2019-04-30 New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP
The call for the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Working Group will take place on Tuesday, 30 April 2019 at 03:00 UTC for 90 minutes.
(Monday) 20:00 PDT, (Monday) 23:00 EDT, 05:00 Paris CEST, 08:00 Karachi PKT, 12:00 Tokyo JST, 13:00 Melbourne AEST
For other places see: https://tinyurl.com/y4agvjje
Draft Agenda:
- Welcome/Review of the Agenda/Updates to Statements of Interest (SOIs)
- Review of Summary Documents – (see: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1R4zXTH3hIgfbqoxyqsSp19Bl6J96NNeV7oCgxsXKD-w/edit?usp=sharing)
- 2.2.1 Continuing Subsequent Procedures
- 2.2.2 Predictability / Clarity of Application Process
Notes/ Action Items
Action Items:
-- Staff will check on the ICANN Board response to the GAC advice in the Helsinki Communique’ on new gTLDs.
-- WG to come up with a different name for the “standing IRT”. Maybe “Post Application Advisory Team”.
Updates to Statements of Interest: No updates provided.
Review of Summary Documents – (see: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1R4zXTH3hIgfbqoxyqsSp19Bl6J96NNeV7oCgxsXKD-w/edit?usp=sharing)
2.2.1 Continuing Subsequent Procedures
Policy Goals / What the WG is Seeking to Accomplish
-- First bullet: replace “rounds” with “procedures”.
2.2.1.c.1: The Working Group recommends no changes to the existing policy calling for subsequent application rounds introduced in an ongoing, orderly, timely and predictable manner.
-- Support from most commenters
New Ideas/Concepts for Deliberations:
-- GAC Advice and BC: Support for new rounds but no rounds started until reviews (CCT-RT) are complete. Need to do a cost-benefit analysis before starting new round.
-- WG is taking into consideration the CCT-RT recommendations.
-- Policy does not have a demand component.
-- Action Item: Board response to GAC Advice in the Helskinki Communique’.
-- Note that the CCT-RT did have an economic study done by the Analysis Group, although perhaps not a full cost-benefit analysis.
-- Concerns with maintaining the current policy unless there are objections.
-- Unless there is a consensus on changing precedent we should stay on the same path.
-- Can build on what we have learned, but hard to do analysis on what people might want.
-- If the WG wants to request for an assessment to be done that will have to be approved by the Council.
-- Calling for rounds introduced in an ongoing orderly timely and predictable manner support came from pretty much every group that responded in public comments to the Initial Report.
-- We have some qualifications from the GAC.
2.2.1.e.1: The 2007 Final Report noted that success metrics would be developed around the New gTLD Program. What are some specific metrics that the program should be measured against?
-- Support from most commenters.
New Ideas/Concepts for Deliberations: ALAC, BRG, BC, RySG – New Ideas
-- Good proposals for different types of metrics.
-- Need to define what we mean by success; CCT-RT referred that issue to the SubPro WG.
-- Questions and issues in the CCT-RT could put some of these issues to rest.
-- This WG could come up with a half dozen categories (elements of the program) and develop definitions of success for those – or develop targets, which is a less loaded word.
-- Good conversation to continue on email.
-- You could have a high-level structure from the 2012 round (to foster diversity, encourage competition, and enhance the utility of the DNS), then create specific targets within that structure within that framework.
2.2.2 Predictability
-- Support from most commenters
-- BC/RySG/IPC/ALAC (in response to e.1): New Idea - The Standing IRT must be representative of the community, but must also allow for the appointment of experts where needed.
New Ideas/Concepts for Deliberations -- ICANN Org: Concerns/New Ideas
-- Can things in the model be improved so that you can support it? If not, what takes its place?
-- Don’t think it’s in our authority to replace the GNSO policy process.
-- We're not changing any of the policies or processes that have been established.
-- Changes to policies after the launch need to go through the GNSO policy process; the predictability framework is for issues that come up outside of that process and guidance to the standing IRT. In the report we called it a standing IRT, but that seems to be confusing so we should change the name. Could call it a “gateway” to decide what is policy and what is not, and only looking at non-policy issues.
-- Need to be more conscious of the need for predictability for third party interests. We use the term “affected parties” for that reason.
-- WG needs to come up with a different name for the “standing IRT”. Maybe a Post Application Advisory Team.