Charter Version 3.2
Note: Version 3.2 (clean and redline) include changes to the objective and scope following the discussion on the call of 17 April and comment received to date. Changes are in comparison to version 2.
Version | DOC | PDF | Status/Comments |
Version 2 | click here to download DOCX | click here to download PDF | Superseded |
Version 3 | click here to download DOCX | click here to download PDF | Current |
Version 3.1 | click here to download DOCX | click here to download PDF | Superseded |
Version 3.2 | click here to download PDF | Current |
Main changes are:
- numbered elements of the objective
- added: advise participating SO's and AC's how to ensure advise of SO's and AC's to ICANN is reflected in ICANN's activities in Internet Governance for a and processes
Simplified first paragraph an included
Refined the exclusion of Oversight Transition Process and related accountability and accountability mechanisms.
Next steps
Members of the Wg are requested to provide additional comments and feed-back. At the upcoming WG call one of the topics will be to discuss the charter again.
Goal is that WG adopts the charter as soon as feasible. Once adopted, the convener's/facilitators of the WG ( Olivier and Rafik) will submit the charter to the ICANN SO's and AC's, to seek their participation and adoption of the charter.
Once the charter is adopted by a SO or AC, it may appoint one of the Co-Chairs and send out a call for volunteers and observers and appoint them according to its own rules and procedures.