Meeting #1 - 23 February 2016
Further to the doodle poll, the first New gTLD Auction Proceeds CCWG Charter Drafting Team will be held on Tuesday, 23 February 2016 at 17:00 UTC for 60 minutes.
09:00 PST, 12:00 EST, 17:00 London, 18:00 CET
For other times:
Proposed Agenda new gTLD Auction Proceeds Drafting Team - 23 February 2016 at 17.00 UTC
- Welcome & Introductions
- Proposal and selection of DT Chair / Vice-Chair
- Objective of the Drafting Team
- Letter from ICANN Board and Board’s expected role in Drafting Team (see attached)
- Review template charter (see attached)
- Review input provided that may be relevant to the DT effort as part of the public comment period on the discussion paper (see attached)
- Confirm next steps & next meeting
Volunteers for Drafting Team
Chartering Organizations
Olivier Crepin-Leblond
Second volunteer still to be appointed
Sylvia Cadena
Ajay Kumar
Will not be participating in the drafting team
Olga Cavalli
Jonathan Robinson
Tony Harris
Brad Verd
Covey Ranjbar
Russ Mundy
Lyman Chapin
Board Liaisons (DT/CCWG or both?)
Erika Mann
Asha Hemrajani
Board appointed staff advisors (role?)
Samantha Eisner
Nora Abusitta
Apologies: None
On audio only: None
Notes/Action items:
Notes 23/2 Meeting
Welcome & Introductions
- Each SO/AC was asked to identify up to max 2 representatives for this effort
- ccNSO has opted not to designate any representatives to the drafting team
Objective of Drafting Team
- DT tasked with developing the charter for the CCWG - scoping the work throught he charter. CCWG to discuss substance.
- Charter will be put forward to chartering organizations for their consideration.
- Template that has been shared is the result of the work of the CWG Principles. That work is not complete yet, but is currently out for public yet and expected to form a helpful basis.
Proposal and selection of DT Chair / Vice-Chair
- Proposal to have Jonathan Robinson as Chair, Alan Greenberg has volunteered to serve as vice-chair. Support from those on the call.
Letter from ICANN Board and Board’s expected role in Drafting Team
- How do Board members see their role in the drafting team? Active participants, observers? Would like to participate and give ideas/input to the charter.
- What is the Board expected to do with the charter? Endorse it similar to the Chartering Organizations? No historic experience of Board members participating in this way. Board is not technically a chartering organization. If the Board decides to receive the CCWG recommendations in a similar manner as for the CCWG-Accountability, they implicitly endorse the charter.
- James Bladel, GNSO Chair, will prepare a response to this letter.
- Note input provided by Steve Crocker in relation to the charter.
Action item: Board representatives to confirm how the Board is expected to deal with the charter.
Review template charter
- Template provides overview of 'standard' sections for CWGs. In certain cases, template language has been provided reflecting best practices from recent efforts. However, all content in the template is open for review and suggestions. Template is intended to serve as starting point.
- Any comments and/or questions on the different sections can be raised via the mailing list or the online version.
- Consider how to deal with disruptive behaviour as well as anticipated project costs.
- Consider adding section on project schedule and timeline. Note that it traditionally has been the responsibility of the CCWG to develop its workplan an schedule. Consider requiring from the group to set out a schedule and workplan as one of its first actions and seek to identify whether any external costs are anticipated.
Action item: Staff to circulate some examples of recent CWG charters that may provide some guidance on how to fill in the blanks of the template.
Action item: Staff to create shared online document (taking out current lay-out) to allow for DT members to review and provide input.
Review input provided that may be relevant to the DT effort as part of the public comment period on the discussion paper
Action item: All to review comments submitted in response to the public comment period to the discussion paper that may be of relevance (see attached).
Confirm next steps & next meeting
Action item: next meeting of DT has been scheduled to take place in Marrakesh on Thursday 10 March from 7.30 - 9.30 (see–proceeds)
Action item: Staff to collect timezones from DT members to work out possible rotation for future DT meetings.
Reference documents:
In order to fully prepare for the work ahead, we would like to ask that everyone review the following materials prior to our first meeting:
- Updated Discussion Paper on new gTLD Auction Proceeds – see
- Comments received on original discussion paper that may be of relevance to the Drafting Team (see attached and
- Template CCWG Charter (see attached)
- CWG Principles Initial Report (note this report is expected to be published for public comment later today – I will share the link as soon as it is available)