2019-04-15 New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP
The call for the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Working Group will take place on Monday, 15 April 2019 at 15:00 UTC for 90 minutes.
08:00 PDT, 11:00 EDT, 17:00 Paris CEST, 20:00 Karachi PKT, (Tuesday) 00:00 Tokyo JST, (Tuesday) 01:00 Melbourne AEST
For other places see: https://tinyurl.com/y2f8e5mf
- Welcome/Review of the Agenda/Updates to Statements of Interest (SOIs)
- Zoom Introduction
- Update on Work Track 5
- Review of Summary Documents – Continuation of Discussion from ICANN64 to Reach Closure on Select Topics (see: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VSrLyWvfAiwDP-pe-QhAokRVoY1rpnDhfTqViwo4-zc/edit# [docs.google.com])
a. Communications
b. Systems (time permitting)
5. AOB
Note, in relation to agenda item 2, WG leadership and staff have tried to prepare summary documents for each topic that seeks to help you review some of the background material, consider a high-level summary of what we believe the WG is seeking to accomplish for the topic, a high-level summary of public comment received, and finally, a sort of catch all at the end of each section (e.g., follow-up, parking lot, next steps).
Notes/ Action Items
Action Items:
Work Track 5: ACTION ITEM: Leadership and Staff will review the schedule and reconfigure as necessary based on the current work plan/pace.
Review of Summary Documents -- Communications:
ACTION ITEM 1: WG homework -- review the policy goals/what the WG is seeking to accomplish with respect to the following questions: Do these make sense? Do they seem complete? Do the concepts make sense?
ACTION ITEM 2: 2.4.2.c.1 -- Captured Valideus and ALAC as New Ideas, but where there is a theme have placed them in themes. Need to be clear that they also are New Ideas. Added a reference back to New Ideas.
ACTION ITEM 3: 2.4.2.c.7: ICANN Org comment re: online chat support -- cost and complexity. Question: Are we asking ICANN to offer substantive support to prospective applicants? Or technical support for those who are applying? ACTION ITEM: Capture in document (DONE).
ACTION ITEM 4: 2.4.2.c.8: Add to New Ideas: May need to differentiate between substantive support versus technical support. (DONE)
ACTION ITEM 5: 2.4.2.e.1: Add response rates consideration to ALAC comment. And “Conversion rates from inquiring applicants to applicants who submit applications.” to ICANN Org comment. (DONE).
Brief Notes
Updates to Statements of Interest (SOIs):
- Greg Shatan -- Treasurer of chapter of the Internet Society
- Christa Taylor -- Chief Marketing Officer of Minds & Machines
Update on Work Track 5:
-- Review of public comments -- questions for community input: Found that there need to be some clarifications concerning what was meant in some of the comments.
-- Move to proposals next.
ACTION ITEM: Look at the schedule and reconfigure as necessary.
Review of Summary Documents
ACTION ITEM: WG homework -- review the policy goals/what the WG is seeking to accomplish with respect to the following questions: Do these make sense? Do they seem complete? Do the concepts make sense?
Public Comments:
2.4.2.c.1: ACTION ITEM: Captured Valideus and ALAC as New Ideas, but where there is a theme have placed them in themes. Need to be clear that they also are New Ideas. Add a reference back to New Ideas.
2.4.2.c.2.1: Communication Period: Note that there is some support for the communications period being longer than 6 months -- Need to take into account the concept of time required for various application types (such as community applications).
2.4.2.c.7: ICANN Org comment re: online chat support -- cost and complexity. Question: Are we asking ICANN to offer substantive support to prospective applicants? Or technical support for those who are applying? Concern about providing coaching. ACTION ITEM: Capture in document. (DONE)
2.4.2.c.8: Add to New Ideas: May need to differentiate between substantive support versus technical support. (DONE)
2.4.2.e.1: Add response rates consideration to ALAC comment. And “Conversion rates from inquiring applicants to applicants who submit applications.” to ICANN Org comment. (DONE).