3. Deliverables and Timeframes

3. Deliverables and Timeframes

Work Plan

As a first step the WG should establish and adopt an initial work plan and an associated schedule. The work plan and schedule should include the relevant schedule of activities of the WG related to the relevant Internet Governance events,  and schedule and methods for informing the participating SO’s, AC’s and broader community on progress made. The initial work plan and schedule should be published on the web page of the WG. The Co-Chairs will be responsible for maintaining and updating the work plan and schedule and for informing the Chairs of the participating SO’s and AC’s of changes made to the work plan and schedule.


Progress Paper 

The Co-Chairs of the WG shall regularly update the participating SO’s and AC’s on the progress made. At appropriate times, as identified in the work plan, the WG shall produce a Progress Paper on progress made to inform the broader community on the progress.


Position Papers and Statements

(see Alternative 1 and Alternative 2)