CCWG IG Weekly Teleconference - 2013.12.11 - Action Items

CCWG IG Weekly Teleconference - 2013.12.11 - Action Items

Closed Action Items

  • Renate DeWulf to send out doodle poll and organize one more call before year end
  • Renate DeWulf to add to the wiki list of participants, links to mailing list, etc.
  • Sally Costerton to provide or identify someone to give summary/update on what is discussed in the High Level Panel in London.
  • Sally Costerton to find someone to 'curate' the discussions on the lists so that Staff can provide back information to this working group: there will be a feed from the new /1net website which will provide a much more focused version of the discussions on the list.

  • Clear set of objectives/intended deliverables for the working group are needed. What will be the outcomes? A Report? Representation? - Unassigned - moved to actions items of call of 2014.01.23