Background Documents
Background Documents
- Board Letter - 11 Feb 2016
- Draft CCWG Framework of Principles - 19 Feb 2016
- Examples of other CWG Charters:
CWG to develop a framework for Country and Territory Names as TLDs created in March 2014 (http://ccnso.icann.org/workinggroups/unct-framework-charter-27mar14-en.pdf)
CWG-Stewardship Aug-Sept 2014 (https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/B4HeBQ)
CCWG-Accountability Nov-Dec 2014 (https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/BgTTBQ).
- Examples of other CWG Charters:
- New gTLD applicant Guidebook
- New gTLD auction proceeds discussion paper updated 7 Dec' 2015
- Summary of comments for DT - Auction Proceeds
- Report of all comments received to original discussion paper 7 Dec' 2015
- Responses to WG to develop recommendations on new gTLD auction proceeds
- May 2016 - Note to Auction Proceeds Charter DT re legal and fiduciary principles-UPDATED.doc
13 October 2016 Webinar Slides:
new gTLD Auction Proceeds - Slides - 12 October 2016.pdf
ICANN57 Session Transcript and Recording:
new gTLD Auction Proceeds Session at ICANN57
ICANN53 Workshop materials and recordings