2017-04-27 GNSO Review WG

2017-04-27 GNSO Review WG

The next GNSO Review Working Group Meeting will be scheduled on Thursday, 27 April 2017 at 12:00 UTC for 60 minutes. 

05:00 PDT, 08:00 EDT, 13:00 London, 14:00 CET

For other places: http://tinyurl.com/mwe9u4w


  1. Review agenda 
  2. SOIs 
  3. Status/reminder of Consensus Calls (responses due 04 May)
  4. Continued discussion on Recommendation 16 & 18 charter/update on GDD invite 
  5. Begin discussion on Recommendation 31 
  6. Meeting Schedule: Next meeting 11 May 
  7. AOB


GNSO Review Implementation Charter Rec 31 v1 13 Mar 2017

GNSO Review Implementation Charter Recs 16  18 v3 12 April 2017 

GNSO Review Implementation Plan Phase 1&2 Recs Summary.pdf


Adobe Connect Recording: n/a


AC Chat

Apologies: Renata Aquino Ribeiro 

Attendance: Jennifer Wolfe, Sara Bockey, Lori Schulman, Wolf-Ulrich Knoben, Avri Doria, Rafik Dammak, Donna Austin, Pascal Bekono

on Audio only: Lawrence Olawale-Roberts,

Staff: Julie Hedlund, Marika Konings, Amr Elsadr, Berry Cobb, Nathalie Peregrine

Notes/Action Items:

Action Items:

1)       Recommendation 16: Staff will create a new charter for a Consensus Call that makes it clear which aspects of the implementation of the DMPM Final Report apply to this recommendation.

2)       Recommendation 18: Staff will create a new charter.  In addressing recommendation 18 (periodic vs ongoing review of policies), note that the Working Group may choose to defer this until review of the ERRP is complete.  The charter will also address in how reviews of Consensus Policies could be included, and reviewed by the Working Group, followed by a determination of whether future reviews should remain periodic, or become ongoing.

3)       Recommendation 31: Move this recommendation to Phase 2.

4)       Staff will produce charters for recommendations 33, and 24/25 for consideration at the next meeting on 11 May.


Discussion Notes: 


1. Consensus Calls Reminder:

-- Reminder of Consensus Calls for Recommendations 8 and 14/15 with responses due on 04 May.


2. Continued discussion on Recommendation 16 & 18 charter/update on GDD invite:

-- First periodic review of a consensus policy set to start, but still no timeframe set - Expired Registration Recovery Policy (ERRP)

-- Staff recommends decoupling of recommendations 16 and 18.

-- Implementation of recommendation 16 appears to be completed - addressed in work-product templates present in the GNSO Operating Procedures in conducting Policy Impact Analysis within a decision-tree present in the GNSO Working Group Guidelines.

-- Reviews of policies that have already been completed include IRTP, and review if forthcoming on ICANN procedure on WHOIS conflict with local law.

-- Staff suggests that the independent examiner's recommendation on changing policy reviews from "periodic" to "ongoing" should be revisited by the Working Group.

-- Explanation of text included in updated charter on questions 16/18; Items 1, 2 and 3 in the "Solution" section of the charter address recommendation 16, while items 4, 5 and 6 address recommendation 18.

-- Reviews of consensus policies take place within GDD's Consensus Policy Implementation Framework (CPIF) - GDD-led project, including review of ERRP and an updated review of the ICANN procedure on WHOIS conflict with local law.

-- CPIF provides reference to Support and Review of Consensus Policies past the Policy Effective Dates initiated by GDD in cooperation with Compliance and GNSO Policy staff.


3. Discussion of Recommendation 31:

-- Charter includes context provided by the GAC/GNSO CG.

-- This recommendation needs further discussion.  Move to phase 2.


From the chat:

Marika Konings: @Amr - from what I understood it is a principle issue, no one but the GAC Chair can represent the GAC, no matter in what capacity

Donna Austin: Correct Marika, and a longstanding principle issue.

avri doria: i still then there is a need for a formal liaison

Amr Elsadr: Agree Avri. The need is present and real. The mechanism to work that out is difficult.

Marika Konings: compared to a few years ago, we have seen increased participation by GAC members and there are definitely more mechanisms in place that make it difficult for the GAC to ignore the policy work that is going on, but it indeed it may not be enough, but if there is no willingness from the GAC to appoint a liaison, I'm not sure what the way around that is?

Amr Elsadr: Perhaps the Working Group can look into alternative mechanisms to keep the GAC updated on ongoing policy work that don't involve a formal liaison?

Rafik: liaison and individual gac members participation are complementing each other

Marika Konings: The WG may want to review the GAC-GNSO CG recommendations as this was exactly the focus of their work (which was recently completed with the recommendations adopted by both the GAC and the GNSO)

Marika Konings: and note that those recommendations contain within themselves mechanisms to review the recommendations should it turn out that there is still a lack of communication / engagement.

avri doria: i.e we could have a liaison by another name?  POC?

Pascal Bekono: in project/recommendation section, is it possible to mention in bracket the " two work streams  "

Donna Austin: maybe Point of Contact would work, but it is a long shot

Amr Elsadr: GAC/GNSO CG Final Status Report and Recommendations: http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/gac-gnso-cg/attachments/20161011/0a179c42/GAC-GNSOCGFinalStatusReport-10October2016-0001.pdf