Meeting #6 - 12 May 2016
The next New gTLD Auction Proceeds CCWG Charter Drafting Team will be held on Thursday, 12 May 2016 at 21:00 UTC for 60 minutes.
14:00 PDT, 17:00 EDT, 22:00 London, 23:00 CEST, 05:00 Singapore(Friday)
For other times:
Proposed Agenda – new gTLD Auction Proceeds Drafting Team meeting – Thursday 12 May at 21.00 UTC
- Roll Call / SOI
- Briefing note on fiduciary and legal constraint:
- Further comments / questions from DT (see latest version attached which includes comments from Jonathan and Sylvia)
- Update from Sam on which elements need to be reflected in the charter
- Update from Erika on which further constraints may exist from the perspective of the audit committee
- Finalize review of public comments and identification of which items should be considered in relation to the development of the charter
- Discuss comments from DT (if any are received)
- Erika and Russ to provide update on distillation of general principles from public comments
- Review and consideration of next steps in relation to charter section questions and example language (see latest version attached which includes comments from Alan and Sylvia)
- Helsinki meeting planning – (tentatively) Tuesday 28 June from 13.30 to 14.45 as part of the GNSO schedule
- Confirm next meeting – 26 May at 13.00 UTC
Apologies: none
Notes/Action items:
Please find below the outcomes and action items from yesterday’s meeting:
Item 2. Briefing note on fiduciary and legal constraint:
- ICANN memo on fiduciary and legal constraints is applicable to both the Charter and the subsequent work by the CWG. Sam and Xavier are updating the memo to address some of the questions and comments raised by the DT.
- Key terms for inclusion in charter received from SE. Consideration should be given to weaving these principles into the Draft Charter.
- Audit committee to discuss matter potential limitations on disbursement of funds.
Action items:
(1) EM to revert on (a) advice from board colleagues or external advisors on what constraints (audit or tax) on the use of proceeds might be or (b) to what extent does ICANN's mission constrain the use of funds?
(2) Legal document with comments from Sylvia and Jonathan needs to be resent to SE for incorporation in the next draft.
(3) DT to agree in principle on the recommended terms for inclusion in the Charter.
(4) DT to review and modify language contained within recommended terms document following which these are to be included in the draft charter.
Item 3. Finalize review of public comments and identification of which items should be considered in relation to the development of the charter
- Sub-team identified a number of items for the Draft Charter and those for the CCWG to address itself. Some of those in the former were "principles" for the CCWG to use in their work. There were several other areas for discussion by full DT. These are (broadly):
- Diversity;
- Mission statement and values; and
- Principles of disbursement.
Possible resolution: When the CWG develops its principles it should be mindful of those identified in the public comment.
Action Items:
(1) Sub-team to consider how to map these points to be considered into the Draft Charter;
(2) AH and SC to prepare draft text on 'diversity' for inclusion in Draft Charter (utilising references to existing ICANN documents and bylaws)
Item 4. Review and consideration of next steps in relation to charter section questions and example language (see latest version attached which includes comments from Alan and Sylvia)
Notes: Need for working Draft of Charter.
Action items: Draft Charter factoring in input and deliberations to date to be prepared by Staff and circulated ahead of the next meeting
Item 5. Helsinki meeting planning – (tentatively) Tuesday 28 June from 15.15 to 16.45
Notes: Session upgraded to cross-community session. Consideration will have to be given to how to structure that session.
Item 6. Confirm next meeting – 26 May at 13.00 UTC
Action items: JR to share list of proposed meeting dates/times
David A. Tait
Policy Specialist (Solicitor qualified in Scotland)
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
Mobile: + 44-7864-793776