Safeguards &Trust - Action Items
IMPORTANT - Individual/group action items: when complete - please send an email to
Mtg | Date | Action | Action Owner | Due Date | Action Complete | Status |
Mtg | Date | Action | Action Owner | Due Date | Action Complete | Status |
#43 | Rec D: David to provide input to Drew, rec will be discussed on next subteam call. | David |
#43 | Rec C: Recommendation to be circulated with the review team ahead of tomorrow's plenary call. | ICANN org |
#43 | Rec 40, 41, 42: ICANN org to send amended recommentadions together with other recommendations fields to David for final verification. Upon greenlight, recommendations to be shared with the review team for review/approval. | ICANN org |
#43 | Rec. 40: ICANN org to update last sentence of rec. 40 with : "The CCT acknowledges that the study was carried out in 2017 by a Nielsen survey of INTA members that yielded a lower response rate than anticipated. We note that this study should be more user friendly and perhaps shorter in order to help ensure a higher and more statistically significant response rate." | ICANN org |
#42 | Drew to update recommendation E and submit it for discussion on next safeguards and trust subteam call. | Drew |
#42 | Drew to circulate success measures via email on recommendations A, B, C. | Drew |
#42 | ICANN org to update the document submitted by David on Rec 40, 41, 42, by adding the original “To, Priority, Details, and Success Measures”: See new version attached.
| ICANN org Subteam |
#42 | David/Drew to discuss and update recommendation D, and submit it for discussion on next safeguards and trust subteam call. | David/Drew |
#41 |
| David/Drew to refine language of Recommendation D and share for comment on the subteam list | David/Drew |
#41 |
| David to work on Rec. 40, 41, 42 consolidation and share for comment on the subteam list | David |
#41 |
| Drew to update recommendation C language based on input received during the call. Subteam to send any further comments to Drew. | Drew |
#40 | Rec 40: David to add more context to the rationale concerning the sample size of the INTA study and how the data is indicative of trends. David to share an updated version of his paper based on input received prior to tomorrow’s plenary call | David | Udpdated version shared prior to Safeguards & Trust Call #42 | COMPLETE | ||
#38 | Rec 13, 15, 33: Drew to suggest to Laureen via email new language for the last success measure. Laureen to send an udpated version to the entire subteam to approve by Friday for circulate to RT with RT to object by next Friday. If none, updated recommendation will be included in the Final Report. | Drew/Laureen |
#39 | Rec A: Laureen to suggest new language to rationale/related findings section. | Laureen |
#39 | Drew to send an email to the review team for them to review the latest version of the DNS Abuse Chapter before the plenary call tomorrow. | Drew |
| OVERDUE | ||
#39 | Rec B.: Drew to correct typo. | Drew |
#38 | Big picture issues: 1) make sure when rt refers to abuse that we refer to technical abuse 2) once all recommendations are revised, review and crosscheck the report to make sure all is in the right place. | Review Team |
#38 | Rec 21 (22), 23: Laureen to share a redline and clean version of recommendations to the entire subteam to approve by Friday for circulate to RT with RT to object by next Friday. If none, updated recommendation will be included in the Final Report. | Laureen |
#38 | - Rec. 31, 32: Laureen to share a redline and clean version of recommendations to the entire subteam to approve by Friday for circulate to RT with RT to object by next Friday. If none, updated recommendation will be included in the Final Report. | Laureen |
#38 | - Rec. 25-30: direct this to the subsequent procedures pdp working group. Laureen to look into whether the term study is the most appropriate term for the different steps mentioned within the recommendation. Laureen to re-circulate the updated version to the subteam for comments. | Laureen |
#34 | Rec. 17, 18: Calvin to add success measures, and details. | Calvin | Dec 12, 2017 |
#37 | Gao to consolidate recs. 13 & 15 into a single recommendation, and explain in an email how your consolidation relates to the public comments received, and send via email to the subgroup by the end of the week. | Gao |
#36 | Recs 21, 22, 23: All to circulate feedback to Calrton by friday 15 December COB. Add recommendations for final review on next sub team call. (Carlton does not recommend consolidating these recommendations) | Subteam members |
#36 | Gao's recommendations to be moved to next week's subteam call. | ICANN org |
