RSP is on a pre-approved list or not: Should be that at a point in time this RSP has qualified against a standard set of questions and that this stands for a period of time.  There still would need to be monitoring by the RO.

-- Agreement on the need for more information from ICANN on the EBERO-triggering incidents.

-- This was supposed to provide efficiencies in the process.  This was never meant to be an accreditation.

-- Need to decide how long the pre-approval lasts and when another evaluation is required.

-- the assumption was that the RSPs would retain their quality for that period of time, subject to pre-delegation testing.

Timing of Program Launch:

-- Set up principles: 1) That applicants should be able to use the results of a pre-approval program should allow sufficient time for an applicant to be able to use the results when they are deciding to apply for a new string.

-- Not consistent with the comments of RySG -- the pre-approval is a condition for the next round.

Next meeting: Start with Factoring in the Number of TLDs the RSP Intends to Support.