ccwg IG affiliations in other groups

ccwg IG affiliations in other groups

Ccwg IG Participants

Olivier Crépin-Leblond

I am also the Chair of ALAC and we have At-Large Structures (ALSes) that are involved in the IGF world, regularly running workshops at the global IGF. Some of our ALSes are involved in regional IGFs, including in the steering group of those regional IGFs. We also have ALSes that work with governments on ITU related matters; we have ALSes involved in Civil Society. etc.

I am also the Chair of ISOC UK England & therefore closely follow the happenings there, including a very limited number of IETF working groups. ISOC UK England have been active in the UK IGF as well as the British Government's Multistakeholder Advisory Group on Internet Governance (MAGIG) - and this let me be part of the UK government delegation at WCIT in Dubai December 2012.


Oliver Süme

I am Vice Chair of the German Internet Industry Association (http://international.eco.de) that will host the European Dialogue on Internet Governance in Berlin, June 2014, see www.eurodig.org

The association is also one of the Organizers of the German IGF (www.igf-d.de) and appointed a represantative to the WCIT in Dubai 2012 as part of the German government delegation.

I’m also President of EuroISPA (www.euroispa.org), which is a member of the ISPCP at ICANN and involved in the European Internet Governance dialogue as well.


Léon Felipe Sánchez

ISOC Mexico.- I’m member of the ISOC Chapter in Mexico but have no officer responsibilities.

Creative Commons Mexico - Legal Co-Lead

ALAC - Member appointed by the NomCom for LACRALO


Michele Neylon

Founder and CEO / Managing Director of Blacknight, an ICANN accredited registrar and hosting provider in Ireland Chair of the Registrar Stakeholder Group Chair of the Registrar Advisory Board to Eurid Irish Internet Association's rep to ENUM353 Member of RIPE - mainly active in the anti-abuse WG Member of APWG On the steering committee of ASOP EU (http://asop.eu/) Member Internet Infrastructure Coalition (http://i2coalition.com/)

I'm involved in several ICANN working groups / PDPs as well as a few within RIPE and IETF.


Keith Davidson

Director of the ISOC Board

Vice chair of the ccNSO Council in ICANN

Member of the NZ IGF (Nethui) Organising Committee, of the Australian IGF Organising Committee, of the Asia Pacific regional IGF Organising Committee

Convenor of the Pacific IGF

Contracted as International Director for InternetNZ, operators of the .nz ccTLD

Sometimes added as a delegate to the NZ Government delegations on ITU / UN Internet related fora


Avri Doria

APC:  volunteer part time member of staff, affiliate member

ICANN: NCSG representative to GNSO council, alternate rep to NARALO from ISOC-NY, assorted working groups

IETF/IRTF:  participant in assorted working and research groups

IGC: member

IGF: participant, sometime helper to secretariat

Internet Society: BoD ISOC-NY, Organization Advisory Council, member ISOC-FI

WG on Enhanced Cooperation: civil society member

Proud dues paying member of ACLU, ACM, Amnesty International, and the IEEE

Sometimes consulting member of US delegation to ITU and WSIS events, US ITAC participant


Patrik Fältström

Head of Research and Development at Netnod (that is member of for example many *IX and all *TLD organizations)

Founder and 50% owner of Frobbit, a registrar for a number of TLDs

Chair of SSAC in ICANN

Adviser to the Swedish Government on IT Related Issues

Chair of Swedish Networks Users Society

Member of the Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences

Member of the Internet Architecture Board group on Internationalization

By IETF appointed expert reviewer (support for the IANA) of Unicode/IDNA2008 tables

Participant in RIPE, LACNIC, IETF and various local Internet Governance initiatives


Bill Drake

I’m on the 1Net Steering Committee as an academic rep, and am also among the ‘experts’ working with the High Level Panel on Global Internet Cooperation and Governance Mechanisms.  I’m also on the MAG (IGF)


Robert Guerra

Senior Advisor, Citizen Lab and Canada Centre for Global Security Studies, Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto

Participant in the ICANN, Internet Governance Forum  and various Internet Governance initiatives

Participant in various Internet & human rights initiatives such as the Freedom Online Coalition, Stockholm Internet Forum, etc

