2017-02-23 GNSO Review WG Kick-Off Meeting

2017-02-23 GNSO Review WG Kick-Off Meeting

Further to the doodle poll, the GNSO Review WG Kick-Off Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, 23 February 2017 at 13:00 UTC for 60 minutes. 

05:00 PST, 08:00 EST, 13:00 London, 14:00 CET, 00:00 Sydney (Friday)

For other places: http://tinyurl.com/jmofv7y


1. Review agenda
2. Statements of Interest
3. Background
4. Recommendation Identification/Charter
5. Actions/Meetings
6. Timeline



Adobe Connect Recording


AC Chat

Apologies: Lori Schulman, Lawrence OlaWale-Roberts


on Audio only: none

Notes/Action Items:

Action Items:

  1. Staff will do a doodle poll for recurring meetings to be held every other week, beginning the week of 27 March.
  2. Staff will complete the charters for the recommendations and send them to the WG list to review as soon as each one is completed.
  3. The next meeting is at ICANN58 on Wednesday, 15 March from 15:15 to 16:56: https://schedule.icann.org/event/9nmr/gnso-review-working-group.  Secretariat staff will send the meeting notice.

Discussion Notes:

-- Next meeting at ICANN58 on 15 March at 15:15 to 16:45

-- Plan is for staff to complete charters for the recommendations for the WG to consider.

-- Staff will do a doodle poll for meetings to be held every other week.  Aim for week of 27 March.

-- For Phase 3 hope to move faster than the suggested timeline.

-- Staff will complete the charters and distribute them one at a time (rather than batched) and for substantive work at ICANN58.


From the chat:

Heath Dixon: COMMENT: For all of these, we need to answer the question: "What else needs to be done after the proposed solution is implemented?"  Presumably we should not need to do anything else, but the GNSO may need to monitor, report, periodically review and decide whether to make changes, etc.  For ones where work is being done elsewhere, the question is: Do we trust those WGs to include follow-up?  Or do we want to interject our own follow-up?

Heath Dixon: COMMENT: On the time-to-review point, I would be happy to see these roll out as ICANN Staff completes the first drafts, rather than waiting to get them in a batch.  It will be easier for me to review them one at a time.