CCWG IG Weekly Teleconference - 2014.1.23

CCWG IG Weekly Teleconference - 2014.1.23

Date: Thursday, 23 January 2014                        

Time:  14:00 UTC | See here for your local date and time

Adobe Meeting Room: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/ccwg/

Adigo Participant #: 21612
For Adigo numbers: http://adigo.com/icann/

Interpretation Available: No

Participants: Alain Bidron, Avri DoriaBart Boswinkel, Bill Drake, Cintra Sooknanan, David Maher, Evan Leibovitch, Filiz Yilmaz, Greg Shatan, Hago Dafalla, Jonathan Robinson, Ken Stubbs, Kristina Rosette, Leon Sanchez, Naresh Ajwani, Olivier Crepin- Leblond, Olof Nordling, Patricio Poblete, Rafik Dammak, Robert Guerra, Sarah Falvey, Fatima Camronero, Jose Arce

 Staff: Alexandra Dans, Ergys Ramaj, Sally Costerton, Renate De Wulf

Call management: Petya Minkova

Action Items: EN

Recording: EN

Minutes: EN

Transcript: EN

Adobe Chat: EN

A G E N D A  

Standing Agenda Items

1. Roll Call (Rafik, Staff; 3 min)
2. Adoption of Agenda (Rafik; 2 min)
3. Review of Action Items(Olivier; 10 min)

This is a review of the action items from the:

    11 December 2013 call
    20 December 2013 call
      6 January 2014 call
    17 January 2014 call

4. Discussion about drafting the Charter (Rafik; 15 minutes)

    Link to the Charter Building WIKI page

Includes WG organisation: participant and observer status on calls and mailing lists

5. Discussion about WG goals and deliverables (Rafik; 20 minutes)

7. AOB / Review of Actions Items (Rafik, Staff; 5 minutes)