14 June 2023 @ ICANN77 Washington, DC - #118
14 June 2023 @ ICANN77 Washington, DC - #118
Members: Suzanne Woolf, Matt Thomas, Jeff Schmidt, Barry Leiba, Rod Rasmussen, Jaap Akkerhuis, Warren Kumari, Patrik Falstrom, Chris Roosenraad, Merike Kaeo
Apologies: Justine Chew, Julie Hammer, Anne Aikman-Scalese
Observers: Several in-room observers
Staff/Contractors: Kathy Schnitt, Steve Sheng, Danielle Rutherford, Jennifer Bryce, Matt Larson, Heather Flanagan, Casey Deccio
- Welcome
- NCAP DG path forward to completion
- Pick up discussion on recommendations in the Study 2 doc (from 5.4.1 Recommendation Y - ICANN should establish a dedicated Technical Review Team function)
Meeting Notes: PDF
NCAP DG path forward to completion: PDF
Sections 4-5 NCAP Study 2: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1H89gyy31dGVXQjn304PEGv85EKIpHUAR3vPm76YQMcc/edit#heading=h.ehdeae37wxz