CCWG IG Weekly Teleconference - 2014.1.17
CCWG IG Weekly Teleconference - 2014.1.17
Date: Friday, 17 January, 2014
Time: 0700 - 0800 UTC | See here for your local date and time
Adobe Meeting Room: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/ccwg/
Adigo Participant #: 21612
For Adigo numbers: http://adigo.com/icann/
Interpretation Available: No
Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Naresh Ajwani, Marilyn Cade, Alain Bidron, Philip Corwin, David Fares, Stephanie Perrin, Greg Shatan, Oliver Sueme, Avri Doria, Keith Davidson, Leon Sanchez, Bill Drake, Bart Boswinkel,Fadi Chehade, Olof Nordling, Gregory Saghyan
Staff: Alexandra Dans, Ergys Ramaj, Sally Costerton,Theresa Swinehart
Call management: Renate De Wulf, Petya Minkova
Action Items: EN
Recording: EN
Minutes: EN
Transcript: EN
Adobe Chat: EN
Standing Agenda Items
1. Roll Call (Olivier; 3 min)
2. Adoption of Agenda (Olivier; 2 min)
3. Review of Action Items(Olivier; 5 min)
This is a review of the action items from the:
4. Discussion with Fadi Chehadé / deliverables of WG (Olivier; 30 minutes)
5. Discussion about drafting the Charter (Olivier; 10-15 minutes)
6. AOB / Review of Actions Items