5. Members, Staffing, and Organization
A. Membership
Membership in the WG is open to members of the participating ICANN SOs and ACs. Each of the participating SOs and ACs shall appoint members to the WG in accordance with their own rules and procedures, which includes a providing a Statement of Interest if required. There shall be a minimum of one representative from each participating SO and AC.
Non-participating ICANN AC’s are invited to appoint one or more liaisons or observers according to their own rules and procedures, and who will participate on equal footing as the members.
The participating SO’s and AC’s shall each appoint a (Co-)Chair for the WG. The (Co-)Chairs shall have primary leadership responsibilities for the WG. The Co-Chairs are encouraged to collaborate with one another and with ICANN support staff in leading the WG.
All WG participants are expected to be able to:
- Demonstrate knowledge or expertise of aspects of the objectives of the WG; and
- Commit to actively participate in the activities of the working group on an ongoing basis.
The Chairs of the Working Group, in consultation with the members of the WG may also appoint experts to the Working Group. Experts are not considered members, but otherwise are entitled to participate on equal footing.
Participants, liaisons and observers will be listed on the working group’s webpage.
B Support staff and Tools
ICANN is expected to provide adequate staff support to the WG.
In addition, the following communication tools have been established to aid the work of the WG:
- WG Wiki Workspace at (URL TBD)
- WG Email List Subscriptions (TBD); and
- WG SOI Repository, if appropriate, at (URL TBD)
C Working Group Methodology
Making Decisions
In considering its work plan, Papers and Final Report the WG shall seek to act by consensus. If a minority opposes a consensus position, that minority position shall be incorporated in the related paper. The Co-Chairs shall be responsible for designating each position as having one of the following designations:
- Full consensus – a position where no minority disagrees;
- Consensus - a position where most agree and a small minority disagrees.
- No Consensus but strong support for a specific position / recommendation but significant opposition;and
- Divergence – no strong support for a specific position / recommendation
In the case of Consensus, No Consensus or Divergence, the WG Co-Chairs should encourage the submission of (minority) viewpoint(s).
Based upon the WG's needs and/or the Co-Chairs’ direction, WG participants may request that their names are not associated explicitly with any view/position.
Consensus calls should always make best efforts to involve the entire WG. It is the role of the Co-Chairs to designate which level of consensus is reached and announce this designation to the WG.