22 February 2023 - #106

22 February 2023 - #106


Members: Matthew Thomas, Jim Galvin, Suzanne Woolf, Thomas Barrett, Warren Kumari, Betty Fausta, Geoff Huston, Hadia El Miniawi, Jeff Schmidt, Julie Hammer

Apologies: Barry Leiba, Anne Aikman-Scalese, Kathy Schnitt, Steve Sheng

Observers: None

Staff/Contractors: Casey Deccio, Matt Larson, Jennifer Bryce, Heather Flanagan, Kinga Kowalczyk


  1. Welcome and roll call
  2. Timeline update
  3. Continue discussion on Study 2 report Section 4: Findings
  4. AOB
  5. Summary of action items and decisions

Recording: https://icann.zoom.us/rec/play/sbcwTpyP5v0lmz_OTQFZOsWgFe056FPBSFGAo0pkQjKZ3WEmrCnLCmvgqEwLbFLTiQ619ysohCmhR35l.oNOIneK13LjTRyFh?continueMode=true&_x_zm_rtaid=69f-25JgT9uQd9f13bYzDw.1677121850114.64d0c334f967482c6f176722421c11dd&_x_zm_rhtaid=110 

Meeting Notes: PDF