#36 | Rec. 24: Calvin to circulate proposal to strike Rec.24 to review team, and submit for approval on plenary call next week. | Calvin |
#36 | Rec. 17, 18: Calvin to add success measures to recs 17, 18 and to circulate for plenary discussion next week | Calvin |
#35 |
| Rec. 16: To be submitted on tomorrow's plenary call, and shared via email ahead of the plenary call. | ICANN org | Dec 6, 2017 |
#35 | Rec 24: Calvin to recirculate recommendation, including his concern that the recommendation and contract language might not be consistent. | Calvin |
#35 | Rec. 13: Gao to reflect/redline latest updates to her assigned recommendation in a different color. More time will be provided to the subteam to review the recommendation. | Gao |
#34 |
| Rec 16:
| Laureen/Carlos |
#33 |
| Laureen to resend email including action items on draft report updates, which was sent out before ICANN60. | Laureen | Nov 15 |
#33 |
| Rec. 16: Carlos & Laureen to refocus recommendation to focus on data collection needed for the next review team rather than a specific study. | Carlos/Laureen | Nov 15 |
#33 | | Rec 13, 15, 33: To be consolidated:
| Laureen Jordyn/Laureen Laureen | Nov 15, 2017 |
#33 | | Rec 14: Jonathan, David and Carlos to confer on a recommendation to promote a diversity of business models for New gTLDs (monoculture antidote). It will ultimately result in a recommendation affecting Consumer Choice & Consumer Trust sections. Jamie to help on including rationale from rec 35, 36 in rec 14. | Jonathan/David/Carlos/Jamie | Nov 15 |
#33 | Subteam members to be ready to contribute to document our response to public comments received. | S&T Subteam |
#33 |
| Subteam members to add "Success Measures" and "Details" when missing in your assigned recommendation | S&T Subteam |
#32 | Liaise with SSR2 representatives on Recommendation 3 & 4 of the DNS Abuse paper | David | Sept 26 | OVERDUE | ||
#32 | Confirm whether ICANN Compliance has statistics on DNS abuse and complaints filed and whether they are resolved with a take down or not. | ICANN org | Sept 26 |
#32 | Share updated version of the DNS Abuse Study paper ahead of tomorrow’s plenary call. | Drew | Sept 26 |
#31 | Provide an updated version including suggested edits on the call, and circulate it to ICANN org | David | Sept 19 |
#31 | Share David's updated version of the INTA Survey paper to the subteam indicating that there was provisional consensus on the call, and invite them for comments by today COB. | ICANN org | Sept 19 |
#30 | Rec 21, 22, 23 to be discussed further on the next subteam's call, meanwhile please address your comments to Carlton/Laureen via email | S&T Subteam | Sept 13 |
#29 | DNS Abuse Study Paper: All to send comments to Drew by Friday this week. | S&T Subteam | Sept 1 |
#29 | DNS Abuse Study Paper: Drew to schedule a call with Jamie to discuss implementability of the second recommendation. | Drew | Sept 5 |
#29 | Rec 25: All to share comments/edits with Laureen by Friday this week. | S&T Subteam | Sept 1 |
#29 | Rec. 31, 32: Fabro to include summary of public comments received on these recommendations, and add a revised version of the rationale. | Fabro | Sept 1 |
#28 | Circulate the latest draft report version | Jean-Baptiste | Aug 17, 2017 |
#28 | Drew to share his input on consolidation of PICs recommendations by next week | Drew | Aug 23, 2017 |
#28 |
| Circulate an email with Safeguards subteam upcoming action items / Subteam members to circulate their revision ahead of each subteam calls to allow enough time for review team members to digest and prepare questions. | Laureen/Subteam members |
#27 |
| Rec. 35, 36: Drew, Carlos, Laureen, Jamie to further work on revising these recommendations based on the exchange today. | Drew, Carlos, Laureen, Jamie | Aug 16, 2017 |
#27 |
| Rec. 16: Laureen to revise the text (add more specifity on what is needed - differentiate registrations restrictions and impact/effect ) and circulate it to the subteam. | Laureen | Aug 16, 2017 |
#27 |
| Rec. 19 & 34: Drew will further refine these to ensure that we are clear about categorizing the types of restrictions we are talking about and the types of abuse we are talking about rather than registration restrictions and DNS abuse as two broad categories. | Drew | Aug 16, 2017 |
#25 |
| 6. DNS Abuse: Rec 19, 34 (Drew) - Consolidation conditionally approved. (same priority level: High) 7. Complaints: Rec. 21, 22, 23 (Carlton): Conditionally approved with High priority (different priority level rec. 23 = High, while other are Medium) Other: Rec. 13, 15, 33 (Gao): No need for consolidation.
