8 November 2023 - #132

8 November 2023 - #132


Members: Matthew Thomas, Jeff Schmidt, Rubens Kuhl, Jaap Akkerhuis,  Hadia Elminiawi, Betty Fausta, Anne Aikman-Scalese

Apologies: James Galvin, Warren Kumari, Barry Leiba, Tom Barrett


Staff/Contractors: Jonathan Phillips, Casey Deccio, Jennifer Bryce, Heather Flanagan


  1. Welcome, roll call, SOI updates
  2. Discussion: What to name the “buckets” discussed in Hamburg?
  3. Time permitting: Review next text in the Study 2 document:
    1. HF will draft text noting that CHM are the outliers of history, but something comparable could happen in the future (e.g., .internal). This is part of our overall risk analysis. (See new Finding B.d)
    2. HF will add a new finding on the topic of private use strings: Designation of a TLD for private use (as advised by SSAC in SAC113) can mitigate the risk over the long term, but not immediately (see new Finding H)
    3. HF to draft text regarding "the TRT should not have operational authority. If they identify an urgent issue, they need to contact the root zone operator. " (see change to Recommendation 7.1)
  4. Time permitting: Outstanding topics doc
  5. AOB, adjourn

Recording: https://icann.zoom.us/rec/share/kLKBah0GMKPo2CaoHG1PwPl4hDg-fUkmC1nlaSXOmB6EoykgxZPl7V99AZBxuV1e.7r9-qBreCg8YaEHm

 Meeting Notes: N/A