Member, SSAC in ICANN

Member, Canadian Internet Registry Authority (CIRA)

Founder, Privaterra (who in turn is accredited as at At-Large Structure in ICANN)

Advisor to several NGOs


Alain Bidron

Director of the Naming Numbering Addressing Department at Orange

Participant in RIPE

Participant in ICANN, Internet Governance Forum

Member of the European Telecommunication Operators Association - Internet Governance and Numbering Naming Addressing Working groups

Executive Officer of the Internet Service Providers and Connectivity Providers  (ICANN - ISPCP)

ICANN NomCom member selected by the ISPCP


Filiz Yilmaz

Independent Internet Governance and Policy Consultant (running own firm)

Chair of the RIPE Programme Committee 

Member of the ICANN ASO AC/NRO NC from RIPE Region

Member of the United Nations Internet Governance Forum Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG)

Guest Colloquia lecturer on Internet Governance and Policy issues at System & Network Engineering Programme, University of Amsterdam

Founding member and main contact of the ISOC Turkey Chapter (in Formation)

Participant to various Network Operator Groups, Forums, Working Groups, Regional Fora (RIPE, NANOG, TRNOG, 1Net, Governance..). 


Marilyn Cade

Officer, ICANN Business Constituency/CSG rep

Member of United Nations CSTD Working Group on Enhanced Cooperation - business participant

Member of ICC-BASIS

Member of USITUA [an association that follows ITU activities]

Member of 1NET Steering Group - business participant

Participant in WSIS + 10 Review

IGF MAG member - business 


Greg Shatan

Member, Intellectual Property Constituency Member, Policy and Implementation WG (and Principles sub-team)


(New) Member, NY chapter ISOC

Participating in /1net [discuss] forum

I have been a member of the INTA Internet Committee and the New gTLD Subcommittee for the last 4 years, but I am off due to term limits.

Keith Drazek

Vice President, Policy & Government Relations, Verisign

Chair, GNSO Registries Stakeholder Group (RySG)


Phil Corwin

I represent the Internet Commerce Association (domain investors and developers) on ICANN's Business Constituency, and am the chair of the BC credentials committee.

I have also just started a 2-year term on the Internet Committee of the International Trademark Association, and have been assigned to its Internet Governance Subcommittee.

Finally, I am a member of the DC chapter of ISOC.


Holly Raiche

Director, Internet Society of Australia

Research Associate, Communications Law Centre, UTS Sydney Research Fellow Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre, University of NSW (UNSW) Adjunct Lecturer UNSW (communications Law UGrad and Post Grad) Deputy Chair, Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (peak telco consumer body) Member, Executive committee, ALAC formerly Communications Advisor Australian Democrats (small middle of the road political party in Oz) formerly, member Consumer Consultative forum, Australian Communications and Media Authority (communications regulatory in Oz)

Ccwg IG Observers

Hago Dafalla

System Administrator and Network Manager, University of Gezira

AFRINIC nomcom for 2011 and 2012

Participant in ICANN, Internet Governance Forum

Participate in AFRINIC activities.

Participate in Global IGF2013


Carlton Samuels

Convenor, The University of the West Indies ALS

Director, Caribbean Internet Forum 

Chairman, National ICT Advisory Council of Jamaica

Member, ICT4D Jamaica

Co-Chair, At-Large Registration Issues WG

Member, Expert Working Group on Registration Data Services

Member, Presidential Panel, ICANN's Role in the Internet Governance Ecosystem


Jordan Carter

I am shadowing Keith Davidson in learning these issues, having started in my role at InternetNZ in August last year.

My other engagement is as part of the technical community nomcom process that helped pick people for the 1net steering group and for various other representative spots associated with the Brazil meeting


Stephanie Perrin

I am a recent member of NCUC, and a member of the NCSG policy committee.

I am a member of the EWG looking at directory services revision. 

I am on the privacy and proxy services working group.

I have been nominated as one of the three civil society representatives on the High Level Committee for planning for Brazil, but we do not seem to have done anything yet.

Finally, I am a recent retiree from the Canadian federal government where I worked for many years on policy matters respecting privacy, risk, cryptography, international telecoms policy and IT impact assessment. 

I run my own consulting company and I am a PhD student at the University of Toronto Faculty of Information.