Meeting #15 - 09 September 2016
As per the results of the updated Doodle poll, the next New gTLD Auction Proceeds CCWG Charter Drafting Team will be held on Friday, 09 September 2016 at 14:00 UTC for 60 minutes.
07:00 PDT, 10:00 EDT, 15:00 London, 16:00 CEST, 17:00 Dodoma, 22:00 Singapore
For other times:
Proposed Agenda:
As discussed, in relation to next steps, the proposed timeline is as follows:
- 2 September – circulation of ‘final’ version of charter
- 9 September – deadline for any further edits / comments (a DT call has been scheduled to resolve any remaining issues, if needed)
- 12 September – submit proposed charter to ICANN SO/AC with the request to identify any items that would prevent adoption of the charter by 30 September at the latest, including an indication of when the SO/AC may be able to consider the charter for approval if it is confirmed by 1 October that there are no changes to the charter.
- October/November – adoption of charter by SO/ACs
- December – first meeting of CCWG
Apologies: Olga Cavalli
Notes 09/09 Meeting:
Notes and Actions – new gTLD Auction Proceeds DT Meeting – 9 September 2016:
Objective for today’s meeting: DT to sign off on draft charter to go to SO/ACs and accompanying timeline. SO/ACs to be asked for any issues which would prevent adoption.
Page 1: Important Document Links [Actions: Staff to include links to the high interest session in BA as well as the cross-community session under 'important document links' so we will include these for the final version.]
Page 3: "To align with requirements..." Need to clarify geographic scope of applicability of this requirement
ACTION #1: Add line reading "These requirements will apply to comparable activities across any location where applicants are located or intend to use the funds."
Page 4: Questions for CCWG Pt 4 - Edit paragraph to caputure Sylvia's point regarding disconnecting issue of timeframe not being set in stone and issue of single source. Ensure (i) opening sentence is expressed elsewhere in draft charter (ii) there is a timelimit on the operation of the funds but ensure this does not artificially limit the type of activities which can be supported. Proposed language - "What aspects should be considered to define a timeframe, if any, for the funds allocation mechanism to operate as well as the disbursements of funds?"
ACTION #2: (i) DT to consider Sylvia's amendment over the weekend and (ii) Staff to accept Sylvia's proposed edit and clarify the single source nature of the funds in revised draft. Add 'as well as the disbursement of funds' to the end of the sentence.
Proposed timeline:
- 2 September – circulation of ‘final’ version of charter
- 9 September – deadline for any further edits / comments (a DT call has been scheduled to resolve any remaining issues, if needed)
- 12 September – submit proposed charter to ICANN SO/AC with the request to identify any items that would prevent adoption of the charter by 30 September at the latest, including an indication of when the SO/AC may be able to consider the charter for approval if it is confirmed by 1 October that there are no changes to the charter.
- October/November – adoption of charter by SO/ACs
- December – first meeting of CCWG
Carefully worded letter to SO/ACs to explain role of CCWG, role of DT and status of the charter - only flag substantial issues/weaknesses.
Distribution of charter and letter to SO/ACs by Monday 12 September.
ACTION #3: Staff to circulate clean and redline version today
ACTION #4: DT to provide any further input (minor edits, clean-up) by COB on Sunday 11 Sept