2017-12-14 GNSO Review WG

2017-12-14 GNSO Review WG

 The GNSO Review Working Group Meeting will be on Thursday, 14 December 2017 at 13:00 UTC for 60 minutes

05:00 PST, 08:00 EST, 13:00 London GMT, 14:00 Paris CET

For other places: https://tinyurl.com/ycmxd2xm


  1. Review agenda/SOIs
  2. Discussion of implementation charter for recommendation 4
  3. Discussion of implementation charter for recommendation 34
  4. Discussion of implementation charter for recommendations 5, 9, and 17
  5. Discussion of implementation charter for recommendation 22 (time permitting – document TBD)
  6. Meeting schedule for January 2017
  7. AOB


GNSO Review Implementation Charter Rec 4 30 November 2017.pdf

GNSO Review Implementation Charter Rec 34 30 November 2017.pdf

GNSO Review Implementation Charter Recs 5-9-17 30 November 2017.pdf


Attendees:Krishna Seeburn, Jen Wolfe, Rafik Damak, Lawrence Owalale Roberts, Sara Bockey, Wolf Ulrich Knoben, Lori Schulman

Apologies: none

ICANN staff: Julie Hedlund, Marika Konings, Emily Barabas, Berry Cobb, Nathalie Peregrine

Notes/ Action Items

Action Items:

  1. Implementation Charter for Recommendation 4: 1) Staff will accept changes and send out final version for consensus call.  Normally consensus calls last 2 weeks. Due to the holidays, staff suggests closing the consensus call on 8 January. 2) Staff will send out a reminder on 02 January.
  2. Implementation Charter for Recommendation 34: Staff will revise the charter based on the discussion on the call and send it out for review and for discussion on the call on 11 January.
  3. Implementation Charter for Recommendations 5, 9, and 17: 1) Staff will accept changes and send the charter out for a consensus call, closing 08 January.  2) Staff will send out a reminder on 02 January.
  4. 2018 Work Plan: Staff will revise the Work Plan to include updated status as well as notes concerning where recommendations may have budget effects.
  5. January 2018 Meetings: The meetings will be rescheduled to occur on 11 and 18 January to avoid conflicts.



1. Review agenda/SOIs: No updates.

2. Discussion of implementation charter for recommendation 4:

-- Based on discussions during the last meeting, staff has added text to solution stating that the GNSO Council recognizes Working Group members for their contributions via a resolution thanking them for their work. Staff members are exploring  other ways that recognition can provided to Working Group members and other community volunteers throughout out the year. These programs may be in place before the 2018 AGM.

-- No additional suggestions.

3. Discussion of implementation charter for recommendation 34:

-- Recommendation 34 was also discussed during the last meeting and input on the charter was discussed.

-- Staff added text noting that there is an ongoing assessments by WGs and periodic assessments of attendance by leadership and that each WG is unique and has different member needs and composition. As the assessment is ongoing, staff recommends that this recommendation be considered implemented.

-- Definition of effectiveness in not included in the text, but this was taken into account in drafting the charter. Staff noted that it may not be appropriate or useful to have a single definition of effectiveness.

-- All Working Groups should do what they need to do. But ICANN should look at a holistic level what is happening with these time shifts. Time shifting may not be as robust as intended for a given region. Sometimes there are other barriers to participation, such as language. This may be something that the organization should be tracking and taking into account.

-- There are other recommendations that have not yet been discussed that deal with language. That topic will be handled in the future. This recommendation is quite limited. It only discusses the rotation of call start times.

-- For WGs staff does an analysis of the composition of the group and the location of members in developing rotation. Attendance records are gathered, posted, and periodically assessed for patterns.

-- Communications regularly go out to the WG to see if the rotation needs to change.

-- Does this get to the question about whether there is robust measures in place to address rotation to encourage participation.

-- There is a project in the pipeline for centralized onboarding and attendance tracking. This is in the pipeline, but there is not yet formal activity taking place. This tool touches on several recommendations addressed in this review.

