28 June 2023 - #119

28 June 2023 - #119


Members: Tom Barrett, Suzanne Woolf, Matt Thomas, Jim Galvin, Warren Kumari, Justine Chew, Jeff Schmitd, Hadia El Miniawi, Jaap Akkerhuis, Anne Aikman-Scalese

Apologies: Rod Rasmussen, Julie Hammer, Casey Deccio

Observers: None

Staff/Contractors: Jennifer Bryce, Jonathan Phillips, Steve Sheng, Kathy Schnitt, Heather Flanagan


  1. Welcome, roll call, SOI updates
  2. Continue discussion on Study 2 report recommendations: Pick up from Section 5.4.4 Recommendation X - ICANN should update its name collision reporting process
  3. AOB
  4. Summary of action items and decisions

Recording: https://icann.zoom.us/rec/share/QIXcz52aUanBHvDeAXFmiWmo7NMUw32tP7VyDvuf79ibgYIoHwbucYBI4_Ng_yk_.RPOlHp4lt6luJS-i

Meeting Notes: PDF 

Documents: Sections 4-5 NCAP Study 2:   https://docs.google.com/document/d/1H89gyy31dGVXQjn304PEGv85EKIpHUAR3vPm76YQMcc/edit#heading=h.ehdeae37wxz