2017-08-10 CCWG New gTLD Auction Proceeds call
There will be a CCWG New gTLD Auction Proceeds call held on Thursday 10 August 2017 at 14:00 UTC for 90 minutes.
07:00 PDT, 10:00 EDT, 15:00 London, 16:00 CET, 17:00 Istanbul, 22:00 Singapore, 00:00 Melbourne
For other times: https://tinyurl.com/v2kskah
- Roll Call
- Welcome – DOI
- Overview from Xavier Calvez on investment management
- Review responses to charter question #4 and discuss next steps (see https://www.surveymonkey.com/results/SM-6GNDQHJ6/[surveymonkey.com])
- Review redrafted objectives and examples (see mind map attached)
- Confirm next steps & next meeting (next CCWG-AP meeting is scheduled for Thursday 24 August at 16.00 UTC)
Dial outs: Kavouss Arasteh, Marika Konings (staff)
Guest speaker: Xavier Calvez
Apologies: Johan (Julf) Helsingius, Tripti Sinha, Seun Ojedeji
Notes/ Action Items
- Roll Call
- Please state your name for transcription purposes and keep microphones on mute when not speaking.
- Attendance will be taken from the AdobeConnect room.
2. Welcome – DOI
3. Overview from Xavier Calvez on investment management
The intention of this presentation is
- to allow the group to think on the issue of investment,
- to understand ICANN's practice, and to answer any questions that might be raised.
It helps to inform the discussion on the ROI of the fund; It includes an overview of how the auction proceeds are currently managed, which might lead to how they might be managed in the future.
Important to note:
- only conservative investment policies are being used
- the investment strategy will be designed in support of the objectives
An overview of some illustrative investment scenarios was provided, followed by Q&A.
Parameters that need to be considered:
- amount of money
- horizon
- level of risk (which is not correlated to the horizon)
Financial information is regularly provided during the quarterly stakeholder calls.
(amount from latest update - Q3 data of FY17. https://www.icann.org/quarterlyreports[icann.org])
- Reserve Fund: 64 million
- New gTLD unspent application fees: 128 million
- Auction proceeds: 233 million
- Annual budget of ICANN. FY18 budget expenses 142 million USD.
Regarding replenishing the reserve fund: appropriate procedures need to be taken, appropriate approvals and decisions need to be in place for it to be legal.
This is however a moral question as well. The charter does include this question: “To what extent (and, if so, how) could ICANN, the Organization or a constituent part thereof, be the beneficiary of some of the auction funds”
The group needs to discuss this at a later stage.
4. Next meeting
next CCWG-AP meeting is scheduled for Thursday 24 August at 14.00 UTC
= = = =
Action item #1:
CCWG to review the slides presented by Xavier (published on https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/display/CWGONGAP/2017-08-10+CCWG+New+gTLD+Auction+Proceeds+call)[community.icann.org] and to share any further questions for Xavier on the group’s mailing list.
Action item #2:
Per the discussion during the CCWG-AP meeting on 27 July 2017, the attached mind map was developed, which aims to regroup the objectives based on the survey results as well as the subsequent discussions. The CCWG is encouraged to continue to provide feedback on the proposed regrouping of objectives/priorities, as well as the clustering of examples ahead of the next meeting, scheduled for 24 August at 14 UTC.
Action item #3:
CCWG to review responses to charter question #4 and to continue the discussion on the mailing list.
(see https://www.surveymonkey.com/results/SM-6GNDQHJ6/[surveymonkey.com] )