14 June 2023 @ ICANN77 Washington, DC - #118

14 June 2023 @ ICANN77 Washington, DC - #118


Members: Suzanne Woolf, Matt Thomas, Jeff Schmidt, Barry Leiba, Rod Rasmussen, Jaap Akkerhuis, Warren Kumari, Patrik Falstrom, Chris Roosenraad, Merike Kaeo

Apologies: Justine Chew, Julie Hammer, Anne Aikman-Scalese

Observers: Several in-room observers

Staff/Contractors: Kathy Schnitt, Steve Sheng, Danielle Rutherford, Jennifer Bryce, Matt Larson, Heather Flanagan, Casey Deccio


  1. Welcome
  2. NCAP DG path forward to completion
  3. Pick up discussion on recommendations in the Study 2 doc (from 5.4.1 Recommendation Y - ICANN should establish a dedicated Technical Review Team function)

Recording: https://icann.zoom.us/rec/share/mvsHA60he0u5H4MrQZYoJSRAcDG6ocXV-psmbfB0MUe1FnH4m0LL3OEI52vY7M4Y.q_vsGRoNcImxNEe6?startTime=1686747922000

Meeting Notes: PDF


NCAP DG path forward to completion: PDF 

Sections 4-5 NCAP Study 2: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1H89gyy31dGVXQjn304PEGv85EKIpHUAR3vPm76YQMcc/edit#heading=h.ehdeae37wxz