2017-02-23 CCWG New gTLD Auction Proceeds call
The next CCWG New gTLD Auction Proceeds call will be held on Thursday 23 February 2017 at 15:00 UTC for 90 minutes.
07:00 PST, 10:00 EST, 15:00 London, 16:00 CET, 18:00 Istanbul, 23:00 Singapore
For other times: http://tinyurl.com/h28zb3s
Proposed Agenda – CCWG Auction Proceeds – Thursday 23 February at 15.00 UTC
- Roll call / SOI-DOI updates
- Welcome
- Review of CCWG assessment of skills & expertise (see https://www.surveymonkey.com/results/SM-KHBHBXH3/[surveymonkey.com])
- Review initial draft of work plan as well as template for discussing charter questions.
- Confirm next meeting (Thursday 2 March at 15.00 UTC)
CCWG Auction Proceeds Charter Questions - 21 Feb 2017
Charter Question 1 - 21 February 2017
Draft Work Plan new gTLD Auction Proceeds CCWG 14 Feb 2017
Dial outs:
Apologies: Joke Braecken, Maureen Hilyard, Seun Ojedeji, Kavouss Arasteh
On audio only:
Actions/Discussion Notes:
Notes - 23 February 2017 CCWG Auction Proceeds
These high-level notes are designed to help PDP WG members navigate through the content of the call and are not meant as a substitute for the transcript and/or recording. The MP3, transcript, and chat are provided separately and are posted on the wiki at: https://community.icann.org/x/DLHDAw[community.icann.org].
1. Roll Call / SOI-DOI Updates
- Attendance will be taken via Adobe Connect room
- Please remember to mute your microphone and state your name before speaking for transcription purposes
2. Welcome
- SOI/DOIs have been completed by all - thank you for that
- Please remember that you are required to communicate any updates to your SOI / DOI to the CCWG and update the documents accordingly
- ALAC has now also appointed members to the CCWG which makes the appointments by chartering organizations complete
- GNSO expected to appoint a new co-chair shortly, ideally by Copenhagen at the latest. Formal call is expected to go out shortly. There may be a need to accomodate for a handover to the new co-chair .
- Currently CCWG meeting at a fixed time - a couple of CCWG members/participants have indicated that the current timing is problematic. Leadership team to review CCWG composition and see what options are available for a rotation post-Copenhagen.
3. Review of CCWG assessment of skills & expertise (see https://www.surveymonkey.com/results/SM-KHBHBXH3/[surveymonkey.com])
- Objective of the survey was to assess the skills and expertise available within / to the CCWG
- The survey is self-identification / self-certification
- Current results seem to indicate that there is at least 1 expert in most of the categories identified.
- Based on this assessment, CCWG can identify what expertise, if any, is missing and should be planned for going forward.
- Will be judgement call for CCWG when it is needed to bring this in.
- Rolling program of input might be a way to benefit from the expertise that is available and educate the CCWG.
- Need for expertise may also be identified as part of the deliberations, including as part of the fast pass through the charter questions.
- Next week's presentation will address legal and fiduciary constraints, which has been identified as one of the areas for which a briefing is needed upfront. Idem on ICANN's mission.
- CCWG could be asked to review the areas for which expertise is limited and identify potential external experts that could complement those areas.
- Some external experts were identified that are not part of this assessment, so some of the gaps may be filled by those external experts identified. See https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QtwFa9nCIMq8JYCtBHxAyQraWQ6M-iNNP4Kyq6q9Cds/edit.
- Need to distinguish between phase on requirements for which consensus will need to be found within the CCWG - experts are not expected to give definite views here but may provide examples / benchmarks. Once agreed on requirements, that is where external experts may be needed to provide topical input. CCWG needs to determine when and for what purpose.
- No current budget for external expertise. CCWG will need to consider whether aditional funds/resources are needed beyond staff support that is currently provided. Also note that not every external expert input may come at a cost - some of the external experts have indicated that they are willing to provide input on specific questions / items at no cost.
Action item #1: CCWG members and participants to review results of survey and provide any feedback based on their review
4. Review initial draft of work plan as well as template for discussing charter questions.
- See draft work plan circulated
- Draft proposes systematic way of going through the charter questions. CCWG to determine whether to tackle the charter questions in a more thematic way. See also suggestion by Daniel on email to reorder questions.
- Consider going through all the charter questions at a high level using the template questions, possibly in the form of a survey to obtain CCWG input to help inform the discussions.
- Proposal to undertake a quick pass through all the questions, using a survey, reordering them in the way suggested and then follow with a deep dive on each of those.
- Need to also consider overarching goals and purpose. Also important to review the principles outlined in the charter.
- Also consider asking which additional questions, not only sub-questions, need to be addressed.
- Charter questions to be built into a survey for each of which the 4 template questions will be asked (gating, external expertise, sub-questions, initial responses). For example, a gating question could be whether or not the allocation of these funds should be managed by ICANN or whether this should be done externally as answer will determine approach for other questions.
- Work plan will need to be updated to reflect results of survey and approach that will be taken based on the results. CCWG to consider whether to set a certain time based goal or whether it just takes the time to get it done.
Action item #2: Staff to develop survey on charter questions as outlined for completion by CCWG.
5. Confirm next meeting (Thursday 2 March at 15.00 UTC)