2017-09-21 CCWG New gTLD Auction Proceeds call

2017-09-21 CCWG New gTLD Auction Proceeds call

There will be a CCWG New gTLD Auction Proceeds call held on Thursday 21 September 2017 at 14:00 UTC for 90 minutes.

07:00 PDT, 10:00 EDT, 15:00 London, 16:00 CET, 17:00 Istanbul, 22:00 Singapore, 00:00 Melbourne

For other times: https://tinyurl.com/qwsvl6g


  1. Roll Call
  2. Welcome / DOI
  3. Presentation from ICANN Finance & Legal on the different options that have been discussed in relation to charter question #7 – should ICANN Org have a role in the solicitation and evaluation of proposals (e.g. through internal structure - new unit, within ICANN; externally - new built entity that would only focus on this work; externally - working with already existing entities)
  4. Review assessment of examples of fund allocation (see https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zQ66hCxrboAJPKeuU6nHwzHQwmU6g_3kS0JUSSC_tSk/edit[docs.google.com])
  5. Review latest definition/description of Open Internet (see https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HV3dzTkKIYCyiRbzPW3Uk3MctwK0BQTth39DitIW-L4/edit[docs.google.com])  
  6. Review updated work plan (see attached clean and redline version)
  7. Confirm next steps & next meeting (5 October 2017 at 14.00 UTC)


Work plan and approach for dealing with charter questions - upd 20 September 2017.doc

Work plan and approach for dealing with charter questions - upd 20 September 2017 clean.doc



Apologies: Marc Gauw, Dietmar Stefitz, Jon Nevett, Vanda Scartezini, Becky Burr, Asha Hemrajani, Carolina Caeiro, Nadira AL-Araj, Olga Cavalli, Sylvia Cadena, Alan Greenberg, John Levine, Samantha Eisner (staff),Joke Braeken (staff)

Notes/ Action Items

Notes - CCWG AP Meeting - 21 September 2017


These high-level notes are designed to help the CCWG navigate through the content of the call and are not meant as a substitute for the transcript and/or recording. The MP3, transcript, and chat are provided separately and are posted on the wiki at: https://community.icann.org/x/DLHDAw.


1.Roll Call

  • Attendance will be taken from Adobe Connect
  • Please mute your lines when not speaking
  • Please state your names before speaking for transcription purposes


2. Welcome / DOI

  • Reminder to make sure that your SOIs and DOIs are up to date
  • Note updates by Erika Mann and Jonathan Robinson


3. Presentation from ICANN Finance & Legal on the different options that have been discussed in relation to charter question #7 – should ICANN Org have a role in the solicitation and evaluation of proposals (e.g. through internal structure - new unit, within ICANN; externally - new built entity that would only focus on this work; externally - working with already existing entities)

  • Deferred to next meeting due to unavailability of staff


4. Review assessment of examples of fund allocation (see https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zQ66hCxrboAJPKeuU6nHwzHQwmU6g_3kS0JUSSC_tSk/edit)

  • Important for CCWG members and participants to provide input. So far only two CCWG members/participant have provided input.
  • Objective is to identify for each example whether or not it is considered consistent with the ICANN Bylaws and/or CCWG proposed objectives for fund allocation.
  • Column for notes/comments should allow CCWG members/participants to provide any other input that is deemed helpful for this exercise.
  • How to deal with examples that are not necessarily consistent but are deemed very important by the CCWG? Consider adding a "desirability" or "preferred category". Anything that indicates whether this type of project is very important to the participant.
  • Other examples can be added by adding a new row.
  • More time may be needed to conduct a thorough review.


Action item #1: Staff to circulate both word version and google doc link

Action item #2: CCWG to review examples document and provide input by filling out columns. Deadline for input 15 Oct.

Action item #3: Elliot to provide suggested heading for possible new column and description.


5. Review latest definition/description of Open Internet (see https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HV3dzTkKIYCyiRbzPW3Uk3MctwK0BQTth39DitIW-L4/edit

  • See latest version shared during the meeting - note that Erika made some updates that were not tracked as a result of a mishap in google docs.
  • Description of what is considered part of Open Internet in preamble may work better than trying to define the concept of "Open Internet". Consider using the term open and interoperable internet, not open internet. Support for making this change. Also make clear that this description is within the scope of the CCWG's activities, not beyond.
  • Consider having a small DT that based on the discussions, review the latest version of the text and prepare a proposed version for CCWG review in time for the next meeting. Volunteers: Elliot, Jonathan, Marilyn, Hadia, Manal.
  • Note that this work derives from the reference to 'Open Internet' in the proposed objectives (which will need to be updated to reflect change agreed to) so this language would provide the description of what is meant with that, which is expected to serve as a preamble and guidance for subsequent parts of the process.


Action item #4: Small DT to provide proposed version for review prior to next meeting.

Action item #5: Staff to circulate latest clean version of language (see attached – note that comments that do not appear to have been addressed have been left in).


6. Review updated work plan

  • Work plan has been adjusted to reflect current status which means that current publication date of Initial Report is foreseen for just after ICANN61 meeting. Ongoing updates will be made to track progress made by CCWG.
  • Two sessions have been scheduled for ICANN60 on Thursday from 10.30 - 12.00 and 13.30 - 15.00. Doodle poll will be circulated to assess expected participation for these sessions to determine whether or not to go ahead with these meetings.


Action item #6: Staff to set up doodle poll to assess expected participation for meeting at ICANN60


7. Confirm next steps & next meeting (5 October 2017 at 14.00 UTC)