-- Several platforms are currently used for sign-up and SOI completion. Current method for taking attendance is also seperate. With the proposed tool, all three of these elements would be combined and allow for more robust information about participation patterns.

-- Want to make sure that in any conclusions or reports that we're also noting that it part of a bigger puzzle. Want to make sure that time shifting is not viewed as a silver bullet.

-- Additional information could be added to this charter: 1) limitations to the way that data are now collected. Once the new tool is available, broader patterns in data can be analyzed. 2) Participation is not just an issue of time zones, other lifestyle factors and commitments also factor into a person's ability to participate.

-- Staff will revise the charter. If changes are acceptable, this charter will go out for a consensus call after the next meeting.


Chat excerpts:

Krishna Seeburn - Kris: i'd like to propose that we keep track of a matrix to see effectiveness but it has been workable.

Berry Cobb: I'd also note that it is very challenging to get to the data to perform this analysis at a more broad level in that locations of WG members is not connected to attendance records.  A centralized WG onboarding and attendance tool would help centralize this data for a more robust analysis on how community members participate.

Sara Bockey: Definitely want to look at location but I would also suggest lifestyle/commitments would come into play.  You may be in APAC but not able to attend during working hours or late evenings due to family matters. 


4. Discussion of implementation charter for recommendations 5, 9, and 17:

-- Staff suggested several changes based on feedback from the last call.

-- Additional text focuses on confidentiality and clarifies that while the survey requires that respondents provide their name, the survey includes clear guidance about confidentiality and the treatment of personal information.

-- The WG Self-Assessment Survey is also included as an attachment to the charter.


5. 2018 Work Plan:


-- Review of Work Plan. Recommendations 26-29 are on hold. These related to SOIs and membership in SG/Cs. GDPR is likely to impact data gathering as part of these recommendations, these charters are on hold pending new information about ICANN's approach to responding to GDPR.

-- Recommendation 22 charter will be ready for the next call. Staff is looking into the current programs that are available to community members for training and development, such as ICANN Academy and ICANN Learn, as well as other tools and opportunities. Staff is analyzing which resources may be considered part of a competency-based framework.

-- Recommendations 1, 2, 3: Staff is analyzing current outreach activities to see how they address recommendations and looking at existing metrics that might be able to provide insight into effectiveness. Staff will try to have this analysis ready for the next call.

-- Recommendation 7 and 12 (recommendations addressing language and participation): Staff is gathering data on efforts underway, such as ALAC initiative on real-time transcription.

-- Recommendations 20 and 21: Staff has begun analysis of these recommendations to see if there are already efforts underway to review ICANN Strategic Objectives and analysis of New gLTDs.

-- Recommendations 6, 33, 35, and 36 related to diversity and are on hold because the CCWG-Accountability Work Stream 2 Sub-Team on Diversity will soon provide final recommendations, which can be analyzed against the GNSO Review recommendations. A public comment period is currently open. Once the public comment closes in early January, staff can begin analysis. The goal is for the final recommendations to be available by ICANN61, but it may take longer in updates are needed to the operating procedures.

-- Staff is projecting completion of all charters by June 2018.

-- Do we have any idea whether there are some recommendations that will impact or be impacted by budget requirements for the future?

-- This would be useful to incorporate into the Work Plan where budget might be an issue. Recommendation 7 and 12 might have budget impacts, and in particular Recommendation 12. Real-time transcription could be quite expensive. Staff is aware that there are already real-time transcription services provided in specific circumstances, for example at certain types of meetings with broad attendance. ALAC is also experimenting with real-time transcription. Staff will collect information about the costs of these services and will attempt to project possible costs for expanding these services.

-- We would be looking at whether funds would need to be requested for FY19. That process will begin soon. We will consider this charter in January, which will allow any results to be considered in planning for FY19.


6. January Meeting Schedule:


-- Next meeting is currently scheduled for 4 January. Suggestion to hold meetings on 11 and 18 January instead. No opposition expressed. Following the meeting on the 18th, the schedule will begin meeting every other week again.