Summary Minutes 22 June 2010

Summary Minutes 22 June 2010

Participants: Patrick Vande Walle, Adam Peake, Sebastien Bachollet, Rudi Vansnick, Olivier Crepin-Leblond

Apologies: Christopher Wilkinson

Visitors: Eberhard Blocher, Erich Schweighofer, Alle Ulga, Frans Gerbosch, Sandra Hoferichter

EURALO Secretariat Position (Wolf)

Wolf: Dessi informed us that she resigned from the Secretariat position. We looked for a replacement for the remainder of her term (ending at GA 2011). I would like to suggest Olivier for this position.

Olivier: I am honored about this and would like to wish Dessi well.

EURALO appointed Olivier for the remainder of the EURALO Secretariat position by consensus.

EURALS Survey Results

Wolf gave a presentation on the ALS Survey results

Inreach/Increase of participation

AI: Staff will add In-reach as an agenda topic for the next GA

Sebastien: we need more Eastern European, Southern European, Northern European ALSes, we need more Women and in general, we need more diversity.

Patrick: ICANN is looking for new ALSes not EURALO, I don’t like ICANN’s approach which seems to be that they outsource outreach activities to volunteers.

Wolf: we need to identify what organizations we would like to recruit, reach out to them and use our networks. There are several forums where outreach could be done.

Rudi: I am concerned about the poor participation of some of our members. Perhaps we need to classify our members and re-evaluate their membership.

Wolf: Our quorate for bylaw modifications is 2/3. This makes it difficult for us to evolve. The problem of 'paper ALSes' will be addressed during the Secretariat meeting tomorrow and at the next GA.

Adam: I support the suggestion to have individual membership and suggest that we follow the NARALO model as closely as possible.

Discussion on individual EURALO membership

Wolf: the question of individual members has been around for a long time. In my view, there is consensus that individual membership should be implemented in EURALO. I now ask Evan to give us an overview of the NARALO model.

Evan: with regards to votes, our unaffiliated individual members collectively have one vote. It is technically possible to have online votes whereas the individual are collected unanimously and included in the overall result automatically. The real challenge is auditing the individual members.

Evan: We know about the affiliation of our individual members (eg if they work for a registrar). However, we focus on the output of our work rather than the affiliation of our individual members. We do not perceive this to be a problem.

Wolf: I don't think we should focus on the potential problems of individual participation. We should rather focus on the potential benefits of individual members.

Evan: Our WCS was that interested individuals could not participate because they did not have an ALS. In a volunteer organization this is the main concern.

AI: Staff and Rudi will compare the NARALO and EURALO bylaws to suggest bylaw modifications for the GA.

Wolf: how are we going to organize our work and prepare our GA?

AI: preparation of EURALO GA will be further discussed at the next EURALO monthly call

Wolf: I suggest that we have our GA during the next IGF 14 - 17 September in Vilnius

AI: Staff will explore whether it would be possible to arrange for remote participation from the IGF in Vilnius, possibly trough the IGF Secretariat

Sebastien: I would also like to point out that my ALAC term is ending at the AGM

AI: Election for Sebastiens ALAC seat will be held at the next EURALO GA

Wolf: I suggest that we have the next EURALO GA in conjunction with the EUROdig event in Belgrade

The meeting was then adjourned