| ALL | Jul 26, 2017 |
#24 |
| Rec 10. (RPMs) David to look at the recommendation and consider whether that can be combined with recommendations 40 to 42. Rec. 16: Laureen to look into possible consolidation with other recommendations linked to juridiction restrictions. Rec 19, 34 (DNS Abuse Study) and 38, 39 (Pics): Drew to consolidate. Rec 21.22.23 (Complaints Mechanisms): Laureen and Carlton to liaise together and review the proposed consolidation. Rec 25-30 (Highly Regulated gTLDs): Laureen to review whether these can be consolidated. All to circulate to the group their suggestions for recommendations consolidation by Friday, this week. Wiki: Staff to build a dedicated page for draft report updates. | David Laureen Drew Laureen/Carlton Laureen | Jul 14, 2017 |
#23 |
| Rec 14: Jonathan & Laureen to reformulate the recommendation | Jonathan/Laureen |
#20 | All to carefully review E Agopian email of 19 Sept 2016 on Nielsen paper | All | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE | |
#20 | Jonathan Zuck to speak with Nielsen and analyze results; will present to team at next meeting | Jonathan | Oct 4/2016 | 1 | COMPLETE | |
#20 | Look for email update from Laureen, continue working on papers and getting team feedback | Laureen | Ongoing | 1 | COMPLETE | |
#19 | Recirculate links that are relevant to Right Protection Mechanisms databases and to advise whether possible to indicate what nature of complaints was - | Staff | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE | |
#19 | Send David comments on RPM related subquestions (if any) | All | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE | |
#19 | Read Trust in the domain name system paper. Carlos and Laureen to discuss whether follow-ups needed. | All, Carlos, Laureen | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE | |
#19 | Add to consumer trust paper: perceived value in new innovations (registration restrictions, validation, voluntary PICs) | Laureen, Fabro | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE | |
#19 | Discuss how to incorporate implementation of innovations and initiatives | Laureen, Gao | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE | |
#19 | Connect on consumer trust in the DNS | Jamie, Laureen | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE | |
#19 | Schedule two check-in times with their pair between 6 September and 15 September | All | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE | |
#19 | Identify for Alice whether working with traditional email or google doc. | Lead Drafters | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE | |
#19 | Connect with Fabro to ensure aware of where data sources for safeguards live. | Drew, Staff | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE | |
#19 | Look at compliance data that may be useful for DNS abuse complaints. | Drew, Calvin | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE | |
#18 | Categorize public interest commitments by type | Carlton | ASAP | 0 | OVERDUE | |
#18 | Tie enforcement of specification 11 to risks intended to mitigate and to hold a call with subteam | Carlton | ASAP | 0 | OVERDUE | |
#18 | Send additional sources of interest to staff for compilation on wiki page | David | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE | |
#18 | Put together a definition of DNS abuse based on safeguards | Drew | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE | |
#18 | Connect on anti-counterfeit | Carlton, Drew | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE | |
#18 | Hold a call with ICANN compliance | Fabro, Calvin, Carlton | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE | |
#18 | consolidate compliance related data request. Important to check if available in existing resources. | Fabro, Calvin | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE | |
#18 | Share Department of Commerce's Consumer Study with Team | Drew | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE | |
#17 | Laureen and Calvin to connect on Technical Safeguards | Laureen, Calvin | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE | |
#17 | All leads to engage team members for presentation in Vienna - no "lead only" presentations | All | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE | |
#17 | Ping David and make sure he is engaged in his topics | Laureen | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE | |
#17 | Jamie to connect with his sub team members to ensure he is engaged on best topics | Jamie | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE | |
#17 | Carlos continue work on discussion paper 5 - Laureen to send further feedback | Carlos, Laureen | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE | |
#17 | Carlos to connect with Drew on paper 6 | Carlos, Drew | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE | |
#17 | Gao to connect with her sub team to ensure engagement | Gao | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE | |
#17 | Fabro to connect with David | Fabro, David | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE | |
#17 | All team members to take a big picture look at discussion topics and see if some can be consolidated, or if there are any missing topics | All | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE | |
#16 | Put together inventory of universe of data available to Team and include inventory of what is pending | All | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE | |
#16 | Refine template sections/nomenclature | Jonathan | ASAP | / | CLOSED | |
