2017-07-13 GNSO Review WG

2017-07-13 GNSO Review WG

The next GNSO Review Working Group Meeting will be on Thursday, 13 July 2017 at 12:00 UTC for 60 minutes.

05:00 PST, 08:00 EST, 13:00 London, 14:00 CET

For other places: http://tinyurl.com/yc22wgzd


Draft Agenda:

  1. Review agenda 
  2. SOIs
  3. Timeline Status 
  4. Continue discussion of Charter for Recommendations 10/11 – Update on Geographic Names Moderated sessions at ICANN59
  5. Continue discussion on Charter for Recommendation 13 – Update document management and the ICANN Information Transparency Initiative
  6. Begin discussion on Charter for Recommendation 19
  7. Begin discussion on Charter for Recommendation 30 (time permitting)
  8. Meeting Schedule: Next meeting 27 July
  9. AOB


GNSO Review Implementation Charter Rec 10-11 v1 07 June 2017.pdf

GNSO Review Implementation Charter Rec 13 v2 13 July 2017.pdf

GNSO Review Implementation Charter Rec 19 v1 13 July 2017.pdf

GNSO Review Implementation Charter Rec 30 v1 13 July 2017.pdf

GNSO Review Phase 1 Gantt-Rev 12 July 2017.pdf



Apologies: Lori Schulman, Lawrence OlaWale-Roberts

Notes/ Action Items

Action Items:

  1. Timeline: Staff will continue to update the dates in the timeline based on the current status of the charters.
  2. Charter for Recommendations 10/11: Place this charter on hold until the evaluation is completed on the Geographic Names sessions held at ICANN59.
  3. Charter for Recommendation 13: Revise to reflect the Working Group determination that the recommendation has been implemented.  Send to the list for a Consensus Call for two weeks.
  4. Charter for Recommendation 19: Revise to include further references to additional guidance concerning evaluating Working Group Guidance from the GNSO Working Group Guidelines and the PDP Manual. Revise to reflect Working Group determination that the recommendation has been implemented.  Send to the list for a one-week review to see if there are any further comments.  If no comments or changes, send to the list for a Consensus Call for two weeks.
  5. Charter for Recommendation 30: Send to the list for review and discussion at the meeting on 27 July.
  6. Charters for Phase II Recommendations: Staff will prepare charters.


Discussion Notes:

1. Timeline Status:

-- Staff presented the timelines for Phases 1 and 2, and for Phase 3 recommendations.

-- Staff noted that some of the deadlines will need to be adjusted.  The Working Group asked how the timing would be determined and staff suggested that when reviewing the draft charters the Working Group could consider, with staff guidance, how long it would take for the Working Group to approve the implementation charter, and how long the implementation would take.

-- Staff also noted that the original timeline in the implementation plan was a suggested timeline and that the Working Group has not been able to consider as many charters simultaneously.  In addition, each charter takes at least two meetings for deliberation and two weeks for a consensus call.

-- On the Phase 3 timeline, staff noted that the start date for several charters would need to be changed at they were set to start on 16 June 2017.  Staff will look at the charters and determine if some can be completed in a shorter amount of time to ensure that the overall deadline can be met.


2. Continue discussion of Charter for Recommendations 10/11:

– Staff provided an update on the Geographic Names moderated sessions at ICANN59 that was part of the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures (Subpro) PDP Working Group.  Staff noted that they were well attended and generated rigorous and mostly productive discussions.  However, staff noted that the PDP Working Group had not had the final assessment of the sessions.

-- The Working Group agreed to keep the charter on hold until the PDP Working Group can provide the final assessment.


3. Continue discussion on Charter for Recommendation 13:

– Update document management and the ICANN Information Transparency Initiative.  Staff noted ICANN launched the Information Transparency Initiative (ITI) in March 2017.  Per the ICANN Org Executive Team Report delivered to the ICANN Board of Directors in March 2017, “The proposed solution for document and content management and the replacement of the existing ICANN.Org website was presented to the executives who have provided internal approval for the project.”  The ITI is not focused on providing collaborative tools for the community and staff to use to create content, but instead one of the goals is to make content more accessible.

-- Staff suggested that the Working Group could consider that this recommendation is implemented.  The Working Group agreed and asked staff to send the revised charter to the list for a two-week consensus call.


4. Begin discussion on Charter for Recommendation 19:

-- Staff walked through the draft charter and noted that it appeared that the recommendation was satisfied with the guidance on the self-assessment process in the GNSO Working Group guidelines, as well as the report on the assessment provided to the GNSO Council, and the periodic updates from PDP Working Group liaisons to the Council.  Staff noted, however, that there was other guidance from the PDP Manual and the Working Group Guidelines concerning membership, representation, and diversity and that excerpts from that guidance could be included for reference in the charter.  Staff agreed to add those references and then send the revised charter to the list for review and comment.  If there were no comments after one week staff would send the final charter out for a two-week consensus call.


5. Charter for Recommendation 30 and Phase 2 Charters:

-- The Working Group agreed to take up discussion of the draft charter for recommendation 30 at its next meeting on 27 July and staff took the action to send the charter to the list for review.

-- Jen Woolf, the Chair, urged the Working Group to finish up the Phase 1 recommendations as quickly as possible so that it could begin work on the Phase 2 recommendations so as to avoid delaying the schedule.  Staff took the action to draft the Phase 2 charters: combined charter for recommendations 26, 27, 28, and 29; charter for recommendation 6.