CCWG IG Weekly Teleconference - 2014.1.23 - Adobe Chat
Hago Dafalla:hi all
Renate De Wulf:Hello Hago
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Hello all
Ken Stubbs:does this call allow adobe connect direct audio or must i dial in direct via phone ?
Hago Dafalla:yes it allow adopconnection
Renate De Wulf:you should be able to have direct audio through the AC room
Hago Dafalla:I use now adobe connection which is very good
Cintra Sooknanan:thanks Renate, hello everyone
Hago Dafalla:please dail me my phone is :+249922382627
Cintra Sooknanan:Hi Robert, good to hear you
Renate De Wulf:Hago, I have sent your request to Adigo
Ken Stubbs:what is usa dial in # ?
Leon Sanchez:hello all
Ken Stubbs:adobe only allows me a phone connection
Renate De Wulf:US numbers to dial in through Adigo are Access number: 800 550 6865 or 213 233 3193
Filiz Yilmaz:I am trying to join the Adigo call
Filiz Yilmaz:But I can hear you...
Filiz Yilmaz:currently
Renate De Wulf:Hi Filiz, do you need a dial out from Adigo?
Filiz Yilmaz:Hi Renete, I managed. I think I am in...
Filiz Yilmaz:I will go on mute.
Avri Doria:But it was sent out. everyone could have read it.
Petya Minkova:yes Filiz u r in!
Filiz Yilmaz:Hi Petya :)! thanks for confirmation.
Sarah Falvey - Google:+1
Bill Drake:+1 Olivier
Avri Doria:someone should write up an idea for how to deal with this issue on a theoretical basis and submit it for discussion. i am willing to put a a strawdog on the table, once i write it that is.
Avri Doria:above was ref to mapping problem involed differnt ways of stakeholder grouping
rafik:@avri strawman or strawdog will be welcome of course :)
Avri Doria: straw manA logic fallacy involving the purposeful misrepresentation of an argument in order to strike it down.
Avri Doria: straw dogIn business, something (an idea, or plan, usually) set up to be knocked down. It's the dangerous philosophy of presenting one mediocre idea, so that the listener will make the choice of the better idea which follows.
Avri Doria:i prefer to offer a strawdog
Avri Doria:ah, well if wikipedia has changed the defintion, I will try to offer a strawman
Avri Doria:In any case going back to the subject of stakeholder group mappings, it is probably a good idea to have an idea of how to approach it before the next appointment panic set in.
Greg Shatan:@Avri, I agree, especially for those groups that do not fit easily into the UN quartet.
Avri Doria:i have not set up mike yet
Avri Doria:sometime AC is infuriating talk was not enabled for this AC meeting so when i went to turn on the mike, it told me i had to dial in and it shut the sound to the AC. and i could not figure out how to turn it back on so was deaf until i got on the phone. really bad use interface.
Avri Doria:no reaction does not mean approval. it just means we dont know what to say.
Cintra Sooknanan:agree with Greg I don't think this should be prescriptive at this point
Renate De Wulf:Hi, I have tried to give you all speaking rights through AC - it should work now
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Renate, yes it should
Greg Shatan:I suggest we keep an eye on the observer issue and revisit it when it starts to be a problem.
Avri Doria:do alast call on the charter dor next week and then send the thing on to the chartering groups.
Filiz Yilmaz:I agree with Greg too, on keeping an eye on the observer issue and revisit it when it starts to be a problem.
Avri Doria:obviously if the last call brings up issue then we fix them and try again.
Avri Doria:on the options lots of people have spoken up and there seems to be a prevalanece for one option over the other.
Avri Doria:lets just get it done. and then forgotten about as most charters are, except for when there is a problem.
sally costerton:Just a reminder that the likely deadline for proposals to be submitted to the Brazil meeting will be March 1st.
sally costerton:That is what the Brazilians have said so far.
sally costerton:I think input will be likely provided via the website by Mar 1 for discussion by the Executive committee of the Brazil meeting.
Kristina Rosette:apologies for the delayed attendance. Traffic was brutal this morning. Am dialing in now.
Renate De Wulf:To Kristina: audio is available through the AC room
Kristina Rosette:I know, but my suite mates complain when I use the AC room audio.they find it distracting.
Avri Doria:Kristina, you can use headsets for the AC audio
Kristina Rosette:I know, but I prefer the phone. Clearer and easier.
Avri Doria:but if you wanted to talk, you needed to dial in anayway.
Renate De Wulf:not anymore, I adjusted the settings
Avri Doria:Renate, thanks.
Ken Stubbs:+1 sally
Avri Doria:I tend to not want to speak in thse calls unless called on. and for that the AC is sufficient for me.
Petya Minkova:Naresh was taking a call, he 's been muted!
Bill Drake:the weird thing is that the background conditions for achieving something more than talk are decent, but the time management plan in SP may confound things
Bill Drake:actually, maybe that's not weird..
Ken Stubbs:thanks for elaboration sally !
sally costerton:ok
sally costerton:I can also ask Daniel to brief this group on one of our calls
sally costerton:Probably in a couple of weeks or so.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Sally - that would be great
Bill Drake:Thanks Rafik and Olivier
Leon Sanchez:thank you all. have a ni e day
Filiz Yilmaz:Thank you
Jose Arce:Bye
Cintra Sooknanan:good bye everyone