#16 | Add GAC communiqués starting from Beijing to impact of safeguards resources page | Staff | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE | |
#16 | Send Laureen recap of metrics/resources links | Alice | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE | |
#16 |
| Create a sample discussion paper on trust issues for Team members to use as a reference | Laureen | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE |
#15 | | Start filling in documents without waiting for Team members | Drew, Laureen, Fabro, David, Carlton (leads) | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE |
#15 | | Populate google-sheet with initial findings based on sources | All | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE |
#15 |
| Circulate any last minute comments/edits on DNS Abuse Research Plan | All | 07/29/2016 | 1 | COMPLETE |
/ |
| Complete discussion papers | All (details here) | 08/20/2016 | 1 | COMPLETE |
/ |
| Review discussion paper assignments and indicate if any changes needed | All | 07/22/2016 | 1 | COMPLETE |
#14 |
| Review and suggest edits/additions to Drew's suggested voluntary PICs questions | All | 07/14/2016 | 0 | OVERDUE |
#14 |
| Provide feedback on the Discussion Papers Topic List and indicate which paper you want to write | All | 07/14/2016 | 0 | OVERDUE |
#14 |
| Insert analysis of Right Protections Mechanisms safeguards in gdoc | David, Jamie | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE |
#14 |
| Review Laureen's input on Spec 11/GAC advice safeguards in gdoc and add (as needed) | Carlton, Carlos | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE |
#14 |
| Review Drew's input on Technical category/DNS abuse in gdoc and add (as needed) | Calvin, Fabro, Gao | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE |
#14 |
| In g-doc finalize analysis of your assigned sources (inventory) and mark in green if useful | Drew, Calvin, Fabro, Carlton | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE |
#14 |
| In g-doc finalize analysis of your assigned sources (inventory) and mark in green if useful | Drew, Calvin, Gao, Carlton, David, Jamie, Laureen, Fabro | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE |
#14 |
| In g-doc finalize analysis of your assigned sources (inventory) and mark in green if useful | Laureen, Gao, Carlton | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE |
#14 |
| In g-doc finalize analysis of your assigned sources (inventory) and mark in green if useful. | David, Jamie | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE |
#13 |
| Review Safeguards table and advise whether any additional data is needed | All | 07/15/2016 | 1 | COMPLETE |
#13 |
| Report to Drew on completion of analysis of sources (g-doc) | Fabro, Carlton, David | 07/12/2016 | 0 | OVERDUE |
#13 |
| Work with Drew to finalize analysis of your assigned sources (inventory) | Calvin, Fabro, Carlton | 07/12/2016 | 0 | OVERDUE |
#13 |
| Work with Fabro to finalize analysis of your assigned sources (inventory) | Drew, Calvin, Gao, Carlton, David, Jamie, Laureen | 07/12/2016 | 0 | OVERDUE |
#13 |
| Work with Carlton to finalize analysis of your assigned sources (inventory) | Laureen, Gao | 07/12/2016 | 0 | OVERDUE |
#13 |
| Work with David to finalize analysis of your assigned sources (inventory) | Jamie | 07/12/2016 | 0 | OVERDUE |
#13 |
| Reach out to David Conrad to schedule a call on benefits of DNSSEC in new gTLD program | Jamie | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE |
#12 |
| Complete analysis of findings | All | ASAP | 0.5 | PARTIALLY COMPLETE |
#12 |
| Set up a meeting with ICANN compliance to determine whether data already collected is available for a comparison | Staff | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE |
#12 |
| Send list of ICANN 57 sessions of interest | Staff | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE |
#11 |
| Reach to subteam members to divide work on safeguards analysis | All | ASAP | 0 | OVERDUE |
#11 |
| Clarify headings of findings template and circulate an example | Laureen | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE |
#11 |
| Add background resources sections on wiki page and include WHOIS docs | Staff | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE |
#10 |
| Produce revised work plan | Staff | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE |
#10 |
| In g-doc finalize analysis of your respective assignments and highlight useful resources | All | ASAP | 0.5 | PARTIALLY COMPLETE |
#10 |
| Produce analysis of SSAC papers | Carlton - Carlos | ASAP | 0 | OVERDUE |
#10 |
| Populate safeguards analysis chart (g-doc) | All | 06/21/2016 | 0.5 | PARTIALLY COMPLETE |
#9 |
| Determine which reading list items they would like to volunteer for and to notify Laureen | All | ASAP | 0.5 | PARTIALLY COMPLETE |
#9 |
| Discuss vendor options with security team | Margie, Eleeza, Drew, Laureen, Brian | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE |
#8 |
| Provide additional data on DNS Abuse related safeguards | Staff | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE |
#8 |
| Circulate PICs research proposal | Staff | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE |
#7 |
| Review list of what gTLD strings have and have not been delegated (ICANN chart) | Staff | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE |
#6 |
| Review navigation and use issues for Consumer End User discussion and circulate to the team | Carlos | ASAP | 1 | COMPLETE |