2017-11-30 CCWG New gTLD Auction Proceeds call

2017-11-30 CCWG New gTLD Auction Proceeds call

There will be a CCWG New gTLD Auction Proceeds call which will be held on Thursday, 30 November 2017 at 14:00 UTC for 90 minutes.

06:00 PST, 09:00 EST, 14:00 London GMT, 15:00 Paris CET

For other times: http://tinyurl.com/ybe22chd


  1. Roll Call
  2. Welcome
    1. Updates to DOI/SOIs
    2. Welcome to new Board Liaison (Maarten Botterman)
    3. Update on information exchange with Board members (Cherine & Chris - Becky & Maarten)
  3. Completion of Phase 2:
    1. Finalisation, for now, of review of examples & preamble (see latest versions attached)
    2. Next steps
  1. Phase 3
    1. Review list of experts identified and discuss outreach & COI procedures
    2. Review questions identified to date (see latest version attached)
    3. Next steps
  1. Phase 4/5
    1. Is preliminary identification of frontrunner(s) possible without completing stage 3?
    2. If yes, could work on phase 5 commence in parallel, for example, by identifying responses for each charter question from the perspective of a particular mechanism (recognizing that certain details of that particular mechanism may not be known until input from experts has been received)?
  1. Planning for ICANN61
  2. Confirm next steps & next meeting (Thursday 14 December at 14.00 UTC)


Review of examples - Proposed conclusion - upd 28 November 2017.docx

clean: Open Internet definition updated 28 November 2017

red line: Open Internet definition updated 28 November 2017 

Criteria and mechanisms analysis - upd 27 November 2017



Apologies: Maarten Botterman, Jacob Odame-Baiden, Elliot Noss, Arsène Tungali, Sam Eisner

Notes/ Action Items

 Notes & Action Items – new gTLD Auction Proceeds CCWG Meeting on 30 November 2017

These high-level notes are designed to help the CCWG navigate through the content of the call and are not meant as a substitute for the transcript and/or recording. The MP3, transcript, and chat are provided separately and are posted on the wiki at: https://community.icann.org/x/DLHDAw.


1. Roll Call

  • Attendance will be taken from AC room
  • Please remember to state your name before speaking for transcription purposes and mute your microphones when not speaking.


2. Welcome

     a. Updates to DOI/SOIs

     b. Welcome to new Board Liaison (Maarten Botterman) - Maarten has now officially taken over the role of Board liaison from Asha.

     c. Update on information exchange with Board members (Cherine & Chris - Becky & Maarten)

  • Erika had two calls, one with Cherine and Chris and the other one with Becky & Maarten. Content largely the same: encouraging timely Board input/feedback on documents that are expected to be sent shortly (objectives, examples & preamble). Second topic related to reserve fund - when will the Board officially go to the SO/ACs to discuss the topic and at what time will CCWG be informed (any formal request is expected to go to SO/ACs). Updated Board on CCWG discussion in relation this topic. Final determination will depend on total amount of funds available, so discussion to a certain extend may be premature from a CCWG perspective.  Note that public comment period is currently open on the topic of the reserve fund, a number of groups have already provided input and/or are actively discussion it. What is the process and timing for staff and Board to determine next steps in this regard? Consultation is ongoing (public comment period closing today) on appropriate level of the reserve fund. Responses will be considered by the Board Finance Committee, together with possible next steps. Board then to come back to the community with a plan for how to meet the target for the reserve fund. Use of some auction proceeds might be appropriate for that, as well as savings from operations. CCWG needs to keep in mind this discussion and consult with respective groups about views on use of funds (in the end, CCWG may take a position and/or set a process to allow for Board application for auction proceeds, take no position on this topic, or it may be dealt with outside of the CCWG if prior to completion of this work the Board / Community would agree on the use of a part of the auction proceeds to replenish the reserve fund). Budget authority is with the Board so a formal request to community and/or CCWG may be more a matter of courtesy than any kind of legal requirement. CCWG to further consider this topic at a future meeting.


3. Completion of Phase 2:

     a. Finalisation, for now, of review of examples & preamble (see latest versions attached)

  • See latest versions circulated
  • Concern regarding cutting out second bullet from last paragraph of preamble. There currently is already overlap, see for example special budget requests. Should 'support' be changed to read 'consistent with' so it is clear that it is not intended to be additional financial support for ICANN's community activities which are already supported by ICANN's operating budget. Consider further delineation in examples document to also include examples of community activities that are already supported by ICANN's budget. Include footnote that activities that are already covered by operational budget are not considered eligible for auction proceed fund allocation.
  • Note also duplication of footnote - fix for final version.
  • Example document - note latest version circulated. There will be further opportunities for review and input. Informally all CCWG members and participants can go back to their respective groups, formal opportunity will be publication of Initial Report (currently foreseen for publication shortly after ICANN61). CCWG can always decide to have additional formal opportunities for input as needed. Meeting publication deadline will require CCWG commitment and participation.


Action item #1: Staff to fix duplication of footnote and reinstate second bullet but change 'support' to 'consistent with', as well as add footnote clarifying that community activities already supported by ICANN's operating budget would not be eligible for auction proceeds funding. Staff to circulate this version with the notes & action items to CCWG for final review. Objective to circulate final documents with ICANN Board shortly. [See updated version attached for review]


     b. Next steps


Action item #2: Leadership team to submit documents (objectives, preamble and examples) to ICANN Board liaisons for Board input and consideration.


4. Phase 3

     a. Review list of experts identified and discuss outreach & COI procedures

     b. Review questions identified to date (see latest version attached)

     c. Next steps


  • Review list of experts and make a selection based on a number of categories (e.g. large organization, small organization).
  • See if it would be possible to start with meetings with experts in December, for example starting with ICANN experts focusing on possible mechanism #1 and #2 and then follow with dedicated meetings for the other mechanisms in January.
  • Further need to review questions identified for each mechanism and build on those. Would it be worth forming a small team to take this on and move this forward?
  • Should national development agencies also be considered when identifying experts? May work for certain agencies but many may have a different focus. Should have an understanding of the field the CCWG is looking at as well as the magnitude of project.


Action item #3: Add national development agencies to the list of possible experts (Completed)


Action item #4: Form a small group consisting of leadership team and small number of CCWG members/participants that have experience in funding environment to make recommendation to how to cluster experts identified, proposal for calls, and review questions identified. Recommendation to be made in time for next CCWG meeting.


Action item #5: CCWG members / participants interested in joining this small group to inform the leadership team of their interest. Note that objective is to deliver proposal to the CCWG in time for next CCWG meeting so it requires availability in the next two weeks to work on this. (Staff to circulate separate call for volunteers to the mailing list).


5. Phase 4/5

     a. Is preliminary identification of frontrunner(s) possible without completing stage 3?

     b. If yes, could work on phase 5 commence in parallel, for example, by identifying responses for each charter question from the perspective of a particular mechanism (recognizing that certain details of that particular mechanism may not be known until input from experts has been received)?


  • Deferred to next meeting


6.  Planning for ICANN61

  • Consider having a 3 hour session on either Saturday or Sunday - will depend on CCWG member / participant availability.
  • Also consider having a public session later in the week to update the community and request input. Could consider a cross-community session, but may be too early. Leadership team to consider this further (cross-community vs. normal public session).


Action item #6: Staff to circulate doodle poll to determine CCWG availability for either Saturday or Sunday afternoon for a possible F2F meeting.


7.  Confirm next steps & next meeting (Thursday 14 December at 14.00 UTC)