Meeting #12 - 27 July 2016
As per the results of the Doodle poll, the next New gTLD Auction Proceeds CCWG Charter Drafting Team will be held on Wednesday, 27 2016 at 12:00 UTC for 120 minutes.
05:00 PDT, 08:00 EDT, 13:00 London, 14:00 CEST, 20:00 Singapore
For other times:
Please find below the proposed agenda for the next new gTLD Auction Proceeds Drafting Team meeting which has been scheduled for Wednesday, 27 2016 at 12:00 UTC for 120 minutes.
For your convenience, we’ve created the attached comment review tool to facilitate your review and discussion of the input received to date.
1. Roll Call & Welcome
2. Continue review of comments on draft charter (see latest version of comment review tool circulated on 19/7)
3. Confirm time / date of next meeting
The following Action items arose from the last meeting of the DT.
Board liaisons to send written feedback to DT mailing list for circulation and discussion. These comments to then be incorporated into revised comment review tool. Comments will be identified as either Helsinki meeting comments or subsequent emails, DT member or Board comments. (COMPLETED)
Board liaisons to provide feedback on whether Board is planning / willing to commit to a process for considering the recommendations similar to what was done for CCWG-Accountability.
Action items: Review paused to be continued offline and picked-up again at next meeting. DT members encouraged to review comments and share feedback on the mailing list.
Action item:
Doodle poll to be circulated by staff to determine time of the next meeting. (COMPLETED)
Documents: Comment Review Tool- Post ICANN56 - 19 July 2016
Apologies: Olga Cavalli, Marika Konings (staff)
Notes 07/21 Meeting:
The following are the notes and outcomes from today’s meeting and relate to the items contained within the latest draft of the post-Helsinki meeting comment review tool:
Comment (7) – The DT determined that language should not be included which prohibits the use of funds for activities within ICANN itself. Proposed language "CCWG should be assigned responsibility for determining to what extent and how ICANN itself could be the beneficiary of some of the auction funds"
Comment (8) - The DT determined that wording needs to be clarified. Does this mean not funding projects which fund competition in the market place then this is valid? However, helping markets in developing states may have been a valid project.
[ACTION: Staff to try and clarify from Helsinki meeting]
Comment (9) - The DT determined that direction should be given to CCWG to be clear about how their proposal furthers ICANN's mission. "CWG is required to deliberate and make recommendations on how the use is aligned to the mission."
Comment (10) - No further comments were made.
Comment (11) - The DT determined agreed that term to be used is 'not endanger' rather than 'support'.
Comment (12) - The DT determined that the utilisation of funds should be related to ICANN's mission and whatever distribution mechanism is established should also examine the relationship of each distribution to the mission statement.
Comment (13) - [ACTION: SC to circulate language which had been removed specifically prior to Helsinki meeting]
Comment (14) – DT agreed with comment received.
Comment (15) - The DT determined that Draft Charter should include language which will require the CCWG to develop an appropriate governance framework and mechanisms for measuring success.
Comment (16) - (21)- The DT determined that CCWG stage will require sufficient transparency but this is separate from the dispersal phase where there can be no conflicts of interest. The DT proposed the following model: Mandatory and enhanced statements of interest (SoI) (with particular disclosures on any intended future involvement) which is unique to the CCWG. Next step to define the content of this mandatory SoI.
[ACTION: (i) DT finalise language and then board members seek input from board group, (ii) DT to determine content of mandatory SoI and criteria for inclusion/exclusion from CCWG and (iii)Deal with mission and conflict of interest issues as a whole rather than separately.]
Confirmation of time / date of next meeting
[ACTION: Doodle poll to be released for next meeting in 2 weeks.]