2010 Election Calls - EURALO

2010 Election Calls - EURALO

EURALO Elections 2010 at a Glance

As an integral part of ICANN's At-Large infrastructure, the membership of EURALO must hold a number of elections in 2010:


Current status

EURALO Delegate to the ICANN Nominating Committee (AGM 2010 - AGM 2011) - EURALO may give a recommendation to the ALAC

Candidate list was transmitted to the ALAC on 16 August.

ALAC Representative selected by EURALO (AGM 2010 - AGM 2012)

Nomination period currently open

EURALO Interim Secretary (until March 2011)

Dr. Olivier Crépin-LeBlond was appointed Interim Secretary during the EURALO meeting in Brussels on 22 June 2010

AGM stands for Annual General Meeting. ICANN's next Annual General Meeting will be held in Cartagena, Colombia from 5 December to 10 December 2010.

Nomination Committee Delegate from EURALO

The ALAC appoints, in consultation with the RALOs, one representative with voting rights from each of ICANN's five geographic regions to the Nominating Committee. EURALO has the possibility to recommend a preferred candidate for this position to the ALAC.

Voting members of the NomCom are appointed for a one-year term, and may be re-appointed for a further term of one year subject to the requirement under the ICANN Bylaws.

The incumbent for EURALO is Dr. Olivier Crépin-LeBlond. He is eligible for re-election.

Suggested timetable:

The ALAC ExCom suggested the following timetable for nominations and recommendations for the EURALO NomCom Delegate position:

1. Nominations Open: No later than 23 July 2010
2. Nominations Close: on or before 6 August 2010
3. Nomination Acceptance Deadline: on or before 10 August 2010
4. Voting Period to select preferred EURALO candidate (if required): 11 August 2010 to 15 August 2010
5. ALAC Notification: RALOs to transmit all accepted nominations, with a recommendation for a preferred candidate if the RALO wishes to provide one: 16 August 2010
6. ALAC Voting Begins: 18 August 2010
7. ALAC Voting Ends: 24 August 2010
8. Notification to NomCom of Appointees: No Later than 31 August 2010

NomCom Delegate from Europe

Nominated By

Supported By*

Date Nominee Accepted

Yrjö Länsipuro

Wolf Ludwig

Sebastien Bachollet, Olivier Crepin-Leblond

09 August 2010





(star) In accordance with the selection process outline, it is not necessary to second a nomination in order for it to be valid

Obligations and Responsibilities of NomCom Members

The obligation and requirement of NomCom members are outlined in the NomCom members - Obligations and Requirements

EURALO-selected representative on the ALAC

The RALOs elect two out of three of their regional representatives on the ALAC. The third representative is appointed by the Nominating Committee.

NomCom-selected EURALO representative to the ALAC (AGM 2010 - AGM 2012)

  • Individuals interested in being considered by the NomCom for the position of ALAC representative from EURALO were invited to submit a Statement of Interest to the 2010 Nom Com for the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) representative by 15 April 2010.

Suggested Election Timeline

EURALO will select its representative on the ALAC during the ordinary General Assembly, scheduled to be held on September 15th 2010 at the IGF in Vilnius.

It is suggested that the following election process shall be adopted:

1. Call for election: The regional Secretariat will make a call for election (no later than 13 August 2010)
2. Nomination period: Nominations shall be accepted until 6 September 2010
3. Acceptance deadline: The nominees need to accept their nomination no later than seven days after the nomination period ends (13 September 2010)
4. Election: The election will be held during the EURALO General Assembly on 15 September.

Nominations for ALAC Representative

Nominated By

Supported By*

Date Nominee Accepted

Sandra Hoferichter

Wolf Ludwig

Yjrö Länsipuro, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Sébastien Bachollet

23 August 2010





(star) In accordance with the selection process outline, it is not necessary to second a nomination in order for it to be valid

Obligations and Responsibilities of ALAC members

The obligation and requirement of ALAC members and liaisons are outlined in the ICANN Bylaws, ALAC Rules of Procedure and the ALAC Internal Rules of Procedure. You will find relevant extracts from these sources under ALAC Members - Obligations and Responsibilities.

Who can run for the ALAC Representative position?

According to rule 11.5.10 of the EURALO Bylaws

  • The selected representative can not be from the same ALS as sitting ALAC members (this excludes candidates from ISOC Luxemburg); and
  • Must have their principal residence in a country pertaining to the EURALO region; and
  • Can not have their principal residence in the same country as sitting ALAC members (this excludes candidates from Luxemburg); and
  • Can not be of the same nationality as sitting ALAC members (this excludes candidates from Belgium); and
  • To the extent possible, gender balance and regional balance within Europe shall be fostered

The incumbent is Sebastien Bachollet. He is eligible for re-election.