CCWG IG Weekly Teleconference - 2014.1.17 - Adobe chat

CCWG IG Weekly Teleconference - 2014.1.17 - Adobe chat

Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Agenda can be found on:


  Leon Sanchez:no audio on AC again?

  Eric Evrard:I see no Adigo bridge linked to this Adobe Connect room.

  Avri Doria:Seems like one of those times when we need to use adigo to hear

the call.

  Alexandra Dans:Adigo bridge ID: 21612

  Renate De Wulf:apologies for not having audio in the AC room - we are

working on it and will have it for the next call

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:WEF = World Economic Forum

  Leon Sanchez:thanks Renate

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Renate: yes the two need to be linked together


  Renate De Wulf:@Olivier: yes, it will be sorted out for the next call

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Thank you!

  Marilyn Cade - CSG:Renate, for some reason, I can't raise my hand for the

queue. Can you add me?

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:sure

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:you'll be after Keith

  Bill Drake:there's a potential here to be out of synch with the UN CSTD

Working Group on Enhanced Cooperation, which is "officially" taking up

"orphan" issues and "new mechanisms" issues and will issue a report to the UN

etc. Marilyn and Avri are on it and can say more...

  Marilyn Cade - CSG:I agree with Bill. I think that the decisional nature of

this meeting, versus feeding into other present activities, is a critical

issue and concern.

  Bill Drake:panels 4/5 sort of split internal/external to ICANN

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Question to everyone: a CCWG that "organises" ICANN

input into various fora.... Is this possible?

  Bill Drake:Facilitates?

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I don't know if any CCWG has ever been created that

does this sort of thing... Usually CCWG have a document to produce & then end.

  Marilyn Cade - CSG:I think that some input about ICANN's goals and

activities possible to discuss and important to keep strong awareness about

any ICANN directions. There may be two challenges: not everyone is 'expert' in

some of the topics/issues taken up in other fora.

  Bill Drake:OCL this is why I once asked if a formal CCWG framework was

necessarily the best configuration for what needs to be done

  Bill Drake:Raising awareness, facilitating engagement and inputs from

stakeholders not the usual CCWG deliverable, obviously...

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:butr this is doable. I'm told the ccNSO's SOP WG does


  Marilyn Cade - CSG:Just a thought about pre events - for business is tough

to ask people to travel so much earlier. Perhaps the CCWG can discuss

practical issues about that issue,.

  Bill Drake:Marilyn we recognize that coming one day early is an issue for

some people, not much we can do about it other than make sure people know well

in advance about the date.  We certainly can't fit an intensive discussion of

SP agenda into the ICANN week itself

  Marilyn Cade - CSG:I think that each of the sub organizations within ICANN

will have their individual consultations. Facilitating and encouraging deeper

engagement within ICANN's sub groups is an obvious responsibility for each of

our own entities.

  Bill Drake:MC: sure, and the conference of course doesn't in any way

conflict with sub-orgs' internal processes, it just provides an opportunity

for them to bring the results to the larger community. And of course there may

be others during the week.

  Marilyn Cade - CSG:Sorry, closing sentence to that post is: providing a sort

of set of principles to ICANN about its role/its activities may be possible,

via the work of all of us back with our internal ICANN communities.

  Bill Drake:21 March event is obviously entirely optional, groups can engage

as much or as little as they want

  Oliver Sueme:I have to leave for another meeting, bye everyone.

  Philip Corwin:Speaking of expense, who is going to fund those asked to go to

SP to represent various constituencies?

  Avri Doria:/1net list is so muc better.  some rrreal discussions are going

on on that list.  it is a good list in my view.

  sally costerton:If it is useful I can share plans for sharing input on the


  Bill Drake:I actually think the 1Net list is uniquely multistakeholder, so

there's some overlap but it's different

  sally costerton:I mean input/submissions for the conference

  sally costerton:that is a really good idea.

  Avri Doria:for me: wsis+igf+wgec+ietf

  Avri Doria:Yeah, art is the only one in the group doing any work on the


  Avri Doria:yeah, Bart ...

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:can you scroll around the document?

  Bill Drake:Alternative 2 would be hard pressed to produce any outputs in


  Leon Sanchez:@OCL no. no scroll

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:how about now?

  Keith Davidson:Yes thabks Olivier

  Leon Sanchez:@OCL now it works

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:sorry -- I never kjnow which toggle lets people

scroll and which does not

  Keith Davidson:Bill - in time for what? I think in the longer IG framwork,

Alternative 2 provides a more powerful vehicle for the SO/AC communities

  Bill Drake:Keith: it's just a question of does the group want to have any

sort of collective response to inputs from others or own ideas prior to SP,

much less the 1 March deadline.

  Bill Drake:If not the concern then sure a more fully vetted slow burn

focusing on long term is fine

  Keith Davidson:Good points Bill

  Avri Doria:i prefer Alt 1, but can live with Alt 2.

  Bill Drake:If we're responding broadly to principles or mechanisms

components of SP agenda then flexibility fine

  Bill Drake:anything more specific may be a different matter

  Keith Davidson:True - you've convinced me to support option 1

  Bill Drake:As Woody Allen says, 80% of life is just showing up, it'd be good

for the community to say something...

  Bill Drake:Italics on "something"

  Leon Sanchez:bye

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:bye everyone. Thanks!

  Bill Drake:merci

  Keith Davidson:Thanks Olivier