2017-03-15 GNSO Review WG
Dear all,
The next GNSO Review Working Group Meeting will be scheduled on Thursday, 15 March 2017 at 15:15-1645 local Copenhagen time at ICANN58. See: https://schedule.icann.org/event/9nmr/gnso-review-working-group.
Action Items/Discussion Notes
Action Items:
- 1. Staff will update the recommendation charters based on the notes captured below.
- 2. On recommendations 16 & 18 staff will review the recommendations in the DMPM Final Report concerning Policy Impact Analysis.
Discussion Notes:
Recommendation 8
--Question: Does the WG become the IRT?
--Answer: It is not expected that the WG would become the IRT, but some continuity is very helpful. Example: Registrar Transfer Policy. It is not envisioned that all Working Group members will join an IRT. The Procedures call for other experts as well. One scenario: when more than 1 PDP is implemented the is an option to merge IRTs into one. GNSO Operating Procedures call for the formation of the IRT, but the WG will no longer exist.
Recommendation 15:
--Question: What was the original request for timeliness?
--Answer: Several years ago there was a project or an intent to address how to make PDPs go faster. What was the PDP Improvements Project Initiative. Staff can research how these efforts originated. The Expedited PDP assumed that certain work could be done, but does that satisfy this recommendation? Per the PDP intiative one of the changes is that Policy Staff include the draft charters in the Preliminary Issue Report. The wording of the recommendation may have been overtaken by time. Think about recommending a more formal process be undertaken for speeding up PDPs. Perhaps, periodically in PDPs to share ideas how it could be speeded up.
Recommendation 14:
Question: Should PDP WGs be encouraged to phase or "chunk" PDPs?
Answer: It depends on the PDP, the amount of work, the volunteer capacity. It should be encouraged when it works. Classic was the Registrar Transfer Policy, currently the RDS PDP broken into 3 phases. Should language be added to the PDP Manual to promote phasing?
KPI: How to reword? Staff will address that.
Recommendations 16&18:
--Question: Where is the Policy Impact Analysis included?
--Answer: Staff will look into whether a recommendation has been made and whether this has been address.
--Question: Does this relate specifically to the outcome of the recommendations and the DMPM.
--Answer: Staff will provide additional analysis.