11 January 2023 - #102

11 January 2023 - #102


MembersMatthew Thomas, Jeff Neuman, Julie Hammer, Rod Rasmussen, Warren Kumari, Thomas Barrett

Apologies: James Galvin, Anne Aikman-Scalese, Barry Leiba, Jeff Schmidt, Matt Larson, Heather Flanagan, Suzanne Woolf, Casey Deccio

Observers: None

Staff/Contractors: Jennifer Bryce, Steve Sheng, Kathy Schnitt, Kinga Kowalczyk


  1. Welcome and roll call 
  2. Timeline update
  3. High-level overview of the process and procedures moving forward with the Study 2 documents
  4. Review and discuss the Board Questions
  5. AOB
  6. Summary of action items and decisions

Recording: https://icann.zoom.us/rec/share/1vm39cze1BJox6WB7eWzMi8RylsbWr0tr_3k52v88xg8aVMA-Xi5GmfpjiFIagU_.ZknykUr-JtdySlUu?startTime=1673467445000 

Meeting Notes: PDF
