Outside of ICANN, I, Dev Anand Teelucksingh:
- founded the Trinidad and Tobago Computer Society (TTCS ; in the 1990s to network and share knowledge and experiences of computers and the Internet with other computer users.
- a sysop for a Bulletin Board System (BBS) until 2000 - apart from supporting and maintaining the online community of users that used the BBS, I developed a landing page to help make it easier for users to use the BBS.
- developed a web based wizard to help end users of Arachne DOS web browser ( get online much more easily than editing arcane text files. Still listed in the browser credits :-)
- in TTCS, the lead drafter of several comments of ICT related policies in Trinidad and Tobago (many listed at with a look at how such ICT policies affected the individual end users.
- lead maintainer of the TTCS OSSWIN CD and now DVD (, a collection of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) for Windows. The DVD contains a web based interface to make it easier for end users never aware of FOSS to read about the programs on the DVD and easily install (and uninstall) the programs on the DVD. The CD and DVD has seen use in dozens of countries with well over 500,000 downloads.
- served on the Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards IT committee in 2008. The Bureau of Standards had joined the International Standards Organisation Joint Technical Commitee 1, Sub Committee 34 (ISO/IEC JTC1 SC34) which looked at the Draft International Standard #29500 (a 6,000 page specification) which seeked to make the Office Open XML also known as OOXML or OpenXML format an international standard for electronic document formats. I was the lead drafter of the TTCS comments on DIS29500
With TTCS accredited as an At-Large Structure in 2006, I
- signed the MOU with ICANN in December 2006 to create LACRALO
- participated in WG3 (new gTLDs) at the At-Large Summit in 2009
- was elected LACRALO Secretariat in 2009 to 2012 and have carried out many various tasks on behalf of LACRALO.
- participated in numerous At-Large Working Groups and have chaired several At-Large Working Groups
As LACRALO Secretariat, I :
- issued all calls, votes, polls for the election or selection of various LACRALO representatives and tallied all results, following our LACRALO Rules of Procedure.
- updated the LACRALO wiki attempting to explain various aspects of LACRALO such as LACRALO Organising Documents ( and LACRALO Representatives (
- attended 11 out of 12 ALAC monthly calls in 2011 (
- participated in the LACRALO Bylaw WG ( - the summary report of how to deal with "inactive" ALSes has been considered by other RALOs
- participated in all LACRALO conference calls, including regional calls and WG calls since April 2009 except for one call (
- promoted the concept of regional calls in early 2011 to promote dialogue and discussion in LACRALO
- participated in the LACRALO Bylaw WG ( - the summary report of how to deal with "inactive" ALSes has been considered by other RALOs
- chaired the LACRALO Cartagena WG and attended all calls to organise LACRALO showcase at ICANN meeting in Cartagena in December 2010, including collecting and creating ALS factsheets
- developed the budget estimate for funding of LACRALO events in Costa Rica and lead drafter of the letter from LACRALO to ICANN funding of LACRALO events in Costa Rica ( )
- produced monthly Secretariat reports for LACRALO/ALAC/At-Large and was involved in most of those activites.
- developed the LACRALO Dashboard, the concept which is being looked by other RALOs. .
An updated version of the dashboard as part of the At-Large Improvements Project Taskforce is being worked on. - developed an improved Policy Advice Development (PAD) in 2010 to track ALAC and At-Large track ICANN public comments and policy statements
I am involved in numerous ICANN At-Large Working Groups. I :
- chaired the At-Large Structure Survey WG ( in 2010 and presented the raw data in a detailed spreadsheet for the WG and developed and presented the final report.
- chaired and contributed significantly to Work Team D ( of the At-Large Improvements ( from September 2010 to March 2011 to come up with recommendations with detailed flowcharts that were included in the At-Large Milestone Report (
- chairing the gTLD Review Group (, which coordinates At-Large ability to submit public comments on, and file objections to new gTLD applications.
- chairing the Technology Taskforce Working Group ( which periodically reviews the appropriateness of available technology, and to help train RALOs/ALSes in such technologies, introduce to the ALSes selected information-dissemination, communication and collaboration tools and provide training and to assist with the development and implementation of the At-Large Social Media Outreach Strategy.
- participated in Work Teams A,B,C of the At-Large Improvements ( and contributed significantly to WT-B, WT-C to come with recommendations with detailed flowcharts that were included in the At-Large Milestone Report (
- participated in the At-Large Improvements Project Taskforce WG ( and participated in all weekly calls since late November 2011 (
- participated in the JAS Working Group from March 2011 (
- attended several At-Large ICANN Academy Ad-Hoc WG ( calls
- implemented the procedure for the ALAC to submit public comments on, and file objections to new gTLD applications (
- had several meetings with ICANN At-Large Staff and IT Staff to work and test the new gTLD Applications Dashboard (
- submitted numerous comments to ICANN's Public Comment Focus Group (
I am currently participating in the
- At-Large new gTLD WG (
- attending all weekly new gTLD WG meetings ( and drafted the Proposal for the ALAC to submit public comments on, and file objections to new gTLD applications ( which was approved by ALAC at the ICANN Costa Rica meeting (
- ALAC Finance and Budget Subcommittee (FBSC) WG (
- (various) Rules of Procedures Working Groups (
- ALAC Metrics WG (
- gTLD Review Group (
- Technology Taskforce WG (
When evaluating policies (be it ICT/Internet Goverance policies in my country, or ICANN domain name issues), I always try to examine the impact of such policies on ordinary Internet end users. I also strive to understand the ICANN policy work to better explain issues to end users and to seek ways to make such information about ICANN policies more accessible to end users. I read and listen to the comments and viewpoints on ICANN policy issues by others before making my own conclusions. If someone asks questions via email or via Skype chat, I do my utmost to listen and respond.
I intend to continue such care and diligence if elected by LACRALO to serve on the ALAC.