CCWG IG Weekly Teleconference - 2014.4.09
CCWG IG Weekly Teleconference - 2014.4.09
Date: Wednesday, 9 April 2014
Time: 18:00 UTC | See here for your local date and time
Adobe Meeting Room: https://icann.adobeconnect.com/ccwg/
Adigo Participant #: 21612
For Adigo numbers: http://adigo.com/icann/
Interpretation Available: No
Participants: Alain Bidron, Aparna Sridhar, Avri Doria, David Fares, David Maher, Greg Shatan, Hago Dafalla, Keith Drazek, Ken Stubbs, Kiran Malancharuvil, Kristina Rosette, Leon Sanchez, Marilia Maciel, Marilyn Cade, Oliver Sueme, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Victor Manuel Martinez, Young Eum Lee
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Alexandra Dans
Call management: Petya Minkova
Action Items: EN
Recording: EN
Minutes: EN
Transcript: EN
Adobe Chat: EN
Standing Agenda Items
- Roll call and adoption of agenda (Olivier, Staff - 5 min)
- Follow up to Singapore (Olivier, All - 10 min)
- Work on the Charter (Olivier, All - 40 min)
- AOB (Olivier - 5 min)