2017-01-26 CCWG New gTLD Auction Proceeds call
The first CCWG New gTLD Auction Proceeds call will be held on Thursday 26 January 2017 at 15:00 UTC for 60 minutes.
07:00 PST, 10:00 EST, 15:00 London, 16:00 CET, 18:00 Istanbul, 23:00 Singapore
For other times: http://tinyurl.com/j5umsq5
Adobe Connect WITH AUDIO enabled: https://participate.icann.org/newgtlds-auction
Proposed Agenda – new gTLD Auction Proceeds CCWG – Thursday 26 January at 15.00 UTC
- Roll call / SOI
- Welcome & Introductions
- Update on CO membership appointments and chairs
- Review CCWG charter (see slides attached)
- Discuss what information and/or preparation is needed to start developing work plan
- Discuss proposed timing, duration and frequency of meetings
- Confirm next steps & time / date for next meeting
new gTLD Auction Proceeds Charter - 22 January 2017
Dial outs:
Apologies: Dietmar Stefitz, John Levine, Vanda Scartezini, Mathieu Weill, Stephanie Perrin
On audio only:
Actions/Discussion Notes:
Notes - 26 January 2017 CCWG Auction Proceeds
These high-level notes are designed to help PDP WG members navigate through the content of the call and are not meant as a substitute for the transcript and/or recording. The MP3, transcript, and chat are provided separately and are posted on the wiki at: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/LYoPBg[community.icann.org].
1. Roll Call
- Attendance will be taken from Adobe Connect
- This WG has members, participants and observers. Only members and participants are invited to calls. The call details are circulated on a non-archived mailing list (ntyf). Please do not circulate these details. Should you want to change your status from observer to participant, please contact gnso-secs@icann.org.
- Please remember to mute your microphone when not speaking.
2. Welcome & Introductions
- Get to know each other via participation or possible an in person meeting at a future ICANN meeting. Feel free to reach out to staff or raising your hands if you have any questions.
- If you want to speak, please use the raising hand feature in Adobe Connect.
- Staff support for this effort will be provided by Marika Konings (GNSO), Joke Braeken (ccNSO) and Nathalie Peregrine (SO/AC Support Team).
- Two Board liaisons have been appointed to this effort (Asha Hemrajani and Becky Burr) as the Board has fiduciary responsibilities. Expected to be a go between the CCWG and Board to highlight any concerns or questions the CCWG and/or Board may have.
- Samantha Eisner (deputy legal Counsel, ICANN) will continue in the role of staff liaison/advisor, similar to the support she provided in the drafting team by advising on ICANN's legal and fiduciary responsibilities.
- Lauren Allison is providing internal support to ICANN org on this topic and is also expected to join this call on a regular basis.
- CCWG should be comfortable with this level of staff support provided - if there are any concerns, these should be flagged.
High level principles of operation of CCWGs:
- CCWG will be lead and co-ordinated by the co-chairs appointed by the Chartering Organizations. To date, the GNSO and ccNSO have appointed a co-chair (Jonathan Robinson - GNSO, Ching Chiao - ccNSO).
- Leadership team meets prior to the meeting to prepare the agenda and prep for the meeting.
- CCWG is expected to work as a collaborative unit - need to excercise discipline.
- Members are appointed by chartering organization and serve a specific liaison role.
- Participants participate in the same way as members do, the only difference may be if there is a need for a consensus call (noting that the leadership will do its best to avoid the need for any votes).
- Observers can follow the discussions on the mailing list, but are not invited to join calls.
- All members and participants are required to complete a statement of interest and a declaration of interest.
- If after a number of reminders you have not completed your SOI or DOI your status will be downgraded to observer until you have completed the required statements.
- For more information about the practical workings of Adobe Connect, wiki, etc., please review the communication tools webinar (see https://participate.icann.org/p830qbsrcot/).
- Is there anything as "good standing" for CCWG members/participants similar to https://www.w3.org/2004/02/Process-20040205/groups.html#good-standing? No, not currently, only requirements are SOI and DOI.
3. Update on CO membership appointments and chairs
- Still awaiting appointments from the ASO, ALAC and GAC - these are forthcoming
- All have confirmed their participation and adoption of the charter.
- The ccNSO Council has appointed Ching as an interim co-chair - the Council will revisit its decision during ICANN59 whether it will officially appoint a co-chair to this group, and if so, whether it is Ching or someone else.
4. Review CCWG charter
- See slides circulated (https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/download/attachments/101681709/new%20gTLD%20Auction%20Proceeds%20Charter%20-%2022%20January%202017.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1485303016000&api=v2)
5. Discuss what information and/or preparation is needed to start developing work plan
- What briefing / input is needed? For example, should another briefing on the legal and fiduciary constraints be provided? Any other information / expertise that will be required?
- What preparations / inputs are needed prior to developing the work plan?
- Determine what expertise is available in the CCWG. Consider surveying the CCWG to determine what expertise is available in the CCWG to see what expertise may be missing.
- CCWG will need to give consideration as part of its deliberations to local/global nature of mechanism recommended.
- Need briefings from people that do this as part of their daily jobs to get further insights into best practices. Need to avoid reinventing the wheel so important to benefit from those that have expertise in this area. Note a number of suggestions and offers made in the chat. Develop a list of possible organisations to invite / speak to at the outset.
- Create two documents: table of expertise of CCWG members - individuals can add to this (proposer, expertise). Create document to start ad-hoc thinking about the questions.
Action item #1: Start building list of prospective individuals / organizations that could provide input and expertise at the outset of the CCWG deliberations
Action item #2: Staff to develop draft table of expertise for CCWG completion and start ad-hoc document which will allow CCWG members/participants to share thinking about charter questions.
6. Discuss proposed timing, duration and frequency of meetings
- Factoring in time zone spread of CCWG members and participants, suggests that a single time slot of 15.00 UTC may work for most. If this does not work, may need to consider alternatives, including rotation.
- Proposed to continue on Thursdays, for 90 minutes, every two weeks.
- For ICANN58, staff will be requesting a slot on Wednesday from 15.15-16.45 local time for the CCWG. CCWG can decide at a later date whether you want to use this slot or not.
7. AOB
8. Confirm next steps & time / date for next meeting
- 9 February at 15.00 UTC for 90 minutes